Showing posts with label mozaik penantian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mozaik penantian. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Enjoying the July 2023

 It's been a very long time indeed. According to my plan, I will return to Indonesia in August 2023 to meet my family and bring them back to Melbourne. However, it's not as easy as it sounds. To make this happen, I need to prepare many things. Money, of course, is a crucial factor, but there are other aspects that are even more challenging for me.

Fortunately, my supervisor has given their permission, but it depends on the progress I make in writing the proposal, which is currently in a less than satisfactory condition. In addition to bringing my family, I also need to arrange accommodation. Despite inspecting more than 10 units and applying for 5 of them, I haven't received any information yet. If there are no positive results by next week, I will have to inform my current landlord that I will be paying rent for August, which means there is a possibility of overlapping rent fees between the current house and the prospective leased unit. Hopefully, that won't be the case.

Furthermore, I also need to arrange school enrollment for my son as it's a requirement for the visa. After our agent lodges the visa application, my wife and children will need to go to Jakarta for a medical check-up. Phew...

And then there's the issue of purchasing tickets. I hope we can find the cheapest tickets with a good itinerary. Amen.

Despite everything, I believe I will manage. As someone who tends to overthink, this situation is extremely challenging for me. However, I humbly request Allah's help to keep me alive and cheerful. I firmly believe that Allah will assist us because He always does.

Friday, May 05, 2023

yes. I do believe that all of this is the best from Allah.

 Yeah, since the list of LN university for BPI was announced, hari-hari semakin terasa berat. Apalagi tanggal batas akhir pendaftaran lebih awal dari jadwal tes ielts yang coba kami daftar.

walau begitu, Alhamdulillah, kami sudah yakin benar bahwa ini yang terbaik dan akan ada saja jalannya Allah berikan.

Benar, saya tidak meragukan itu. sekali-kali tidak.


Tapi, sebagai manusia lemmah dan biasa, saya sangat sedih dan lemas. Sedih karena jalan juang kembali sedikit berkabut. jalan juang kembali penuh dengan pendar-pendar cahaya silau sehingga belum jelas mau bagaimana. Hanya satu yang sudah jelas dan pasti, bahwa kami tetap harus Berjuang.

Lemas karena jalan yang dikira sudah lurus, harus berbelok-belok kembali. 


ditambah dengan kenyataan yang tak sesuai dengan harapan. setelah dua kali berturut-turut mendapat pujian dari supervisor, saya akhirnya beranikan diri mencari "aktivitas", saya kabar kan pada teman dekat. ALhamdulillah mereka mendukung dan dengan penuh semangat memberikan support. dihari itu juga saya dihubungkan dengan koneksi yang dipunya. bertemu dengan saudara baru yang sangat baik dan berkenan berbagi tips dan cerita. Tapi apa daya, "aktivitas" ini tak menerima students deakin lagi karena satu dan lain hal.

dugh.... ujian hidup memang beragam bentuk dan macamnya.

dan pekan ini bergelayut sendu.


Saya yakin sedih bukanlah dosa.

Maka dengan sabak kesedihan ini, saya bermohon kekuatan dan petunjuk cahaya terang dari Mu ya Rahman. 

Allah itu selalu dan pasti Maha Adil.

contohnya di pekan ini semua bergantian silih berganti.

  • Berkecamuk deadline hingga lost idea what to do hingga telat submit revisi.
  • Galau dan deg deg an di diamkan oleh supervisor tak seperti biasanya.
  • Beranikan diri dan pasrah ke ruangannya, alhamdulillah lancar dan mendapat respon positif untuk kali kedua.
  • sedih mendapat kabar deakin pendidikan tak masuk lagi di list bpi lptk maupun pta.
  • sedih ternyata jadwal batas akhir daftar bpi ln nya tutup lebih awal
  • semangat nyari "aktivitas" dan dapat kemungkinan yang sangat pas dan ada teman-temannya.
  • ditolak ndak bisa ikut "aktivitas" padahal ada lowongan namun terkait kebijakan kampusnya
  • alhamdulillah gembira kumpul halal bihalal bersilaturrahim dengan kawan juang sesama phd deakin dan keluarganya. bertemu dan berbagi kabar-kabar hangat. Membuat semangat penuh kembali. mereka punya lika liku panjang perjuangan masing-masing.
sungguh memang sedih dan gembira dipergilirkan, dan nikmati saja sekedarnya. karena Allah tahu yang terbaik untuk kita.

maaf sayang, jika mood abi saat telponan juga naik dan turun.
apa lagi juga aura disana gelap dan suram.

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Doaku untukmu Sayang...


Hari ini tepatnya siang nanti, adalah ujian sesi terakhir dalam perjalanan panjang seleksi cpns untuk AoM di tahun ini. Dan semoga ini adalah seleksi cpns terakhir yang diikutinya dan mendapatkan kelulusan.

walau hari ini sangatlah penting, ku mohon maaf tak bisa di dekatmu untuk persiapannya, karena disaat yang sama tugas negara dan bangsa ini minta untuk ditunaikan pula. dan sudah deadline. As you know lah... Deadlineders. Bukan sengaja atau gimana... memanglah semua dikerjakan pada waktunya, hari kemaren, yg lain pula yang sudah diujung waktu, kemarennya lagi ada pula yang lain. Ah... dinikmati saja.

Pagi ini dapat chat kiriman seperti foto di atas.
Dan ya kutuliskan disini, Biar Uda Aqsha, Uda Rasyid, beserta adeknya (jika ada) dan anak cucuku Bani Rifandi nanti bisa melihat rekam jejak ini.

ada satu pelajaran yang Abi dapatkan melalui sosmed, kajian dari seorang ustadz, tentang doa.

Maka, doaku untukmu AoM  bukanlah hanya doa untuk yang diberikan yang terbaik.
Uda berdoa agar Dinda berhasil sukses ujian dan lulus menjadi CPNS. Uda meminta kepada Allah, agar Dinda Allah luluskan menjadi PNS.
Karena disitulah rukun pertama "Roja" dalam berdoa. Berharap dengan sangat kepada Allah SWT.

Uda berdoa dengan sungguh-sungguh dan memacu Dinda untuk berusaha, tak lain tak bukan, untuk memnuhi rukun kedua yaitu "Khouf". Takut.
Takut kepada Allah, takut Ia tak mengabulkan doa-doa kita, maka dengan perasaan ini Uda berdoa.

Insya Allah kita akan siap menerima hasilnya, dengan tawakkal dan cinta kepada Allah, Insya Allah.

Selamat ujian Micro Teaching my dearest AoM

Padang, 11 Desember 2021

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

#1 #7forUmmy Ada aman My?

The first lonely day in this planet.


Until now 19.25 WIB i still here, in the beloved campus. At the parking area of the mosque actually. Hmm.. i think it will be nice if i do like this. Extend my daily campus live until isya.

As my son still in adaptation mode with their new environment, the most sentence that i wanna ask to angel is " Ada aman anak2 my?"

I believe Allah will show us the right way to deal with all of this.

Ironically, it seems that me myself the one who not aman.
Like now.. just waiting isya time while blogging in the parking area..😁😁

However, this is what me and my wife have decided.
This is our journey.
Insya Allah... We can manage this phase.

To prepare our next milestone.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

My #Rasyid,

Mungkin ini tulisan awal2 (jika tak dibilang pertama) tentang Rasyid, putra kedua kami.
Maaf ya Nak, kemampuan ngeblog abi menurun drastis karena kesibukan.

Bukan tak mau membuat rekam jejak untuk nanda baca nanti2, tapi waktu akhir-akhir ini sangat lah berharga, dan daripada mengetik di layar "petak cahaya" ini, abi dan ummy lebih memilih untuk bermain bersamamu dan Uda atau mengerjakan seabrek pekerjaan atau bahkan beristirahat.
Alhamdulillah, Allah masih beri kesempatan kita untuk sibuk dalam kebaikan.

My Rasyid...
Hmm... Uniq
Secara gaya dan prilaku ada mirip dan ada beda dengan My Aqsha. :)

Kehadiran Mu, membuat abi menjadi spesial.

Setidaknya di antara teman2 yg punya 2 digit  kode awal yang sama.

Abi bisa ngeles dengan ucapan...
" Bla bla bla, harap maklum Bapak2 beranak dua ya beginilahh..."

Banyak momen yg somehow gimanaaa gitu...

Mulai dari Nanda yg kalao nangis walau udah digendong ummy atau nenek kemudian langsung diam saat pindah tangan ke pelukan abi..

Saat udah susah2 menidurkan dengan cara di gendong, namun pas menaruh di kasur, Nanda menangis dan terpaksa digendong lagi... (Fiuuhhh...😁)

Saat dalam keletihan dan tenaga minus menggendong dan menidurkan nanda , lalu pas baru saja tidur, negara api menyerang... Eh... Uda tiba2 datang dan megang pipi lah, peluk leher lah, taruh tangan di perut dedek lahh... Yang akibatnya Nanda kembali bangun dan menangis.
Lalu dengan enteng dan innocent si Uda bilang.. " Ndak da Co ganggu dooo"
Grrrhhhhh... Hahaha

Kadang senjata pamungkas abi hanya ada 2:
Bilang ke ummy : " Myyy.. dedek mau mimik"
Menggunakan " Iron Science" (you know lah what I mean😎😂

But overal, I do Love you Both, so much.

Rabbi habli minasholihin.

Ga kebayang ntar jika ummy lulus pelatihan ke Bandung (amiin). Dan abi tingga sendiri di sini -_-

Tapi mending gitu sich, dari pada bayangin abi atau ummy mesti beda waktu dan tempat untuk PhD nya....


Subhanallah walhamdulillah wallahuakbar

Thursday, February 07, 2019

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Enjoying the waiting time.

Alhamdulillah.. so far so good.
Lets follow the flow.

Although I am not really like in the position of following others command. I more like in the point of making the rule. :).

Three days of doing nothing.... I can survive, perhaps.

But if it is more than that......
Usually, something trouble will come to my mood.

Just enjoy it.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Coming back home

Coming back home to mathematics department in state University of Padang.

Sunday 18 November 2018, from Pak Ardi recommendation, Student's Association of mathematics Department invited me to give sharing session about managing organization.

Thank you very much for giving me a chance to share my experience on managing my time and managing organization and also about leadership.

in the great opportunity I meet with many people, especially my lecturers and also sisters and brothers from mathematics Department Student Association.

hopefully yesterday it's a new start for me in my coming back to the university.

Insya Allah.
No I am in the middle of waiting the result of the test.
May Allah give me his bless to come back to the university.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Menanti pengumuman seleksi CPNS ristekdikti

Hari ini adalah hari hari dimana Kami para pejuang CPNS menanti pengumuman seleksi administrasi khusus untuk CPNS ristekdikti ini hari ketiga ditundanya pengumuman seleksi administrasi udah mudahan hari ini ada kabar baik di mana Aku dan istri lulus seleksi administrasi sebagai awal untuk bisa lulus CPNS tahun ini

Seni menanti mungkin sudah sering ku alami sehingga ada satu label dalam blog ku yang kuberi judul dengan mozaik Penantian bukan tentang menanti dalam kekosongan tetapi menanti dengan penuh rasa optimis dan juga semangat kontribusi yang tak pernah pudar kiprah aku di institusiku yang sekarang bukanlah sebuah batu loncatan aku yakin dan percaya bahwa amanah ku yang sekarang akan ku kerjakan dengan maksimal dan se tuntas tuntas nya namun perjuangan hidup untuk cita-cita yang lebih besar kontribusi yang lebih maksimal untuk kembali menjayakan dakwah kampus asalku akan tetap ku perjuangkan.

bagiku bekerja dengan maksimal untuk amanah yang sekarang adalah kemestian karena masa depan Allah yang sudah gariskan, maka bekerjalah dengan maksimal Insya Allah Allah berikan yang terbaik Amin

Saturday, August 25, 2018

At poli paru

This morning, i plan to have a tbc check up in rsud padang.

One interesting fact i found is about the patien. On the queque line, almost all of them are seniors 😀

I become the youngest one. Hehe.

It is funny to hear their discussion topic and such kind of jokes.

Hokkeh.. bismillah.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Rayo 1439 H


And now is time to prep our departure to padang tomorrow morning.

Aas announcement, and i  am not the one on the list yet.

Hokkeh i should focus on the next step.
Endeavour, Budi ln and other scholarships.

Insya Allah.

Saturday, May 12, 2018


Dear Allah.

I thank you so much for the happiness.
Allah always know what is the best for us. He knows the right time to inform us about something. So just do your best Nal. Allah already has the scenario for you.

Kabar2 bahagia.
#LoA .kamis 10 mei 2018
#akad alfi fadhila. Jumat 11 mei 2018
#perpanjangan  serdos. Sabtu 12 mei 2018 jam 2.00 am. (Padahal tgl 12 mei ini adalah deadline akhirnya).

So... Doa berikutnya adalah... Semoga ada plti padang yg buka test. Dan semoga hamba lulus.

Amiin YRA.

Juga persiapan beasiswa dan misteri masa depan lainnya.

#Marhaban ya Ramadhan.

Friday, November 24, 2017

#1togo IELTS ia am coming

Alhamdulillah, H-1 for the first official test on this program.

Yup. Alhamdulillah, because i have done until this stage and I believe that I can give my best. Insya Allah.

Ya Rabb, hamba banyak salah dan khilaf.. :( ampuni hamba ya Rabb.

Berikan taufik dan hidayahMu kepada hamba dan teman-teman sehingga kami bisa menyelesaikan test ini dengan baik, lancar, sukses dan hasil terbaik.

perkenankanlah doa-doa kami Ya Rabb.


Monday, November 06, 2017

# 20togo Time fly SO fast.

We dont know exactly what will happen tomorrow or even We cannot predict for the next second of our Life .

Therefore, We have to use the time wisely .
Although Some people argue that life is only once, it should be spent worthfully .

And here, l am trying to deal with time so that l can make it useful .

Saturday, November 04, 2017

#21togo Relax, Focus and Fly to the Top


in my opinion, neither the time , which is argued as the main factor that the students should pay attention for, nor the psychological pressure will let the result of the test decrease. Yet, it is the belief that will make it exist.

Thus, in order to avoid that circumstance to be happened, we ought to put the spirit up in our mind.

The spirit will guarantee that our effort will lead to success and we can pursue what we intended to.

Insya Allah.

And of course, managing the time and  relax will influence us in achieving it.

Wednesday, November 01, 2017

A word named Rindu

One of the most beautiful parts of loving someone special is the "Rindu"

No matter how much I push my self to agree on what I wrote in another blog several days ago, I still remain unsure about this feeling. Yup "Rindu".
I stated that 1 to 2 days of gathering could give me power for 2 following months. oh came on, That is just a placebo.

The point is not about the melancholic things, yes indeed in some parts, but for me it reflects one eternal truth about my life. That I couldn't stand alone. I need these people around me. Very near to me that I can hug them whenever I want, that I can be with them whatever my condition is. That I can hear their voices, that I can support them with all of mine.

Yet, in the reality, this may differ due to many reasons. Like what I have experienced now. Being apart for three months for improving my IELTS skills. Until now, this is the very long separation phase of me and the family. (it still about 2 months remaining).

I just wondering about the next journey. How it will be?
This IELTS things will relate to my PhD plan. I insists to go abroad for continuing my study, insya Allah. I have already searched some possible destination and predicted the preparation process which I need to focus on. Even, I created some thought calculation in my mind about the financial, the time, the scenario... But all of it still seems fussy for me. On the one hand, when the warrior side of me are arise, I will let those things as a trigger to increase my efforts. On the other hand, when the weak opposition of me took over my mind, it seems that the journey are too long and more likely to be impossible. Yeah.. it is normal right, the feeling of up and down.

Not only do the selection to get a scholarship is hard, but also the other linked things of it are amusing.

However, thanks that I have God and believe in HIM, as usual. And its a relief that my special one is also a person who really believes on the power of God. Therefore, my job now is making this sacrifice, the separation, valuable. Studying hard, getting  a high score, applying for the scholarships, improving the research proposal and relating stuffs, searching for the universities, finishing the tasks for both the official and the unofficial and of course praying even harder. 

I like the sentences below:

"You only need to try hard and to give your best, and Let HE Finishes in HIS Way. Everything has already written in the Lauh Mahfudz. You don't need to worry that much. As long as you fulfill the reason to win, then the result will not cheat the process."

Insya Allah, everything will be OK


Miss you Aom, Miss you Aqsha...
I love you All.

Dear Aom, let us give our best yach.. Insya Allah we will pursue our PhD abroad.. together.

Wednesday, August 09, 2017

My #Aqsha First Flight


Tuesday 8 August 2017 with sriwijaya air sj020 from BIM to Kuala Namu Medan.

In the beginning, he really enthusiast, but then, his little boy instinct come up and its rise up when the plan landing process. Yeah.. it due to his ear or his degup jantung yang meningkat.

:) :)

overall we can finish it.

And then we took grab to get the online taxi and go to airy syariah medan sunggal

#Ready for tomorrow insya Allah

#BUDI LN seleksi berkas udah keluar pengumumannya. Alhamdulillah belum lulus.
Mesti semangat lagi belajar,


Saturday, September 24, 2016

NIDN ...

finally, i got it. Bismillah. Officially as a lecturer in pdpt dikti :)

Friday, April 08, 2016

Next week will be challenging :)

In these two night we prepare the house for welcoming angel and aqsha. Even until mid night.. Hehe deadliners as usual.

And tomorrow is the time. .yeah with wawan I will pick they up and bring them to padang...

Whoaa almost three months, hopefully angel will like it... Not that big and furious, but yeah.. That, what I  only  can right now, especially to provide more space in the main building of the house.

Thanks for papa and mama and roli and randa and bang hen and toms.. Love you fulll. Rezeki punya 3 pejantan tangguh sebagai saudara.. :)

I already got my sim a.

Next week:
#Officially bertiga
#welcome to padang aqsha (tomorrow insya allah)
#NgeJazz insya Allah
#sea dr 4
#baralek bg andri
#ketemu potential supervisor s3 dari oz
#ketemu supervisor s2 dari holland
#ketemu supervisor s2 dari surabaya
#ketemu suoervisor dan dosen s1 dari unp

Challenging euy

Allahu akbar

Bit by Bit

I continue to strive against my procrastination, giving my best effort. Alhamdulillah, sometimes I make progress, but at other times, I find...