Showing posts with label ceritaimpome2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ceritaimpome2012. Show all posts

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Graduation, farewell surabaya, and my homeland ranah minang

At 12 Oct 2014 we have a wonderful moment. Finally we did it. We finished the entire journey of our master program. And its time to farewell.
Yeah I am happy enough. Although my family could not come to surabaya, but I have many people around me. Alhamdulillah.

Time to say "see you later, surabaya" :(
I am sad for leaving you, which in sort of, leaving my freedom. And now time to focus on my career and contribution.

I do apologize for my mistakes and thakyou for being part of my life.

My dear impome and friends, lecture, "family" in surabaya.. See you. I do miss you already. I love you all, I pray for you. We will meet up soon. :) Insya allah.

16 Oct 2014, I am officialy off of merantau and I am back to my homeland. Padang the beloved city.

Time for fighting and contributing #uyeahhh

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Oficially alone... (a reflection)

In these recent days i just spent it alone. Since almost all of my fellow students already back to their hometown. I stay in this hot city. Surabaya.

Actually, I don't like this city much, But what I like being here is the people that I have here, the freedom, the ability to manage my own life. I know that it is more comfortable when I am with my family. But, helloooww I am 25 years old now, and I need to plan my own life and leave the comfort zone. 

When I far away from my family, it makes me realize the love they give to me, the togetherness and the feel of "kangen". I do realize it. Merantau, makes me become a man (I think haha). It opens my mind that this world is big and amazing. Yes indeed it is complicated, but yeah... Merantau give many colors in my life and I thank You God for giving me this opportunity.

I have travelled around, about 9 countries in Europe, and almost in all provinces in Jawa and Bali, almost a half of the province in the Sumatera island, and almost in all districts in West Sumatera. I still want to travel around, to see this beautiful earth and express my gratitude to the creator of this universe. Hopefully, i can checklist the point about travel to Mecca, Africa, Australia, America, even I have a dream to go to Antartica :D :D. Why not, :D. Dont forget about Borneo, Celebes, Maluku, Nusa Tenggara and Papua. 

Hmm.. what I am looking for??? hmmm... hm... Many things. 

My point is, this world is not only the place you have stand now. And yeah, you are only a small, a very small thing above it.  So, there is no need to be arrogant, no need to think that you are awesome, hellooo... you only a tiny part of this world. Might be, in some part  I did wrong in my life, being sensitive and anger. But yeah that the process of mylife. I do apologize for that. But, I did all of it with a reason, where sometimes the reason is not acceptable for some people. hmm... 

hokkeh, I think the time to come back is nearly here. the time to give my contribution and start a new period of my adventure. The hard time is when we will being apart with our lovely community. When we have to farewell to each other. hmmm... yeah I know that time flies but not the memory.

Thank you :)
#masih lamo sabana e lai... kini masih di surabaya jo baru sampai tes CPNS dan Wisuda :D :D :D
#ambo ikuik tes CPNS di UNP, mohon doakan yang terbaik yo sanak 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Tantangan 2 - 2 jam pertama jangan tidur nyenyak

Kami memulai perjalanan dengan numpak bus akaz. Lumayan lapang. Kursi buat tiga kita isi untuk berdua. Dan mulailah kami leyeh-leyeh dan terlelap. Disinilah cobaannya kawan. Setelah dua jam perjalanan sekonyong2 dan ujug2 bus berhenti dan kernet nya teriak2 bahwa yg situbondo pindah saana, yg jember pindah sana dan yg ketapang pindah sana. Kami yg baru saja terbangun, butuh beberapa jeda untuk mencerna apa yang terjadi. Dan tanpa banyak tanya kami pun ikut pindah sesuai instruksi. Dan tau gak sob, pindahnya itu ke bus di seberang yang arahnya berlawanan... Hahahaa. Yo opo sih.... Untung gak bayar lagi, hanya menunjukkan karcis sebelumnya. Dan gak untungnya adalah busnya penuh sehingga kami harus berdiri. Alhamdulillah sekitar 40 menit an, ada penumpang yg turun sehingga kami bisa memperoleh kedudukan. #pelajaran1- janganlah tidur lelap, siap siagalah untuk pindah bis. #pelajaran 2- jangan buang karcis anda karena bisa jadi itu berguna untuk conection bus berikutnya #saran- kalo bisa tanyalah kernetnya kenapa harus pindah bus, karena hal itu masih menjadi misteri bagi kami... Hahahah

Tantangan 1- road to #bali

Start dr ketintang wiyata dg taksi orenz. Berempat, ronal fachry rani cici. Sekitar 39 rb sampai di terminal bungurasih. Disinilah tantangan 1 itu muncul. Baru saja buka bagasi taksi langsung disosor sama calo. Ditanyain mau kemana??? Dijawab senyum, bapak e malah sewot cerewet cerewot. Sempat diomeli krn kita ga mau jawab. Ya iyalah, ntar kalo dijawab tujuan kita kemana, sama aja dg ijab qabul sama ntu calo. Okegh degh lewaat jalan gedung terminal. Menuju ke pool bus. Langsung lagi dikerubungi calo2 heboh nanya2 mau kemana dan dengan gaya yg intimidatif # endonesah.  kami "terhuyung2" mencoba tegar dan menemukan bus akaz kami tujuan banyuwangi. Alhamdulillah. Nah, kenapa kami hanya senyum saja dan. Ga jawab ketika ditanya calo2, sebab ketika mereka yg ngantar kita mencari bus, maka ia akan mengantar kita ke kursi bus dan lalu memberikan karcis pada kita dengan harga yang lebih tinggi... #hadeghh... Untung yg sekarang kami bisa sendiri, budjet hemat bisa diselamatkan. Bus akaz tujuan banyuwangi @48000 saja. Ga ada ac, dan ga kaya student agency #eh :D mari meniknati 7 jam di bis ekonomi ini kawans

Setelah prahara insya allah barokah

Setelah prahara hidup dengan fase yang membuat sakit kepala, akhirnya kita bisa sepakat untuk ngebolang... Tujuan Bali. Yeaaahh. #bismillah.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

There is still somebody that care of another

I am a bit disappointed since I think nobody cares. ANd its time to only think of me my self...
But... hehe... Allah, You Show me clearly and directly that I am wrong.

This day in this hot surabaya... I started walking from my dorm to the Campus. Before entering the gate, somebody stop his motorcycle beside me and said "Mas mau ke kampus tha?" I have no idea who he is? and I clearly know that I  did not know him before. Yes, I am sure. And he ride me to the pasca campus. We talk and he said that yeah, it is better rather than just going in alone. He is a bachlor students in management. What a kind person.

Ya Rabb, I do thank You for giving me this real example directly, that there are still somebody cares of someone else even they did not know each other. Subhanalloh.

I will try to back to my pattern and goal of life. I will be a useful person for the others, will help without any other intention except your blessing. I do believe that you will not leave the people who help the others. Insya Allah.

#Started to open the anlysis. :D
Realy really start for now. :D

Friday, July 25, 2014

Mozaic lazuardi biru

I dont know, what is the best title for this post. These three words come durectly when i start to open this blog post editor. Mozaic lazuardi biru. What does it exactly mean... Hmmm i dont know :). It is a mozaic since it will consist of fragments of my life. Lazuardi, ehmmm whatever..., biru, is my favorite colour, the colour of calmness, comfortness and lifeness (my own words :D). #~ the day of busyness when we dealt with the thesis revision and defense preparation. We face it together. And again, i met with a night without a sleep and submit 10 minutes before the deadline. Subhanalloh. I do thanks you God fir this blessing. #~ the days before the defense. When the list of the date and the examiners appeared in front of the TU Office, another good news i got. The defense is one day before my leaving for Padang. Alhamdulillah, Since the flight couldnot be resecheduled. The dag dig dug time, because i was a little bit scary with the examiners. :D but i believe that everything will be ok. :) #~the defense. I collected the praying from all of my family and friends. I thought it help me much to put a strong belife in my hearth that i could passed it well. And in the D day, i was not nerveous that much. :) alhamdulillah. In front of the examiners i could perform my best and could enggaged them to involve in my presentation. Moreover, in the questions part, i could answer it properly ( i think). Subhanallohiwalhamdulillahiwallahuakbar.  #~ flight to padang. 17 july, was the flight date. Surabaya batam padang. And here i am now. In padang the beloved city. Alhamdulillah

Monday, June 23, 2014

Himpunan kecil kita

Hidup bersama dalam waktu yg lama dan interaksi rutin memang rentan akan gesekan dan persoalan hati. Apakah itu alasan untuk menjauh dan tidak mau hidup bersama dan berhimpun dengan orang-orang dekat kita? Hmm, pengalaman membuktikan bahwa kerentanan itu nyata adanya. Tapi kita yg berhimpun selalu punya cara sendiri untuk mengatasinya. Punya cara sendiri untuk mengekspresikan diri se ekspresif ekspresif nya di lingkungan terkecil kita itu. Punya cara sendiri untuk menjaga keseimbangannya. Dan sampai suatu saat, kita tersenyum dan terkagum2 dengan yg telah kita alami bersama. Susah senang gembira dan luka. Ada masa kita pergi menyendiri... Ada saat kita bertandang menjauh ke himpunan himpunan lainnya... Tapi selalu ada cara untuk pulang. Ada jalan untuk kembali. Karena kita telah menjalin sebuah pengertian dan penerimaan yg tulus di lingkungan terkecil kita itu. Bahkan sampai pada titik ketika kita merasa ingin "mengamuk" sekalipun. Atau bahkan  Ketika kita dengan egois terpaksa menyalurkan amarah di lingkungan kecil itu, karena kita percaya org2 dekat kita akan mengerti dan siap untuk menerima kembali. Karena ini bukan sekedar sekumpulan org yg hidup bersama, tapi ini adalah simpul-simpul cinta yang berketulusan. :)

Friday, June 20, 2014

The beauty of writing

I tried to find what is the similar word with "beauty" but in a more "gentle" term. But I could not find it.  Should I use the "handsmy" of writing?? I think its not appropriate :D

Okkey, the counting is now off, since I already got the unofficially OK from the two supervisors. Now is about my patience and my hardwork to make it official. Aheee Uyeaahhh,,, gogogogo

Next Monday finish #tekadmembara #semangatberapi-api

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

They, who appreciated the "patience"

Hmmm... Its about my story when i wanted to have a supervision with my supervisor. On friday, i started to waited for him. He said that he was busy. Next week. Ya next week is the time that he allocated for us. Okkay... Hmmm monday,  I started to sit in front of his office in the morning, together with the other thesis wariors. He came. But he said that that day he still busy, here and there. We asked for his time although in his spare time between his busyness. Okkay, he was not promise but he said that " if you want to wait me until the late afternoon, then if i have time i will supervise you" hmmm okkay, we standed on the right choice. We wait for him. But until 5 oclock he still not coming. 5 person in the list become four, then 3 and finally two. And when the athan maghrib, the supervisor was coming and he said " luar biasa, maghrib dulu ya..." alhamdulillah. hmm its my story, and finally i got an unoficially ok for my thesis. Gogogo #fighting

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

"Bring the acc form!"

#A new library in pasca unesa. Bigger than the previous one. Alhamdulillah.

#"lenkapi lampiran, perhatikan daftar pustaka, dan perhatikan penomoran"
" berarti bapak sudah setuju dengan formatnya?"
" iya sudah"
" berarti tinggal dilanjutkan pak"
" iya, lengkapi dan scan gambarnya tolong diperjelas. Diskusikan dengan pak agung. Tuntaskan"
" baik pak"
" bimbingan selanjutnya sekalian bawa form ttd pembimbing ya"

#duug.. subhanallah.... okkkayh pak . "I will"

What a nice day.
However, I know that the defense is not ax easy as I think. I should stand on my own shoes. And the eximenee in unesa so so so,..... chalenging

Ya Rabb, allow me to finish it on your way.


Sunday, April 27, 2014

a Week in Palembang.

Doing workshop In the data analysis.
Gathering here and there (only in 2 two consecutive Mess:) )
Meeting the friends that we only knew from the Soc med before.
And Have fun and also getting fired together.

At the dinner with the Dutch supervisor we took Pictures and have some Words for each of us.
For me:
ebm, they said that I am a quite Person but always observe things around with full attention. And they recognized about the speech.

I appreciate it.
hopefully l can elaborate this skill more and more.

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

A Tabligh about the "Syiah Warning"

The last weeks my life were a bit boring since the impome surabaya squad was not complete. Most of them went back to their hometown. And I did not get mingle well with the other classes. The others also busy with their own life. This is the time for conducting the researc. collecting data and so on.

Hmm, However, the life must go on right. Along with the new friends I have, this is it. haha.

I, bg wal, mas faiz and mas Iwan went to Masjid Agung Surabaya yesterday. We attended a tabligh about how to deal with syiah in our country. quite a nice experience get minggle with the salafy community. hmmm.. Open mind and wider the sosiality.


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Refresh yo

Refreshing. Its about how we enjoy the refreshing time we set. Just walk around the books in gramedia. Thats enough (^_^)

Saturday, March 08, 2014

Lets start the writing

The data are already collected. But they still stick in the memory of the computer. Still in untouchable mode. Hmmm.... Okkeh. A new home, a new spirit and lets rock the keyboard. Time to #analyseanalyseanalayse. Bismillah. Ajha ajha fighting. Hoy hoy

Hm...collecting data done. Thanks al hikmah

Tak terasa ya, I already finished collecting data. Hmmm its a wonderfull experience to be a partof sdial hikmah surabaya. Interaction with many visioner teacher who teach with passion not only as a job, but from the bottom of they hearth.

When the children growth with love and character building, then we can see a bright future ofournation on their eyes.

The integration of the islamic value in the learning process, make the teachingand learning become more dynamic.

Again, its not only about a job, but its a passion.

Thanks God, You Gives me such a great opportunity. (^_^) alhamdulillah

#time to analyse the data.
#how to start
#its about writing
#not writing for a blog cuy
#its writing a thesis
#aigo.... otoke....

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

How hard to lead you to discuss

Ambil data pertemuan 1 siklus 1. Fiuh, i tend to explain everythings. Hehe. Not much time i give fir the students to explain since i want them get the idea immediately. Ok. Calm down. Today must be better. Analyze the result and revise the content. Prepare for the rpp. Whoaaaa.... Many things to do. Ganbatte

Monday, February 10, 2014

Bimbingan 2: Yes.. you can continue

As I said before, this morning, I started to wait for Pak Agung at 7.

ANd Pak Agung came at around 9. Although i was in the first place on the line, Pak Agung called one name, and a lady go inside the room to get the supervising. Then, ...
It should be me. But, a group of other students want to cut the line, but, sorry ya sist, I already learned on how to be polite in ur queque, and also how to protect and get your right. SOrry,, very very sory.

pandangan matanya dan gumamannya seolah bilang "mau masuk duluan?"

I answered by "Ya iya lah Ronal duluan, masak kamu yang duluan???" (with a low level voice, but i am sure they ccan heared it well) -_- They just came lately, many people already wait for Pak Agung, and they just want to cut the line??????????????

But the cases can be different if Pak Agung called the name, its mean that Pak Agung alreaady have special appoinment with the person, and she or he get the priority on Pak Agung's point of view.

Fiuhhhh.... I should be more patient and have a well adaptation with the mentality in this country (my country).

Do you have a big change from the previous conference in utrecht?
No, Not really, i just combine the first and the second activity and add a card game at the end of the lesson sequence.
Okkay, then I will not revise much about your design.

Then He corrected some part of my worksheet, only about the indonesian that i used.
He also said, that if pak Mega (another supervisor) agree, I can start to collect the data.

Fiuh Alhamdulillah.

At school, hmmm nice experience, nano-nano.

Pak Agung, if  bla bla bla
Yeah, you can continue


Making progress

Yang dibutuhkan saat ini adalah making progress. terbukti memang ketika ada progress yang dihasilkan pihak-pihak terkait pun merasa senang d...