Thursday, September 14, 2017

almost give up....

almost give up, since the activity and the work came hugely one by one... :D

But finally based on this condition, we can realize that we really need a help to organize everything. And our lovely mom appear beautifully for solving the condition. Thanks Mom.

Its a kind of an arrogant side of me. :)

And a beautiful week come after,

But of course there are still a lot of work to do, as Now.

The extended deadline of submitting ICOMSET article.. fiuh.


#however, i should attend a student's proposal defense, and supervise one student who already made an appointment with me, and this noon there will be a meeting with the chairmen.

#so,,,, when i have time to write this article.....

Just enjoy it. Jho.

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Dan finally it is a D-1 day. Fieldwork phase about to finish

Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar Terimakasih atas segala Rahmat dan PetunjukMu ya Allah. Hanya kepadaMU tempat hamba memohon dan meminta pertolong...