Thursday, January 04, 2018
too much talking
And I also keen on working in a silent environment.
I just realized that, unconsciously, I am likely to have talked more than I need this previous days.
Hokke.. it is not good since it contrast with what I believe in. As a "silent person"
So, maybe to fulfill the demand of the boss, i need to cut down my talking frequencies and pay more attention for the upcoming deadline things.
#sending documents
#preparing the research
Old Room, new Taste
today is a little bit nano2 for me.
I should prepare myself to comeback into the reality.
And yeah.. of course, the real world is a hard place to struggle. We need to fight to be the winner.
Fight with our lazyness,....
Ibroh dari sebuah pertemuan yang kuhadiri beberapa waktu lalu.
Andai nanti aku jadi seorang pimpinan, aku harus mampu menjadi perekat dan penyemangat untuk semua tim ku. Aku harus mampu menempatkan mereka semua sebagai orang-orang yang hebat dan dapat diandalkan. Walau mungkin beberapa ada yang spesial bagiku, namun tak kan ku ungkapkan di depan yang lainnya....
Karena memang, dibanding-bandingkan itu tidaklah enak....
:) :) :)
Semangattt semangattt semangattt
#luruskan niat
#rapatkan shaf
#kuatkan semangat
#kerja kerja kerja
#bisa dan mau
Wednesday, August 02, 2017
Today in my institution, we held an event to give our warm great for our guest from Pakuan University Bogor.
Really interesting.
And at one point it also produce a negative feeling a little bit for some of us.. Hehe..
But yeah...
We only need to proof that we also can contribute as one of the elements in this lovely institution :).
Monday, January 30, 2017
One day, we will thank Allah for what happen now
yeah... Everything happened for a reason.
Maybe we don't know what is the reason at the moment, but I always believe that Allah Might keep the reason secret until the right time.
It makes me learn to strengthen my vision and niat. Maybe I still need more time to prepare myself before returning to where I belong. Yup. Niat and preparation.
So now... lets optimize the chance we have.
Apapun yang terjadi kami tetap mengabdi.
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Pengalaman pertama ceramah ramadhan di masjid
7 juni 2016, 2 ramadhan 1437 h
Alhamdulillah ada kesempatan untuk berkontribusi lebih pada ramadhan kali ini. Yups, sekaligus pengembangan diri. Melalui salah seorang karib yang jadi pengurus masjid di sebuah komplek, ane diberi jadwal ngisi ceramah tarawih. Fiuh... lumayan deg deg an, karena pengalaman pertama yang juga tak terlalu lama persiapannya. Maklum anak bujang sedang dalam pertumbuhan dan meminta perhatian lebih.
Overall semua berjalan lancar alhamdulillah
Sensasinya berbeda dengan mengisi training motivasi untuk seratusan orang di aula besar. Yaahh... saluut deh buat pari dai, semoga bisa belajar banyak dari mereka.
#sesi tampil kedua insya allah tgl 25 nanti di durian tarung.
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Teaching the prospective teachers of early age child education
As you know, now I am in the second semester in adzkia college of education. Alhamdulillah, I enjoy it so much. The busyness I had here help me to understand many things. One of them is about working with passion. Yeah, I thanks Allah who Gives me such an opportunity to have a job which is in line with my passion and also in line with my future plan.
In this semester, I teach statistics on education in PGSD and PG PAUD. And amazingly, teaching in PG PAUD is the first for me. The challenge is that I dont have any idea of how PAUD is look like, what is the characteristic of it. Since, I never interact closely with this kind of education before. You know, even I didnt go to any kindergarden in my childhood. Because if that, its hard for me to come up with a context or example that make sense with the students (in this case the prospective teacher of early age child education).
However, rather then seeingbit as an obstacle, I choose the word challenge to define it. Yup, the challenge which give me an opportunity to learn more and read more and explore more.
So, dear my friends, just believe in Allah's scenarios, there are always hikmah of everything. As the hikmah for me to know much about PAUD as and effect of teaching its prospective teacher.
Tuesday, November 03, 2015
Our first little block
Alhamdulillah, finally afyer planning it for a long time, i got my first little block.
For izzul islam wal muslimin insya allah.
#love you ummy dedek
Tuesday, December 02, 2014
A new taste of life
Alhamdulillah lats Sunday is the first meeting with my new little group. They are quite good enough and confort me when I started the conversation. Hopefully it will be a nice and colourful through days and years. Bismillah
Wednesday, April 09, 2014
9 april 2014. The day of national election
I have tried to contact two tps nearby my dorm, but the answer is the same . U need to bring the a5 form. Before, I already tried to proceed the a5 form but we have missinformation and it was not precessed yet and the time deadline was closed.
I and my friend tried to another tps, in sd lab nearby the pascasarjana unesa. In there, the kpps quite cooperative, he help us to called the pps and talked about our condition. It took sometimed. He then gave us the number of the pps. We called the number and have a long conversation. He said that we need to wait and called back because he will discuss with the upper level. Then we wait. After a while, we called the number again and discuss again and he said we should wait and called again a little time then. ...... we called agsin, discuss again andhe said, just leave the berkas in the kpps and wait until 12 am.
Around 11.30 we went to the tps agsin, wait again, called again and bla bla bla... we coulnot participate in this election.
We hope that there will be a nice announcement from the kpu about the result. We still pray for a bettef indonesia, insya allah
Tuesday, April 01, 2014
A Tabligh about the "Syiah Warning"
The last weeks my life were a bit boring since the impome surabaya squad was not complete. Most of them went back to their hometown. And I did not get mingle well with the other classes. The others also busy with their own life. This is the time for conducting the researc. collecting data and so on.
Hmm, However, the life must go on right. Along with the new friends I have, this is it. haha.
I, bg wal, mas faiz and mas Iwan went to Masjid Agung Surabaya yesterday. We attended a tabligh about how to deal with syiah in our country. quite a nice experience get minggle with the salafy community. hmmm.. Open mind and wider the sosiality.
Friday, July 05, 2013
apa daya Jumat tlah klaar
Hari jumat barokah...
namun karena kelalaian jadi masuk SGB eh orang baru saja selesai sholat Jumat. :)
ini resiko hidup di negeri empat musim kali ya, Jadwal sholat selalu berubah-ubah. Padahal kemaren2 jam segini(pas kami datang) baru saja akan azan :)
jadi bagi yang jadwal sholatnya lumayan stabil, Jangan lah disia-siakan.
Ya Rahman Ampun kanlah kami yang lalai ini. -__-
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Rapat darat kembali
Divisi Kajian dan Akademik PPI U.
Semoga bisa bermanfaat untuk ummat dan bangsa.
Thursday, July 05, 2012
LMT XII, Aku terlahir kembali
hehe, begitulah, bukannya tak sempat ol, tapi ya hanya sekedar check2 sikit saja lewat hp. Karena memang sejak tanggal 30 Juni sampai 3 Juli 2012 ini saya ikut membersamai sebuah kegiatan yang telah turun temurun di LDK kami. Kali ini adalah yang ke XII. Dan saya mengikuti kegiatan ini 3x, dari 4 kali yg seharusnya sampai saat ini. Yups pertama kali di LMT IX sebagai peserta, LMT XI sebagai SC dan sekarang LMT XII sebagai Instruktur. Sedangkan saat LMT X yang seharusnya saya sebagai panitia, saya tak dapat berkontribusi, karena berdempetan dengan kegiatan Gashuku Daerah Inkanas Sumbar. Semoga Kealpaan saat itu Engkau ampuni ya Rabb. Amin.
Untuk kesempatan kali ini pun kegiatan ini di helat di tempat yang sama dengan LMT-LMT yang saya ikuti. Kembali hadir dan melihat adek-adek peserta menjalani 4 hari pembinaan ini membuat pikiran melayang kembali pada saat pertama kali saya mendapatkan kokarde klasik, yang sampai saat ini masih saya simpan. Kokarde unik yang dibuat khusus manual oleh tangan-tangan kakak2 yang baik dan penuh ikhlas. Saya yakin mereka memotong, menyusun dan menempelkan kertas2 itu di kokarde kami diiringi dengan doa ^_^. Kokarde seperti itu pula yang saat ini dipakai oleh adek-adek kami ini.
Sungguh benar Ya Rabb, janjiMu itu pasti akan datang. Dan melihat mereka aku semakin yakin bahwa kemenangan Islam akan segera datang. Aku sayang mereka karena Mu ya Allah. Izinkan kami penuhi janji-janji setia kami. Izinkan kami tetap berada di barisan panjang para pejuang Mu.
Aku terlahir kembali. SEMANGAT.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Mengapa kami selalu semangat??
- Niat yang ikhlas
- Amal yang rapi
- Penyelesaian yang baik
Sunday, June 03, 2012
Menjemput Semangat Baru..
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Bismillah.. Ai Hev bin Boking it..
Monday, May 28, 2012
Switer 2012
Kemaren siang, ane menyempatkan diri berhadir di acara Switernya Forsia.
Semoga adek-adeknya terfolow up i dengan baik. ^_^
berjumpa kembali dengan kakak suhu...
hehe tambah temok se we e... Samakin makmur sejahtera barangkali. apa lagi insya Allah juni ini bakalan punya momongan. semoga lancar dan penuh berkah. :)
Saturday, May 19, 2012
First Time to Conference ^_^
Alhamdulillah ok. I hope can to meet them on the Raker. Amiin
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
First Meet My HRD Team
Thursday, February 03, 2011
dan akhirnya sejarah itupun dimulakan!!
UNP Rumah kita
Rektor UNP yang baru membawa slogan "Rumah Kita, UNP Jaya" hmm... Bisa jadi ya begitu, karena sebagian besar hari-hari dan juga ...
Manusia memang bukan mahluk yg sempurna. Dan akupun begitu. Salah satu hal yang kadang masih mengganggu adalah moody an. Kalau fokus tergan...
I continue to strive against my procrastination, giving my best effort. Alhamdulillah, sometimes I make progress, but at other times, I find...
Alhamdulillah Sabtu dan ahad 2 dan 3 November 2024. The show must go on. dan Alhamdulillah alla kulli hal. ___ and thank you my dear self ...