Showing posts with label Aqsha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aqsha. Show all posts

Friday, February 07, 2025

Random Questions dan Random Story

 Anak-anak lagi sukanya mendengar story dari Abimen.

Kami punya sesi random questions.

Juga punya sesi random story.

Random Questions ini ada 2 tipe, yaitu tipe mereka bertanya dan tipe Abimen yang bertanya.

Kalau sesi random questions tipe 1 isinya adalah Abimen akan membuka ruang seluas-luasnya untuk Uda dan Adek bertanya apapun tentang segala macam hal. Dari berbagai genre yang ingin mereka tanyakan.

Kadang ada pertanyaan-pertanyaan di luar nalar yang membuat pusing abimen untuk menemukan jawabannya. Ada juga pertanyaan-pertanyaan berbobot, ada juga pertanyaan-pertanyaan lucu.
Di sela-sela tanya dan jawab itulah Abimen sempatkan melancarkan misi pendidikan dan pembentukan karakter mereka. Sedikit-demi sedikit menyelipkan nilai-nilai dan aturan yang perlu mereka ketahui dan tegakkan.

Sesi random questions tipe 2 berisi Abimen memberikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan random kepada mereka, untuk mereka jawab dan diberi skor.

Sepertinya mereka lebih suka sesi random question yang pertanyaan dari Abi. Sebab mereka suka sekali bersaing poin. Hingga kadang pun berujung emosional dari segelintir pihak :D Gimana ya, melatih mereka untuk bisa menikmati persaingan tanpa harus terbawa emosi. 

Selain karena jiwa kompetisi yang tinggi di antara mereka, Uda dan Adek lebih suka sesi random question tipe kedua ini,m karena untuk tipe yang pertama biasanya terjadi tanpa di jadwalkan khusus. Mereka emanglah senantiasa bertanya ini dan itu tak kenal tempat dan waktu. Alhamdulillah. Seru juga sih meladeninya.

Lain lagi dengan RANDOM STORY.

Sesi ini ada dua tipe juga. Tipe pertama adalah cerita real, biasanya tentang masa kecil dari Abimen ataupun Ummydot. Sedangkan Tipe kedua nya adalah sesi Make Up story. Dimana Abimen akan mengarang cerita tentang ini dan itu. Paling seru kalau dalam cerita itu melibatkan moko-moko. Pooolll deh mereka terkekeh-kekeh tertawa.

Random story tipe ke dua ini merupakan tantangan tersendiri bagi Abimen. Karena sungguh tak mudah mengkreate suatu cerita dongeng lucu apalagi saat diminta melakukannya. Dia akan lebih mudah jika secara natural keluar dari pikiran Abimen.

Dan yaahhh.. seru alhamdulillah.

Semoga sehat-sehat selalu ya... dan jadi anak-anak yang soleh. Aamiin YRA.

ada satu kerandom an lagi sih. Tapi ini olah fisik, namanya Random Soccer.

Hehe, itu apa pulak ya????

hmm hmm hmmmmm

Monday, November 20, 2023



Hanya berpisah jarak antara rumah, sekolah dan kampus.

tapi rindunya kagak nahan.

Mungkin karena banyak waktu yang 2 bulan ini dihabiskan bersama dengan mereka.

love them so much. Alhamdulillah.

Semoga jadi anak-anak yang sehat dan sholeh

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Notable Moments, Syukur Alhamdulillah

Alhamdulillah, it's been nearly two months since my family joined me here in Melbourne, specifically on November 14, 2023. Uda Aqsho has been attending NPPS and TPA Madania for about a month now. Alhamdulillah, we've achieved a lot, and all credit goes to Allah. I'm truly grateful for everything. We've faced various challenges together, and remarkably, we've managed to navigate them with joy

Some notable moments that I want to capture in this post are:

1. Adek Rasyid has started his preparatory school session at NPPS.

Actually, the school was supposed to begin for him next year, and we initially planned to enroll him closer to the commencement date. However, Allah guided us to expedite the process. His ways are always unpredictable. During a family gathering event, some friends discussed children and their schooling with Ummi. They suggested that we should start enrolling Rasyid early because schools sometimes have limited seats. At that time, I had intended to postpone it until I finished my revision (which seems to be an endless revision cycle :D), but Ummi was eager to do it as soon as possible. So, we went to the school with the required documents (which I had prepared following Uda Aqsho's documents).

Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar! The day we went to the school happened to be the last week before the "once a week" session started. Allahu Akbar. It turns out there are four sessions that parents and children who will join the preparatory school next year should attend. Alhamdulillah, we were able to be a part of it. Fortunately, Allah provided guidance through Ummi's friends. Thank you, Allah, and thank you to those kind-hearted people.

The enrollment process has been very easy and straightforward, Alhamdulillah.

2. Ummi has finally managed to secure a Letter of Acceptance (LOA) from Monash University and a scholarship from LPDP. 

This is a truly joyful moment after a long and challenging journey. Securing the LOA and scholarship is crucial for our family, as without these two things, we wouldn't know what to do. Honestly, up until now, we still don't have any other options. We literally don't know how Ummi would stay here in Melbourne without the scholarship and LOA.

Syukur Alhamdulillah. Thank you to everybody who has contributed to this achievement. May Allah reward you abundantly. Ameen YRA

3. Uda Aqsha was recognized as the best student for year 2 in this period.

One day this week, I picked up Uda Aqsha as usual. He approached me with his prestigious smile and showed me a card in his hand. The home-teacher had written appreciative words about Aqsha, highlighting his responsibility and hard work in completing all of his school assignments. I commended him for it and created an Instagram reel to document his reaction. Then, unexpectedly, Ummi connected with another Indonesian parent at NPPS who conveyed congratulations through WhatsApp. She mentioned that Aqsha was chosen as the best student for this period. Typically, there is an evaluation for each period, and the best students from each class are announced and recognized during the joint student meeting in the school hall.

Masha Allah, thank you, my diligent boy. I am reminded of the time when discussing school was a forbidden topic, even back in Indonesia because he didn't want to attend school in Melbourne. The period before starting school was a challenging and worrisome time for our family. On one hand, I felt compassion for Aqsha, who was about to face an unfamiliar school environment with limited English proficiency. However, Allah paved the way for His blessings. Since the first day, Aqsho has consistently gone to and from school with enthusiasm. Alhamdulillah.

Oh, there's a secret of Allah's love behind this achievement. Before this, Uda Aqsha participated in a class meeting activity at his school. He had put in effort but hadn't won yet. At home, Ummi said he was very sad, even to the point of tears, wondering why he never won any competitions. This was the case back when he was at Adzkia too, despite his sincere efforts. We comforted him, and it turns out Allah comforted him with this achievement. Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar.

And there's more to share; I will update you in future posts, insha Allah.


Now, please keep me in your prayers as I strive to excel in my revision. The deadline is approaching."

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Finally, athe D-day coming. flying to Melbourne via Jakarta Sydney.

Akhirnya  datanglah hari H. 

Rasanya entah apalah...... 
Harus pergi meninggalkan orang-orang tersayang. 

Yg setelah "pengumuman jumat siang", Ketidakpastian kapan Angel dan anak2 menyusul semakin perlu perjuangan lebih banyak lagi. (Tapi ane yakin insya Allah, Angel can manage to make it happen). 

Bagi uda Aqsho and Adek Rasyid, hari hari menjelang keberangkatan, mungkin terkesan biasa. Kecuali kunjungan kami ke trans studio mini yg 2 kali dalam sepekan. 

Entah mereka sadar atau tidak sang Abimennya sering menatap dalam wajah mereka. Karena dalam waktu berbulan kedepan, mungkin abimen belum dapat menatap langsung mereka. 

On the D-day morning, adek rasyid datang ke kamar saat ane sedang sibuk print2 berkas. Ia datang sambil membawa catur magnet dan berkata: " Abi.. Main catur magnet yok! Tapi abi sedang kerja kerja ya..?, tak apa lah, adek main sama nenek aja dulu"

Degh.... Ya Allah. 
Maaf abi belum bisa main catur magnet pagi itu ya nak. Masih ada dokumen ygesti abi print, sebelum siap2 ke bandara. 
Semoga sehat selalu dan jadi anak sholeh ya sayang. 
Uda Aqsho makin ganteng. 

Ane sempatkan mengukur berat 

(Data deleted) 

Ronal Rifandi 34 th
Berat badan: 80 kg. 

Yosi Laila Rahmi
(Ga sempat nimbang, Angel lagi riweh nyetrikain baju ane and nyiapin keberangkatan ke Bim). 

Making progress

Yang dibutuhkan saat ini adalah making progress. terbukti memang ketika ada progress yang dihasilkan pihak-pihak terkait pun merasa senang d...