Showing posts with label adzkia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label adzkia. Show all posts

Thursday, January 04, 2018

too much talking

I define my self as a person who do not really like to interact with a too much talking person.

And I also keen on working in a silent environment.


I just realized that, unconsciously, I am likely to have talked more than I need this previous days.

Hokke.. it is not good since it contrast with what I believe in. As a "silent person"

So, maybe to fulfill the demand of the boss, i need to cut down my talking frequencies and pay more attention for the upcoming deadline things.

#sending documents
#preparing the research


Old Room, new Taste


today is a little bit nano2 for me.

I should prepare myself to comeback into the reality.

And yeah.. of course, the real world is a hard place to struggle. We need to fight to be the winner.

Fight with our lazyness,....

Ibroh dari sebuah pertemuan yang kuhadiri beberapa waktu lalu.

Andai nanti aku jadi seorang pimpinan, aku harus mampu menjadi perekat dan penyemangat untuk semua tim ku. Aku harus mampu menempatkan mereka semua sebagai orang-orang yang hebat dan dapat diandalkan. Walau mungkin beberapa ada yang spesial bagiku, namun tak kan ku ungkapkan di depan yang lainnya....

Karena memang, dibanding-bandingkan itu tidaklah enak....

:) :) :)

Semangattt semangattt semangattt


#luruskan niat
#rapatkan shaf
#kuatkan semangat
#kerja kerja kerja
#bisa dan mau

Thursday, September 14, 2017

almost give up....

almost give up, since the activity and the work came hugely one by one... :D

But finally based on this condition, we can realize that we really need a help to organize everything. And our lovely mom appear beautifully for solving the condition. Thanks Mom.

Its a kind of an arrogant side of me. :)

And a beautiful week come after,

But of course there are still a lot of work to do, as Now.

The extended deadline of submitting ICOMSET article.. fiuh.


#however, i should attend a student's proposal defense, and supervise one student who already made an appointment with me, and this noon there will be a meeting with the chairmen.

#so,,,, when i have time to write this article.....

Just enjoy it. Jho.

Wednesday, August 02, 2017


Memorandum of Understanding.

Today in my institution, we held an event to give our warm great for our guest from Pakuan University Bogor.

Really interesting.

And at one point it also produce a negative feeling a little bit for some of us.. Hehe..

But yeah...

We only need to proof that we also can contribute as one of the elements in this lovely institution :).


Saturday, September 24, 2016

NIDN ...

finally, i got it. Bismillah. Officially as a lecturer in pdpt dikti :)

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Bismillah back to adzkia

Alhamdulillah today is my first day as a new lecture in stkip adzkia

As you know, in 2011 i ever worked in adzkia foundation as one of the teacher in smk adzkia, and now i am back, not as a teacher but as a lecturer in stkip adzkia.

My first impression is good. Adzkia keren dah. Recomended

Making progress

Yang dibutuhkan saat ini adalah making progress. terbukti memang ketika ada progress yang dihasilkan pihak-pihak terkait pun merasa senang d...