Showing posts with label MyFamily. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MyFamily. Show all posts

Friday, February 07, 2025

Random Questions dan Random Story

 Anak-anak lagi sukanya mendengar story dari Abimen.

Kami punya sesi random questions.

Juga punya sesi random story.

Random Questions ini ada 2 tipe, yaitu tipe mereka bertanya dan tipe Abimen yang bertanya.

Kalau sesi random questions tipe 1 isinya adalah Abimen akan membuka ruang seluas-luasnya untuk Uda dan Adek bertanya apapun tentang segala macam hal. Dari berbagai genre yang ingin mereka tanyakan.

Kadang ada pertanyaan-pertanyaan di luar nalar yang membuat pusing abimen untuk menemukan jawabannya. Ada juga pertanyaan-pertanyaan berbobot, ada juga pertanyaan-pertanyaan lucu.
Di sela-sela tanya dan jawab itulah Abimen sempatkan melancarkan misi pendidikan dan pembentukan karakter mereka. Sedikit-demi sedikit menyelipkan nilai-nilai dan aturan yang perlu mereka ketahui dan tegakkan.

Sesi random questions tipe 2 berisi Abimen memberikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan random kepada mereka, untuk mereka jawab dan diberi skor.

Sepertinya mereka lebih suka sesi random question yang pertanyaan dari Abi. Sebab mereka suka sekali bersaing poin. Hingga kadang pun berujung emosional dari segelintir pihak :D Gimana ya, melatih mereka untuk bisa menikmati persaingan tanpa harus terbawa emosi. 

Selain karena jiwa kompetisi yang tinggi di antara mereka, Uda dan Adek lebih suka sesi random question tipe kedua ini,m karena untuk tipe yang pertama biasanya terjadi tanpa di jadwalkan khusus. Mereka emanglah senantiasa bertanya ini dan itu tak kenal tempat dan waktu. Alhamdulillah. Seru juga sih meladeninya.

Lain lagi dengan RANDOM STORY.

Sesi ini ada dua tipe juga. Tipe pertama adalah cerita real, biasanya tentang masa kecil dari Abimen ataupun Ummydot. Sedangkan Tipe kedua nya adalah sesi Make Up story. Dimana Abimen akan mengarang cerita tentang ini dan itu. Paling seru kalau dalam cerita itu melibatkan moko-moko. Pooolll deh mereka terkekeh-kekeh tertawa.

Random story tipe ke dua ini merupakan tantangan tersendiri bagi Abimen. Karena sungguh tak mudah mengkreate suatu cerita dongeng lucu apalagi saat diminta melakukannya. Dia akan lebih mudah jika secara natural keluar dari pikiran Abimen.

Dan yaahhh.. seru alhamdulillah.

Semoga sehat-sehat selalu ya... dan jadi anak-anak yang soleh. Aamiin YRA.

ada satu kerandom an lagi sih. Tapi ini olah fisik, namanya Random Soccer.

Hehe, itu apa pulak ya????

hmm hmm hmmmmm

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Hari-hari kalibuik and bagalau

Menikmati fase hidup berjuta pesona.

Menikmati segala keakuan dan berdamai untuk segala stigma.

Bercukup dengan teguh tak melewati batas tepi pagar syariat.

dan terus berjalan melawan godaan lalai dan kehampaan.

Siap terus berjuang, menuntaskan apa nan telah dimulai.

Go go go.... PhD family

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Fighting with myself

Believe it or not, these days I feel that i should fight with myself.

Because it seems that lazyness has occupied my mind. 

yeah, I can blame other things or make excuses for it. But, i realise that it is me, my self that cannot organise my time well.

Honestly, I am currently at the stage of struggling with my research planning and progress.

I have two supervisors that are very nice and full of encouragement. I am feel sorry for them, because my progress is still left behind. They are always kindly support me to deal with everything.

Now, the time is limited. And many things to be done.


No more "I will do it later"
No more too much thinking and thinking and thinking.

just write it done now, right now.

:D :D :D

I can do it. insya Allah.
Dear Allah, please help me to deal with these all.
I beg you for the whole of my life.

And of course, I have a very happy life here, with my lovely wife and sons. 
Don't know what to do if they are not here :D

Thank you :D

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Notable Moments, Syukur Alhamdulillah

Alhamdulillah, it's been nearly two months since my family joined me here in Melbourne, specifically on November 14, 2023. Uda Aqsho has been attending NPPS and TPA Madania for about a month now. Alhamdulillah, we've achieved a lot, and all credit goes to Allah. I'm truly grateful for everything. We've faced various challenges together, and remarkably, we've managed to navigate them with joy

Some notable moments that I want to capture in this post are:

1. Adek Rasyid has started his preparatory school session at NPPS.

Actually, the school was supposed to begin for him next year, and we initially planned to enroll him closer to the commencement date. However, Allah guided us to expedite the process. His ways are always unpredictable. During a family gathering event, some friends discussed children and their schooling with Ummi. They suggested that we should start enrolling Rasyid early because schools sometimes have limited seats. At that time, I had intended to postpone it until I finished my revision (which seems to be an endless revision cycle :D), but Ummi was eager to do it as soon as possible. So, we went to the school with the required documents (which I had prepared following Uda Aqsho's documents).

Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar! The day we went to the school happened to be the last week before the "once a week" session started. Allahu Akbar. It turns out there are four sessions that parents and children who will join the preparatory school next year should attend. Alhamdulillah, we were able to be a part of it. Fortunately, Allah provided guidance through Ummi's friends. Thank you, Allah, and thank you to those kind-hearted people.

The enrollment process has been very easy and straightforward, Alhamdulillah.

2. Ummi has finally managed to secure a Letter of Acceptance (LOA) from Monash University and a scholarship from LPDP. 

This is a truly joyful moment after a long and challenging journey. Securing the LOA and scholarship is crucial for our family, as without these two things, we wouldn't know what to do. Honestly, up until now, we still don't have any other options. We literally don't know how Ummi would stay here in Melbourne without the scholarship and LOA.

Syukur Alhamdulillah. Thank you to everybody who has contributed to this achievement. May Allah reward you abundantly. Ameen YRA

3. Uda Aqsha was recognized as the best student for year 2 in this period.

One day this week, I picked up Uda Aqsha as usual. He approached me with his prestigious smile and showed me a card in his hand. The home-teacher had written appreciative words about Aqsha, highlighting his responsibility and hard work in completing all of his school assignments. I commended him for it and created an Instagram reel to document his reaction. Then, unexpectedly, Ummi connected with another Indonesian parent at NPPS who conveyed congratulations through WhatsApp. She mentioned that Aqsha was chosen as the best student for this period. Typically, there is an evaluation for each period, and the best students from each class are announced and recognized during the joint student meeting in the school hall.

Masha Allah, thank you, my diligent boy. I am reminded of the time when discussing school was a forbidden topic, even back in Indonesia because he didn't want to attend school in Melbourne. The period before starting school was a challenging and worrisome time for our family. On one hand, I felt compassion for Aqsha, who was about to face an unfamiliar school environment with limited English proficiency. However, Allah paved the way for His blessings. Since the first day, Aqsho has consistently gone to and from school with enthusiasm. Alhamdulillah.

Oh, there's a secret of Allah's love behind this achievement. Before this, Uda Aqsha participated in a class meeting activity at his school. He had put in effort but hadn't won yet. At home, Ummi said he was very sad, even to the point of tears, wondering why he never won any competitions. This was the case back when he was at Adzkia too, despite his sincere efforts. We comforted him, and it turns out Allah comforted him with this achievement. Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar.

And there's more to share; I will update you in future posts, insha Allah.


Now, please keep me in your prayers as I strive to excel in my revision. The deadline is approaching."

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Story of the "lovely" Before-Supervisory meeting 8

  Alhamdulillah, the 8th meeting went well. As usual, I had a hard time before the D-Day. As I mentioned on my social media, I even spent 3 days and 2 nights on campus. No, it's not because I didn't prepare earlier. I made sure to start preparing early for this meeting. But preparing a PhD research proposal in this academic atmosphere is not easy.

Despite the struggle, Allah always exists and always helps me,

Dear Uda, Adek, and my prospective heirs.
Never let Allah go from your life's journey. Always hold on to Him. Trust me.

In the past few days, I have been facing many challenges. I've been experiencing headaches with the combank app, which I can't access. I tried calling the provided hotline and even went to the branch, but it still doesn't work. I am unable to access what I need on the app.

I planned to transfer money for BUPA OSHC two days before the deadline. In the middle of the night, I tried to make the payment, but something unexpected happened. The bill payment website stated that there is a limitation on transferring the money and I needed to upgrade the limit. I'm not sure yet if I should upgrade it in my bank app or contact the web admin of the bill. If it's the former, then I still have trouble accessing it.

Today is the deadline, and after this day, the payment amount will increase. I can't imagine what I would do if that happens. Where would I find more money to cover the bill? If I have to go to the bank branch and the insurance office, it will reduce my time to prepare for the afternoon meeting. I was extremely frustrated last night, but I kept my spirits up. I took a deep breath and tried again to solve the app issue by following the steps given on the bank website. By the decree of Allah, it worked. Allahu akbar! I don't know why, but I had tried implementing the exact same steps several times this week and it didn't work. But suddenly, in the middle of the night, when I didn't know what to do, I put my full faith in Allah, and a miracle happened. Now I can access the app.

However, the problem is not yet resolved. I sent an email to the insurance campus representative. I know it was impolite to send an email in the middle of the night, but I wanted to make sure the admin would see my email and provide advice regarding the payment issue. Interestingly, the admin replied to my email in the morning and said that I could simply split the amount of money stated on the bill to match the transfer limit. Alhamdulillah, it was solved, and I managed to transfer the money. I am grateful that I will not have to pay the increased update fee.

Then... suddenly, my landlord came to the house. Finally, I could tell him about my plan to leave the house at the end of next month. I was a bit confused about how to properly communicate it to him. But Allah made a way for me, and he seemed to be okay with it and even gave me some advice on finding a new unit for my family. He's a good landlord. Thank you, Allah.

Then... the only problem remaining on my mind this morning was the preparation for the supervisory meeting. I still needed to revise the first chapter, but I didn't have enough time. Alhamdulillah, I managed to revise the important parts.

And tadaaa! The meeting went well. The supervisor helped me a lot. Of course, there are many revisions required, and some of the feedback will surely take up most of my time. But I enjoyed today's meeting, Alhamdulillah. Allah helped me again, and the one-hour meeting is now over.

Oh yes, I also managed to inform my supervisor about my plan to return to Indonesia next August to bring my family to Melbourne. Surprisingly, both supervisors were okay with it and had no concerns. Their only concern is about my proposal, so as long as the meeting and progress continue as usual, "We can still have the meeting online, only the time and location will be different," she said.


Now it depends on the visa and also the money (and the house, of course).


No matter what, I must find a unit for August 2023. Insha Allah.

Please help me, O Lord.

Friday, May 05, 2023

yes. I do believe that all of this is the best from Allah.

 Yeah, since the list of LN university for BPI was announced, hari-hari semakin terasa berat. Apalagi tanggal batas akhir pendaftaran lebih awal dari jadwal tes ielts yang coba kami daftar.

walau begitu, Alhamdulillah, kami sudah yakin benar bahwa ini yang terbaik dan akan ada saja jalannya Allah berikan.

Benar, saya tidak meragukan itu. sekali-kali tidak.


Tapi, sebagai manusia lemmah dan biasa, saya sangat sedih dan lemas. Sedih karena jalan juang kembali sedikit berkabut. jalan juang kembali penuh dengan pendar-pendar cahaya silau sehingga belum jelas mau bagaimana. Hanya satu yang sudah jelas dan pasti, bahwa kami tetap harus Berjuang.

Lemas karena jalan yang dikira sudah lurus, harus berbelok-belok kembali. 


ditambah dengan kenyataan yang tak sesuai dengan harapan. setelah dua kali berturut-turut mendapat pujian dari supervisor, saya akhirnya beranikan diri mencari "aktivitas", saya kabar kan pada teman dekat. ALhamdulillah mereka mendukung dan dengan penuh semangat memberikan support. dihari itu juga saya dihubungkan dengan koneksi yang dipunya. bertemu dengan saudara baru yang sangat baik dan berkenan berbagi tips dan cerita. Tapi apa daya, "aktivitas" ini tak menerima students deakin lagi karena satu dan lain hal.

dugh.... ujian hidup memang beragam bentuk dan macamnya.

dan pekan ini bergelayut sendu.


Saya yakin sedih bukanlah dosa.

Maka dengan sabak kesedihan ini, saya bermohon kekuatan dan petunjuk cahaya terang dari Mu ya Rahman. 

Allah itu selalu dan pasti Maha Adil.

contohnya di pekan ini semua bergantian silih berganti.

  • Berkecamuk deadline hingga lost idea what to do hingga telat submit revisi.
  • Galau dan deg deg an di diamkan oleh supervisor tak seperti biasanya.
  • Beranikan diri dan pasrah ke ruangannya, alhamdulillah lancar dan mendapat respon positif untuk kali kedua.
  • sedih mendapat kabar deakin pendidikan tak masuk lagi di list bpi lptk maupun pta.
  • sedih ternyata jadwal batas akhir daftar bpi ln nya tutup lebih awal
  • semangat nyari "aktivitas" dan dapat kemungkinan yang sangat pas dan ada teman-temannya.
  • ditolak ndak bisa ikut "aktivitas" padahal ada lowongan namun terkait kebijakan kampusnya
  • alhamdulillah gembira kumpul halal bihalal bersilaturrahim dengan kawan juang sesama phd deakin dan keluarganya. bertemu dan berbagi kabar-kabar hangat. Membuat semangat penuh kembali. mereka punya lika liku panjang perjuangan masing-masing.
sungguh memang sedih dan gembira dipergilirkan, dan nikmati saja sekedarnya. karena Allah tahu yang terbaik untuk kita.

maaf sayang, jika mood abi saat telponan juga naik dan turun.
apa lagi juga aura disana gelap dan suram.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Ramadhan Kariim 1444H Di tanah Melbourne

 Alhamdulillah bisa merasakan bulan Ramadhan tahun ini. dan tidak terasa sudah masuk ke 10 malam terakhir. Ibadah masih terasa kurang. 

Ya Rabb izinkan hamba untuk dapat memaksimalkan ibadah di bulanMu yang mulia ini. Aamiinn YRA.

Sepertinya sudah mulai trend pula bahwa ramadhan tetap penuh dengan pekerjaan dan dedline-dedline. 

Entahlah dont know what to do. Should I ignore the deadline? 

Tapi tak semudah itu.

Dan akhirnya aku berdamai dengan keadaanku.

Pekerjaan dan deadline-deadline yang ada ini adalah dalam rangka beribadah padaMu ya Allah.

Karena memang ini semua harus dikerjakan dan waktunya pun berhimpitan.

Semoga Engkau ridhoi dan berkahi. Aamiin YRA.

Insya Allah aku sudah mendaftar untuk I'tikaf pekan ini, semoga dapat agak beberapa hari. AAMiiin.

Tahun 2013 lalu berpuasa di benua eropa saat musim panas. Tahun ini alhamdulillah berpuasa di benua Australia di musim gugur. 

Beda-beda sensasinya.

Hal yang sangat disyukuri ditahun ini adalah adanya masjid kampus dan juga jadwal kuliah yang begitu fleksibel untuk PhD students. Akibatnya selalu dapat melaksanakan sholat jumat di masjid yang mana dahulu ketika di eropa masih ada bolong nya karena keadaan, jadwal, waktu, dan tempat yang tidak mengizinkan.

Saat ini pun yang membuat bahagia adalah bisa kapan saja melarikan diri ke masjid kampus jika sudah lelah dengan ramainya dunia.
Bisa menikmati toilet bersimbah air, yang merupakan nikmat tiada terkira. Bisa berwudhu tanpa rasa was-was dan sembunyi-sembunyi dan mengangkat kaki ke westafel, sebab di masjid kampus disediakan tempat berwudhu yang sangat proper.

Ya.... setiap masa dan keadaan ada kelebihan dan kekuranganyya. ada hikmah nya sendiri-sendiri.

dan aku mensyukuri semua itu. Alhamdulillah.

Istimewa ramadhan tahun ini juga adalah karena saya dan anak istri terpisah jarak dan waktu. Acapkali kami harus melakukan silent Video call. karena jam di melbourne sudah menunjukkan pukul 00.00 sedangkan anak2 ada pada jam paling aktifnya sebelum tidur. sehingga videcall dengan semangat.

Ya Allah, semoga RedhoMU membawa kami segera berkumpul kembali bersama-sama di Melbourne ini. AAMiiin YRA,.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Pernak Pernik Padang-Jakarta-Sydney-Melbourne #PhDJourney #PhDLife (Part 1)

13 February 2023

Padang - Jakarta dan air mata yang tertahan

Ini adalah judul yang tepat.
Banyak hal yang belum bisa dilakukan dengan sempurna layaknya perpisahan epik di depan pintu bandara. sampai-sampai ane tak sempat ambil foto hanya berempat, tak sempat berfoto kece berdua. Tak sempat foto berdua dengan hamdi. (walau kami banyak berfoto sih, tapi hanya random dan beramai-ramai saja) apatah lagi membuat foto ala-ala yang bisa diedit dan modif sehingga seperti photo viral di tiktok dan IG. Harusnya juga ada foto berkonsep ini dan itu... Tapi apalah daya. seorang overthinking dan creamy yummy penuh keringat ini. apalagi sedang nyantai keluar lagi setelah check in, mendengar panggilan toa menyebutkan Kode penerbangan ane diminta segera bla bla. Buru buru masuk lagi deh. Padahal ternyat baru disuruh masuk ruang tunggu bandara.

Payah diri ini menahan air mata. sejenak semrawut pikiran tentang lautan luas kehidupan esok sirna dari kepala. Hanya dipenuhi melankolis bayangan rindu dan melankolis tentang Angel, aqsho, rasyid. Dahulu saat ke belanda juga demikian. tapi entah kenapa sekarang sangat-sangat lah berat rasanya, berkali-kali lipat. Mungkin karena mereka adalah bagian jiwa ku yang tak terpisahkan. Rasa sebagian tubuh ku yang badagok (gemuk kata mi band7- red) ini berubah menjadi ruang kosong nan hampa. Itu juga mungkin mengapa saat proses timbang kemaren berat ku mencapai 79 koma an. saking tak percaya nya maka saya menimbang sampai 3 kali. dan sepertinya timbangan tersebut juga galau. ketiga hasilnya berbeda. 79 koma ada 2 buah dan 80 koma ada satu buah. Biasanya sih 83 an ke atas.

Karena overthinking ttg bagasi saat check in jadi lupa minta posisi faforit dekat jendela, Hingga pas penerbangan ini dapatnya di posisi tengah. untung diapit oleh dua bapak2 parah baya. Satu pak aji yang tertidur. Satu lagi bapak-bapak bermasker yang tak banyak kata. I like it so much. Kita hanya berbagi senyum sesaat dan ane kembali khusuk dalam penahanan air mata.

Nyampe Soetta, walau diterpa rindu perpisahan, ane si logis substantif dan berpikir jauh kedepan (saking jauh nya jadi  gimana gituuuu), harus fokus mencari dimana lah letak terminal keberangkatan internasional. Tanda yang ada hanya menunjukkan pada terminal keberangkatan domestik.. degh.... mulai lah pusing. bolak balik satu ketukan, beranikan diri bertanya pada cs. dia bilang dilantai 2 pak naik lift ini.

nah si mas nya nunjuk ke lift yang jelas-jelas tertulis disana lantai 2 menuju keberangkatan domestik. Aku si logis, dan berpegang pada hal yang terpampang jelas, mulai ragu.. Jelas-jelas itu tulisan nya domestik, yang saya tanya internasional....... baa lah apak cs ko ko. Itu yang ada dalam pikiran ane. 

Ane pun tak langsung naik lift, masih berutar dulu satu ketukan lagi mencari-cari penanda untuk "keberangkatan internasional". Dari sudut jiwa ini ada yang berbisik. "Hi ronal coba kamu ikuti saja saran seorang keturunan nabi adam tadi. Dia adalah mahluk hidup yang telah bekerja disini sehingga pasti tahu kondisi lapangan ini dibanding dengan Mahluk mati yang berupa tulisan "Lt 2 keberangkatan domestik".

Oke lah. Bismilah. 
antri lah daku di depan lift tsb dengan troli berisi dua koper, satu 29 inchi dan satunya koper 20 ransel. Dan setelah sampai di lt 2, ku mantapkan kaki untuk menemui petugas berseragam yang bukan CS. dan kutanya padanya, ehternyata iya, Kebernagkatan Internasional juga di lantai 2, tapi sono an dikit. 

Alamaaak. Ampun kan Baim Ya Alloh.
Maafkan ane ya MAs CS, sempat meragukanmu.

Pelajarannya adalah "kadang berhenti sebentar dengan logika logis mu, banyak hal luar biasa diluar itu".

Kembali aku beristigfar dan tersadar, mungkin aku terlalu larut, sehingga lupa, bukan kah Alloh yang meluluskan ku di program ini. Bukankah Ia pula yang membuatku berangkat hari ini. Maka mengapa aku begitu pusing dengan pikiran-pikiran jauh yang melelahkan.

Maka saat itu aku mulai menerima kondisi dan menyunggingkan senyum dibibirku. ku ucap nama Rabb ku dan ku langkahkan kaki mencari dimana konter check in Qantas berada. Suasana ramai, kermaian yang membuatku iri. ya, ada yang sepuh, ada yang muda, ada anak-anak, ada remaja, berseragam batik beraneka corak... Rombongan jamaah umrah. Impian ku yang insya Allah akan ku kejar. bismillah, semoga tahun ini atau besok Allah beri jalan untuk umrah bareng mama. Aamiiin YRA.

dan tarrraaa.... check in dah gua. kali ini karena pikiran sudah jernih, maka langsung memainkan permintaan untuk duduk di dekat jendela. yuhuuu... berhasil. 

>>>>>>>>> next post insya Allah

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

My #Rasyid,

Mungkin ini tulisan awal2 (jika tak dibilang pertama) tentang Rasyid, putra kedua kami.
Maaf ya Nak, kemampuan ngeblog abi menurun drastis karena kesibukan.

Bukan tak mau membuat rekam jejak untuk nanda baca nanti2, tapi waktu akhir-akhir ini sangat lah berharga, dan daripada mengetik di layar "petak cahaya" ini, abi dan ummy lebih memilih untuk bermain bersamamu dan Uda atau mengerjakan seabrek pekerjaan atau bahkan beristirahat.
Alhamdulillah, Allah masih beri kesempatan kita untuk sibuk dalam kebaikan.

My Rasyid...
Hmm... Uniq
Secara gaya dan prilaku ada mirip dan ada beda dengan My Aqsha. :)

Kehadiran Mu, membuat abi menjadi spesial.

Setidaknya di antara teman2 yg punya 2 digit  kode awal yang sama.

Abi bisa ngeles dengan ucapan...
" Bla bla bla, harap maklum Bapak2 beranak dua ya beginilahh..."

Banyak momen yg somehow gimanaaa gitu...

Mulai dari Nanda yg kalao nangis walau udah digendong ummy atau nenek kemudian langsung diam saat pindah tangan ke pelukan abi..

Saat udah susah2 menidurkan dengan cara di gendong, namun pas menaruh di kasur, Nanda menangis dan terpaksa digendong lagi... (Fiuuhhh...😁)

Saat dalam keletihan dan tenaga minus menggendong dan menidurkan nanda , lalu pas baru saja tidur, negara api menyerang... Eh... Uda tiba2 datang dan megang pipi lah, peluk leher lah, taruh tangan di perut dedek lahh... Yang akibatnya Nanda kembali bangun dan menangis.
Lalu dengan enteng dan innocent si Uda bilang.. " Ndak da Co ganggu dooo"
Grrrhhhhh... Hahaha

Kadang senjata pamungkas abi hanya ada 2:
Bilang ke ummy : " Myyy.. dedek mau mimik"
Menggunakan " Iron Science" (you know lah what I mean😎😂

But overal, I do Love you Both, so much.

Rabbi habli minasholihin.

Ga kebayang ntar jika ummy lulus pelatihan ke Bandung (amiin). Dan abi tingga sendiri di sini -_-

Tapi mending gitu sich, dari pada bayangin abi atau ummy mesti beda waktu dan tempat untuk PhD nya....


Subhanallah walhamdulillah wallahuakbar

Friday, February 23, 2018

two years old... My Boy Shalahuddin Alaqsha Rifandi


Puji Syukur tiada terkira pada Mu Ya Rabb..

Yang segala permohonan hanya kepadMu kami tumpukan.

Two years already, the baby is growing up, and now, he become a little son.
he already now what he want, what he dont want and he can communicate it with people around.

Each moment we have together are very valuable, and not all of them can be written on this blog. But absolutely, it will remain in my memory clearly insya Allah.

Dear AoM, thank you very much for your strength, for your belief that you can give the ASI for two years.

Alhamdulillah, we can stop the ASI immediately on 17 of february 2018. Its funny, to see how Aqsha responded on this separation :D :D :D
"Atchoo.. mimik.. mimi aak"


When I flash back to the moment two years ago, the waiting time for aqsho's birth day were also the time when I give my Total Commitment to the way I walked in now. YUPS.. Aqsho's Age also mean the age of my commitment for this WAY. :)

Insya Allah.

Happy milad my dear. I love you.

Wednesday, November 01, 2017

A word named Rindu

One of the most beautiful parts of loving someone special is the "Rindu"

No matter how much I push my self to agree on what I wrote in another blog several days ago, I still remain unsure about this feeling. Yup "Rindu".
I stated that 1 to 2 days of gathering could give me power for 2 following months. oh came on, That is just a placebo.

The point is not about the melancholic things, yes indeed in some parts, but for me it reflects one eternal truth about my life. That I couldn't stand alone. I need these people around me. Very near to me that I can hug them whenever I want, that I can be with them whatever my condition is. That I can hear their voices, that I can support them with all of mine.

Yet, in the reality, this may differ due to many reasons. Like what I have experienced now. Being apart for three months for improving my IELTS skills. Until now, this is the very long separation phase of me and the family. (it still about 2 months remaining).

I just wondering about the next journey. How it will be?
This IELTS things will relate to my PhD plan. I insists to go abroad for continuing my study, insya Allah. I have already searched some possible destination and predicted the preparation process which I need to focus on. Even, I created some thought calculation in my mind about the financial, the time, the scenario... But all of it still seems fussy for me. On the one hand, when the warrior side of me are arise, I will let those things as a trigger to increase my efforts. On the other hand, when the weak opposition of me took over my mind, it seems that the journey are too long and more likely to be impossible. Yeah.. it is normal right, the feeling of up and down.

Not only do the selection to get a scholarship is hard, but also the other linked things of it are amusing.

However, thanks that I have God and believe in HIM, as usual. And its a relief that my special one is also a person who really believes on the power of God. Therefore, my job now is making this sacrifice, the separation, valuable. Studying hard, getting  a high score, applying for the scholarships, improving the research proposal and relating stuffs, searching for the universities, finishing the tasks for both the official and the unofficial and of course praying even harder. 

I like the sentences below:

"You only need to try hard and to give your best, and Let HE Finishes in HIS Way. Everything has already written in the Lauh Mahfudz. You don't need to worry that much. As long as you fulfill the reason to win, then the result will not cheat the process."

Insya Allah, everything will be OK


Miss you Aom, Miss you Aqsha...
I love you All.

Dear Aom, let us give our best yach.. Insya Allah we will pursue our PhD abroad.. together.

Monday, July 24, 2017

When he, my little brother, said about Dien

Ahad, 24 July 2017

As you know, I have 2 little brothers. I Love them so much, and I pray to Allah that both of them become an ikhwan.

It was a very nice moment I had today, hmm... actually it was started couple days ago... this little brother become more close to Islam.

at least the following points, i declare as the turning point of my bro.
1. My mom said that he starts shalat at the time.
2. One day, when I asked him to take care of Aqsha while neither I and Angel nor Nenek Padang and Nenek Payakumbuh could do that, We found He and Aqsha slept accompanied by the murathal... (So sweet...)
3. I open his phone and suppraisingly, the walpaper is kalimat Tauhid "Laillahaillallah"
4. when we discussed while riding the motorcycle, i talk about shalat, and his respond was that he now are trying to understand the meaning of prayer we recite during the shalat (^_^), he said that "awalnyo, tapikia dek *** bg, untuak a shalat kalau ndak ngarati.. Tu *** cari di Internet arti bacaan Shalat... Kini lah mulai *** hapal."

5. when i said that "you have to recite qur'an, you can take my mushaf, you will need it for mentoring PAI". He said that, yup... he already read the qur'an at home, but now just the translation first...

Ya Allah yang Maha Membolak Balikkan hati, Kuatkan lah hati kami dalam beribadah kepadamu ya Allah.

Jadikan lah kami hamba-hamba yang taat dan bertaqwa. AMiin.

#Ya Rabb.. aku ingin punya ikhwan diantara saudara2 kandungku ya Allah..
#Hamba ingin saudara seperjuangan ya Allah

Sunday, January 01, 2017

2017 time for #PhD_Journey

Tidak terasa sudah masuk tahun 2017.

Alhamdulillah atas segala nikmat dan keberkahan serta lika liku indah perjalanan hidup selama ini ya Rabb. Terlebih tahun 2016 adalah tahun penuh dengan kenangan manis dan indah. perjuangan seorang dosen muda, suami muda, abi muda... :)

Tak sempurna memang.... tapi insya Allah Ane sudah berusaha.. walau kadang sabar itu hilang dan timbul.. walau kadang lebay dan lunglay... tapi toh karena Mu ya Rahman... ya karena izin dan ridho Mu.. hamba masih akan terus dan terus... terus berubah untuk lebih baik... terus berbenah untuk lebih sabar dan penuh semangat.

semakin cinta dengan dakwah ini... semakin butuh untuk selalu berada dalam dekapannya.

and dear Angel of Mine, thanks for being part of mylife dan tetaplah begitu selamanya hingga ke syurga... Amiin... 2016, bersamamu takkan pernah kulupa... :) kan menjadi sejarah manis perjuangan bahtera keluarga kita.

Ingat selalu visi misi cita cinta keluarga kita ya Sayang. :)
ingat kan Uda selalu.

Dear Aqsha... yg dalam namamu tertuang mimpi dan harapan kami... mimpi dan harapan bahwa Aqsha akan menjadi pejuang islam yang gagah berani... dan menjadi tentara pembebas palestina. Inysa Allah. Abi loves you, Aqsha sayang.

Mama, papa, Ibu, Atuk, om, tante, abang, adek2.. semoga semua dalam lindungan dan keberkahan dari Allah..

I am proud of you all.. semoga shaleh dan semakin shaleh..

#2017.... time for focus on my PhD Journey. Bismillah..
#go Abroad
#Japan,Ausie, Holland  ayo aja

Thursday, April 14, 2016


Bahagia itu sederhana, sering orang kata begitu.

Seperti, dapat bertemu si buah hati setiap hari.. Love you aqsha

Friday, April 08, 2016

Next week will be challenging :)

In these two night we prepare the house for welcoming angel and aqsha. Even until mid night.. Hehe deadliners as usual.

And tomorrow is the time. .yeah with wawan I will pick they up and bring them to padang...

Whoaa almost three months, hopefully angel will like it... Not that big and furious, but yeah.. That, what I  only  can right now, especially to provide more space in the main building of the house.

Thanks for papa and mama and roli and randa and bang hen and toms.. Love you fulll. Rezeki punya 3 pejantan tangguh sebagai saudara.. :)

I already got my sim a.

Next week:
#Officially bertiga
#welcome to padang aqsha (tomorrow insya allah)
#NgeJazz insya Allah
#sea dr 4
#baralek bg andri
#ketemu potential supervisor s3 dari oz
#ketemu supervisor s2 dari holland
#ketemu supervisor s2 dari surabaya
#ketemu suoervisor dan dosen s1 dari unp

Challenging euy

Allahu akbar

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Wowww cool, keren

Its a surprise, when i went home and there was a plate of homemade food on the table.

Yeah after a long time Angel did not cook, and now she cooked again.

Kabarnya Angel mesti jalan siang2 ke warung unt beli bahannya. Dedek yg nyuruh katanya :) :)

For me, that was not only food, but it also a bunch of love :)

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Our first little block

Alhamdulillah, finally afyer planning it for a long time, i got my first little block.

For izzul islam wal muslimin insya allah.

#love you ummy dedek

Monday, September 28, 2015

Hurray, the 7th month is coming

Alhamdulillah, everything have been done well.
Yeah in the name of Allah. All is well alhamdulillah.

We spent the Qurban holiday just at home, most of it only by the three of us, Me, Angel and Dedek. A very-very nice holiday. We dont go any where :), but the feeling is that we are in a honeymoon vacation. Remind that we did not have the honeymoon yet. :)

ANd it is monday now, the challenge is coming. Teaching the new subject, meeting new students and hope that i will not get lost in this crowded life, insya Allah.

Hmm... Its time to send the carolyn task. Eventough it is very late, but i should it any way. to show that i am stand until the end of the battle. yeah.. Lets rock the keyboard bung.

By the way, i just wanna send a love message to someone over there, wait for me ya dear, i will pick you up. Miss youuu

Making progress

Yang dibutuhkan saat ini adalah making progress. terbukti memang ketika ada progress yang dihasilkan pihak-pihak terkait pun merasa senang d...