Showing posts with label Uda Aqsha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uda Aqsha. Show all posts

Monday, November 20, 2023



Hanya berpisah jarak antara rumah, sekolah dan kampus.

tapi rindunya kagak nahan.

Mungkin karena banyak waktu yang 2 bulan ini dihabiskan bersama dengan mereka.

love them so much. Alhamdulillah.

Semoga jadi anak-anak yang sehat dan sholeh

Friday, June 16, 2023

Alhamdulillah, Uda Aqsho managed to finish his first year of elementary school

 Alhamdulillah, today is the day for picking up the final report for my oldest son from SD IT Adzkia. I am extremely proud of him, especially considering he successfully completed his first year of elementary school. All praise be to Allah. I also want to express my heartfelt appreciation to my dearest AoM. I understand the challenges you have faced, particularly over the past four months. My love, you have done an outstanding job and achieved something truly valuable. I deeply appreciate your efforts, and may Allah grant you the best rewards for your hard work.

This is certainly not an easy task, as things are no longer the same as before. Uda will indeed experience some changes, as his ustadzah mentioned to you. However, with the help of Allah, we will strive to overcome these challenges and make Uda's journey more joyful. Our goal is to instill in him a strong spirit for learning, resilience against negative influences from his peers, and to raise him as a better son—an anak soleh.

Thank you for being our best support systems. Mama Payakumbuh, Mama Padang, Kakek Padang, Om Randa, and all the other handsome Ooms. And especially to the little funny and righteous boy, little brother Rasyid. May Allah shower His love upon all of you more and more. Ameen. YRA (Yaa Robbal 'Alamin).

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

jam berapa abi pulang?

Video call gembira. Tapi bagiku berurai air mata. 

Ternyata anak bujang yg kecil sudah bertanya pada ummy. "Jam berapa abi pulang?"

Lalu saat video call, ia disuruh tanya langsung, tapi malu-malu bilang ndak ada tanya apa-apa. 

Lalu disampaikan oleh ummy lah pertanyaannya. 

Jujur aku tak kuasa menjawabnya. Untung sunyi nya tengah malam dimana semua kamar sudah tutup dan tidur di kost an ku menjadi alibi untuk tetap menjawab dengan senyum. 

Alih alih, aku minta uda aqsha untuk menjawabnya. Dan uda menjawab, masih laaaaammmmmaaaaaa... 

Uda pun takkalahnekspresif dengan rindunya. Ia teriak kegirangan saat dibilang bahwa saat akan operasi kaki ummy nanti abi akan pulang. 

Gembira sekali uda mendengarnya. 

Walau entah tanggal berapa, kami masih mencoba mensetting waktu terbaik. Mudahkan ya Allah urusan kami ya Rabb

Bit by Bit

I continue to strive against my procrastination, giving my best effort. Alhamdulillah, sometimes I make progress, but at other times, I find...