Showing posts with label samara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label samara. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Ramadhan Kariim 1444H Di tanah Melbourne

 Alhamdulillah bisa merasakan bulan Ramadhan tahun ini. dan tidak terasa sudah masuk ke 10 malam terakhir. Ibadah masih terasa kurang. 

Ya Rabb izinkan hamba untuk dapat memaksimalkan ibadah di bulanMu yang mulia ini. Aamiinn YRA.

Sepertinya sudah mulai trend pula bahwa ramadhan tetap penuh dengan pekerjaan dan dedline-dedline. 

Entahlah dont know what to do. Should I ignore the deadline? 

Tapi tak semudah itu.

Dan akhirnya aku berdamai dengan keadaanku.

Pekerjaan dan deadline-deadline yang ada ini adalah dalam rangka beribadah padaMu ya Allah.

Karena memang ini semua harus dikerjakan dan waktunya pun berhimpitan.

Semoga Engkau ridhoi dan berkahi. Aamiin YRA.

Insya Allah aku sudah mendaftar untuk I'tikaf pekan ini, semoga dapat agak beberapa hari. AAMiiin.

Tahun 2013 lalu berpuasa di benua eropa saat musim panas. Tahun ini alhamdulillah berpuasa di benua Australia di musim gugur. 

Beda-beda sensasinya.

Hal yang sangat disyukuri ditahun ini adalah adanya masjid kampus dan juga jadwal kuliah yang begitu fleksibel untuk PhD students. Akibatnya selalu dapat melaksanakan sholat jumat di masjid yang mana dahulu ketika di eropa masih ada bolong nya karena keadaan, jadwal, waktu, dan tempat yang tidak mengizinkan.

Saat ini pun yang membuat bahagia adalah bisa kapan saja melarikan diri ke masjid kampus jika sudah lelah dengan ramainya dunia.
Bisa menikmati toilet bersimbah air, yang merupakan nikmat tiada terkira. Bisa berwudhu tanpa rasa was-was dan sembunyi-sembunyi dan mengangkat kaki ke westafel, sebab di masjid kampus disediakan tempat berwudhu yang sangat proper.

Ya.... setiap masa dan keadaan ada kelebihan dan kekuranganyya. ada hikmah nya sendiri-sendiri.

dan aku mensyukuri semua itu. Alhamdulillah.

Istimewa ramadhan tahun ini juga adalah karena saya dan anak istri terpisah jarak dan waktu. Acapkali kami harus melakukan silent Video call. karena jam di melbourne sudah menunjukkan pukul 00.00 sedangkan anak2 ada pada jam paling aktifnya sebelum tidur. sehingga videcall dengan semangat.

Ya Allah, semoga RedhoMU membawa kami segera berkumpul kembali bersama-sama di Melbourne ini. AAMiiin YRA,.

Friday, February 23, 2018

two years old... My Boy Shalahuddin Alaqsha Rifandi


Puji Syukur tiada terkira pada Mu Ya Rabb..

Yang segala permohonan hanya kepadMu kami tumpukan.

Two years already, the baby is growing up, and now, he become a little son.
he already now what he want, what he dont want and he can communicate it with people around.

Each moment we have together are very valuable, and not all of them can be written on this blog. But absolutely, it will remain in my memory clearly insya Allah.

Dear AoM, thank you very much for your strength, for your belief that you can give the ASI for two years.

Alhamdulillah, we can stop the ASI immediately on 17 of february 2018. Its funny, to see how Aqsha responded on this separation :D :D :D
"Atchoo.. mimik.. mimi aak"


When I flash back to the moment two years ago, the waiting time for aqsho's birth day were also the time when I give my Total Commitment to the way I walked in now. YUPS.. Aqsho's Age also mean the age of my commitment for this WAY. :)

Insya Allah.

Happy milad my dear. I love you.

Wednesday, November 01, 2017

A word named Rindu

One of the most beautiful parts of loving someone special is the "Rindu"

No matter how much I push my self to agree on what I wrote in another blog several days ago, I still remain unsure about this feeling. Yup "Rindu".
I stated that 1 to 2 days of gathering could give me power for 2 following months. oh came on, That is just a placebo.

The point is not about the melancholic things, yes indeed in some parts, but for me it reflects one eternal truth about my life. That I couldn't stand alone. I need these people around me. Very near to me that I can hug them whenever I want, that I can be with them whatever my condition is. That I can hear their voices, that I can support them with all of mine.

Yet, in the reality, this may differ due to many reasons. Like what I have experienced now. Being apart for three months for improving my IELTS skills. Until now, this is the very long separation phase of me and the family. (it still about 2 months remaining).

I just wondering about the next journey. How it will be?
This IELTS things will relate to my PhD plan. I insists to go abroad for continuing my study, insya Allah. I have already searched some possible destination and predicted the preparation process which I need to focus on. Even, I created some thought calculation in my mind about the financial, the time, the scenario... But all of it still seems fussy for me. On the one hand, when the warrior side of me are arise, I will let those things as a trigger to increase my efforts. On the other hand, when the weak opposition of me took over my mind, it seems that the journey are too long and more likely to be impossible. Yeah.. it is normal right, the feeling of up and down.

Not only do the selection to get a scholarship is hard, but also the other linked things of it are amusing.

However, thanks that I have God and believe in HIM, as usual. And its a relief that my special one is also a person who really believes on the power of God. Therefore, my job now is making this sacrifice, the separation, valuable. Studying hard, getting  a high score, applying for the scholarships, improving the research proposal and relating stuffs, searching for the universities, finishing the tasks for both the official and the unofficial and of course praying even harder. 

I like the sentences below:

"You only need to try hard and to give your best, and Let HE Finishes in HIS Way. Everything has already written in the Lauh Mahfudz. You don't need to worry that much. As long as you fulfill the reason to win, then the result will not cheat the process."

Insya Allah, everything will be OK


Miss you Aom, Miss you Aqsha...
I love you All.

Dear Aom, let us give our best yach.. Insya Allah we will pursue our PhD abroad.. together.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Hurray, the 7th month is coming

Alhamdulillah, everything have been done well.
Yeah in the name of Allah. All is well alhamdulillah.

We spent the Qurban holiday just at home, most of it only by the three of us, Me, Angel and Dedek. A very-very nice holiday. We dont go any where :), but the feeling is that we are in a honeymoon vacation. Remind that we did not have the honeymoon yet. :)

ANd it is monday now, the challenge is coming. Teaching the new subject, meeting new students and hope that i will not get lost in this crowded life, insya Allah.

Hmm... Its time to send the carolyn task. Eventough it is very late, but i should it any way. to show that i am stand until the end of the battle. yeah.. Lets rock the keyboard bung.

By the way, i just wanna send a love message to someone over there, wait for me ya dear, i will pick you up. Miss youuu

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

H-1ke 2

Hmm, today is the first day for me since i resign of becoming the academic manager of JF. No no, dont think negative, the reason of my resigning is to focus on my academic career on campus and to prepare for a phd aplication.

The effect is, tarra ... Here i am, without a job on this tuesday. Okkay, i nelieve that there will be a way, insya Allah.

#Ehm, tomorrow, my third months as a husband will be started. It means we already together for 2 months, alhamdulillah, subhanallah, allahh akbar. I pray to Allah that we always become a samarada family insya allah.

#angle, i love you :)

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Marathon 1

Hmm actually today is the upgrade level exam of my karate skill, but i should postpone it, and hope there will be a second chance for them who have not done it yet.

Insya allah i will back, since one of my dream is to establish a tarbiyah dojo. Insya allah

Oke, hmm... Sunday morning, time to exercise. Lets marathon.

My first time with Angle. :)



The only words that I can say for everything hapens in my life.

I always believe that Allah will always show me the reason and it is the best HE Gives to me.

And you know, I am the head of a family now. Hmm... its hard of course, since I should think, not i
only for my self, but also for the shake of my family. Hmmm I enjoy it, I enjoy every moment of this process,.
Sometimes, it is seen as a very big one, but at the same time, there will be a way to see it as a little enjoyable thing to do. Alhamdulillah :)

And my wife, influence me a lot to be a better person. Thanks honey, love you

Friday, May 15, 2015


Ketaatan hanyalah kepada Allah.

Dan kita siapa, hingga membuat org lain berubah pada kelalaian.

Friday, May 08, 2015

I miss you

Yeah, i miss you. My love


Kadang untuk perkara cinta, aku bukanlah org yg bisa berbuih berbanyak kata.  bahkan mencari tempat makan yg romantis saja pun tak bisa.

Ingin saat pulang kerja membelikan sesuatu untuk nya, tapi tak tahu harus membelikan apa. Bahkan aku memilih untuk segera bertemu dengan nya tanpa harus mampir dulu sana sini, karena hanya ingin segera bersamanya.

Entahlah, sampai sekarang aku belum bisa membuat sebuah definisi untuk kata "romantis".

Sama seperti saat ini, saat lautan memisahkan, aku hanya bisa mengatakan, Sayang, I miss you.


Monday, April 27, 2015

1 month : bulan pembukaan tabir

Masya allah, 1 month sudah.

Harusnya agenda evaluasi dan take time together.

Doi, dapat jatah libur ternyata, but i have to go to solok for doing my lovely job. Lecturing the students about statistics and english for math,
Hmm no problem, i love her more actually. Insya allah because Allah give her to me.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Belajar ttg apa yg ada

#Hidup adalah belajar.
Belajar memberi dengan sepenuh hati
Dan belajar menerima apa adanya

Bahkan mungkin tak menerima apa apa

Toh bukankah semuanya adalah lillahita'ala

#belajar tentang kegigihan
kegigihan seorang ayah untuk masa depan putrinya

#hai ikhwah, menikahlah, karena menikah itu penuh berkah

Berkah karena bisa sharing cerita sepulang kerja misalnya.

Love you angel :)

Monday, March 30, 2015

Lain lubuak lain ikannyo

Hmm, pasca rehat, we continued the minangese wedding procession with "manjalang bako" ala nagari koto gadang, payakumbuah

Alhamdulillah lancar.

Beda daerah, beda cara. Benar saja, negeri ku ini kaya, sangat kaya ;)

Dalam hidup fase kedepan ini, pastilah akan muncul kerikil-kerikil yg bertebaran.
Bahkan debu nya mungkin sdh mulai tampak hadir.

Semoga embun esok bisa menghalaunya lenyap

Hari-hari pengakuan

Ba'da akad dan resepsi, when we have time to say everything. The bad ones and its opposite.

A time of reflection and apologizing

Oficially a husband (*,*)

Setelah perjalanan panjang (walau bagi banyak orang-orang yg kenal kami, ini bagaikan petir di siang bolong) i am officially a husband.

Bertempat di talawi payakumbuh, 27 maret 2015, kami mengikat janji suci itu, janji antara aku dan walinya.
Janji serah terima peralihan tanggung jawab. :)

As I said on my facebook wall
" Sepanjang hidupku sebelum ini, aku hanya terbiasa mencinta satu wanita, mencinta dengan bulat, penuh dan seutuhnya. Dan saat ini pun aku masih tidak yakin akan bisa membaginya menjadi 3. Ku katakan dengan terang kepadamu, dr pada harus belajar membagi 3 cintaku, aku memilih untuk tetap mencinta dengan satu, bulat, penuh dan seutuhnya. Untuk ibuku, kamu dan ibumu. Entahlah seperti apa caranya. Kamu saksikan sajalah bersama waktu, aku yakin bisa melakukannya, insya allah.

#alhamdulillah resepsi I, lancar. #terimakasihbanyak atas doa dan kehadirannya"

Ya aku akan mencinta dengan penuh bulat dan seutuhnya untuk wanita2 dahsyat ini, insya allah

Oficially a husband (*,*)

Setelah perjalanan panjang (walau bagi banyak orang-orang yg kenal kami, ini bagaikan petir di siang bolong) i am officially a husband.

Bertempat di talawi payakumbuh, 27 maret 2015, kami mengikat janji suci itu, janji antara aku dan walinya.
Janji serah terima peralihan tanggung jawab. :)

As I said on my facebook wall
" Sepanjang hidupku sebelum ini, aku hanya terbiasa mencinta satu wanita, mencinta dengan bulat, penuh dan seutuhnya. Dan saat ini pun aku masih tidak yakin akan bisa membaginya menjadi 3. Ku katakan dengan terang kepadamu, dr pada harus belajar membagi 3 cintaku, aku memilih untuk tetap mencinta dengan satu, bulat, penuh dan seutuhnya. Untuk ibuku, kamu dan ibumu. Entahlah seperti apa caranya. Kamu saksikan sajalah bersama waktu, aku yakin bisa melakukannya, insya allah.

#alhamdulillah resepsi I, lancar. #terimakasihbanyak atas doa dan kehadirannya"

Ya aku akan mencinta dengan penuh bulat dan seutuhnya untuk wanita2 dahsyat ini, insya allah

Making progress

Yang dibutuhkan saat ini adalah making progress. terbukti memang ketika ada progress yang dihasilkan pihak-pihak terkait pun merasa senang d...