Showing posts with label lecturing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lecturing. Show all posts

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Happy Teachers Day- Dosen Terfavorit Departemen Matematika 2022

 Selamat Hari Guru.

Alhamdulillah dapat kabar bahagia. Dalam perjalanan Padang-Alahan Panjang saya mendapatkan sebuah pesan whatsaap.

Pesan WA tersebut menginformasikan bahwa saya terpilih sebagai dosen terfavorit untuk Departemen Matematika versi polling yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa dalam rangka memperingati hari Guru 2022.

Alhamdulillah, segala puji hanya bagi Allah. 

Semoga amanah ini dapat saya lakukan dengan lebih baik dan lebih baik lagi kedepannya.

Terimakasih pada para guru-guru yang telah membina kita selama ini. Semoga mendapat pahala dan keberkahan dari Allah SWT.
Aamiin YRA.

Link: FORSIA FMIPA UNP on Instagram: "🔊 *_SPESIAL MEMPERINGATI HARI GURU_*🔊 ◎◉ _Assalaamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh_◉◎ *[ FORSIA X HMD VOTING]* Yuhuuu ada yang penasaran gak sih sama hasil voting kemaren? pasti pada penasaran nih, yaudah nih di spill semuanyaa🥳🥳🥳🥳 #Forsia2022 #ForsiaxHMDvoting #Syi'ar2022 #GenerasiQur'ani #GenerasiDakwahKreatif #BersamaMuDalamKebaikan #DakwahUntilTheOfTime"

Monday, November 19, 2018

Coming back home

Coming back home to mathematics department in state University of Padang.

Sunday 18 November 2018, from Pak Ardi recommendation, Student's Association of mathematics Department invited me to give sharing session about managing organization.

Thank you very much for giving me a chance to share my experience on managing my time and managing organization and also about leadership.

in the great opportunity I meet with many people, especially my lecturers and also sisters and brothers from mathematics Department Student Association.

hopefully yesterday it's a new start for me in my coming back to the university.

Insya Allah.
No I am in the middle of waiting the result of the test.
May Allah give me his bless to come back to the university.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Enjoying to write articles again

After a long time, i didnt write any academic writing. Neither journal article nor academic essay.

But, looking at my wife, she is pretty of course 😊, I realize that writting in academic life as a lecturer is a must. That is the way we upgrade our knowledge and prove our existance.

A lecturer without research and publish his study is not cool.

To be cool, i must conducting research and writting its article.

Go go go....

Allahu Akbar.

By the way , to day is 1 day after ied adha. My colleague still stick in their holiday probably, but i am already in the office.

Ganbatte kudasai...

And you know, today is 23rd of august .. my 29th birthday.

As in my family, there is no such a special celebration since my childhood. And i believe that there is nothing to be celebrate actually 😁

But if any body want to give me birthday gifts or birth day cakes, please feel free to do it.
I will receive it joyfully..


Wednesday, August 02, 2017


Memorandum of Understanding.

Today in my institution, we held an event to give our warm great for our guest from Pakuan University Bogor.

Really interesting.

And at one point it also produce a negative feeling a little bit for some of us.. Hehe..

But yeah...

We only need to proof that we also can contribute as one of the elements in this lovely institution :).


Monday, January 30, 2017

One day, we will thank Allah for what happen now


yeah... Everything happened for a reason.
Maybe we don't know what is the reason at the moment, but I always believe that Allah Might keep the reason secret until the right time.

It makes me learn to strengthen my vision and niat. Maybe I still need more time to prepare myself before returning to where I  belong. Yup. Niat and preparation.

So now... lets optimize the chance  we have.
Apapun yang terjadi kami tetap mengabdi.


Friday, April 08, 2016

Next week will be challenging :)

In these two night we prepare the house for welcoming angel and aqsha. Even until mid night.. Hehe deadliners as usual.

And tomorrow is the time. .yeah with wawan I will pick they up and bring them to padang...

Whoaa almost three months, hopefully angel will like it... Not that big and furious, but yeah.. That, what I  only  can right now, especially to provide more space in the main building of the house.

Thanks for papa and mama and roli and randa and bang hen and toms.. Love you fulll. Rezeki punya 3 pejantan tangguh sebagai saudara.. :)

I already got my sim a.

Next week:
#Officially bertiga
#welcome to padang aqsha (tomorrow insya allah)
#NgeJazz insya Allah
#sea dr 4
#baralek bg andri
#ketemu potential supervisor s3 dari oz
#ketemu supervisor s2 dari holland
#ketemu supervisor s2 dari surabaya
#ketemu suoervisor dan dosen s1 dari unp

Challenging euy

Allahu akbar

Wednesday, April 06, 2016

When time is very expensive

Available Time is limited but the  workload is overloaded.

However, we cannot just let it go as it is.

Thats why we are here, because this is only for the great man. Yeah the mankind who realize that it is not the time of denying the condition but its the time of managing it :)

*since we have to do what we are in charge to, our time is limited,even for making a call

For you dear my friends who have so many spare time... Please use it wisely.. Because you dont know what is it look like when you are in a run out of time conditions

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Bismillah back to adzkia

Alhamdulillah today is my first day as a new lecture in stkip adzkia

As you know, in 2011 i ever worked in adzkia foundation as one of the teacher in smk adzkia, and now i am back, not as a teacher but as a lecturer in stkip adzkia.

My first impression is good. Adzkia keren dah. Recomended

Making progress

Yang dibutuhkan saat ini adalah making progress. terbukti memang ketika ada progress yang dihasilkan pihak-pihak terkait pun merasa senang d...