Showing posts with label 7forUmmy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 7forUmmy. Show all posts

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Umpteenth Ielts test for Angel

Today, my beloved Angel took her IELTS test for the umpteenth time. This time, I felt exceptionally nervous. My mind was preoccupied with thoughts about her. Was she able to reach the test venue on time? There was a slight disturbance in the morning when my younger brother overslept and couldn't be reached through phone or WhatsApp. He was supposed to drive Angel in the morning. Fortunately, Angel managed to book a GoCar. Alhamdulillah.

It's already 11:34, which means the time allocated for the written test is about to end. Angel has her speaking test this afternoon. I sincerely hope she performs well. I pray to Allah to assist her and bless her with the desired score to secure the Letter of Acceptance (LoA) and scholarship. Ameen, may it be granted.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

#1 #7forUmmy Ada aman My?

The first lonely day in this planet.


Until now 19.25 WIB i still here, in the beloved campus. At the parking area of the mosque actually. Hmm.. i think it will be nice if i do like this. Extend my daily campus live until isya.

As my son still in adaptation mode with their new environment, the most sentence that i wanna ask to angel is " Ada aman anak2 my?"

I believe Allah will show us the right way to deal with all of this.

Ironically, it seems that me myself the one who not aman.
Like now.. just waiting isya time while blogging in the parking area..😁😁

However, this is what me and my wife have decided.
This is our journey.
Insya Allah... We can manage this phase.

To prepare our next milestone.

Making progress

Yang dibutuhkan saat ini adalah making progress. terbukti memang ketika ada progress yang dihasilkan pihak-pihak terkait pun merasa senang d...