In this morning we have a little discussion regarding our photo matrix for visa requirement. Yeah, alhamdulillah we (10 person) has gotten our student numbers from UU. And Now we are processing our Visa and everything related to the preparation to Holland. Perhaps we will go there on early January 2013. Amiin insya Allah.
We sent the filled form for Utrecht admission and also for resident permit. And it had so many thing that we should do. We filled, we revised, we filled it again and we revised again. Sent it to Neso Jakarta, then we should get our Rector signature (some of us, back to their hometown to process it, others asked their friend or family to get it, including me, i asked Sobri to help me on getting the Rector UNP signature. alhamdulillah it had been done, but until now, i have not receive it yet, what is the problem?? may be on TIKI or JNE, i should make it sure ASAP).
then we also filled and sent form to UU, we sent it via email and also Fedex Express. For the first the charge was 751.000 an. Then because one of our document not fulfill the requirement (our photo) we should take the new one and sent it back. The passport photo for Netherlands visa is not the one like usual. they have their own requirement. we take the new one in Studio foto kita at Jl kutai 44 A Surabaya, it was recommed by Konjend Belanda in Surabaya. We sent it back to Utrecht via Fedex (459.000 an). Hopefully it is acceptable. Amiin.
Oya, back to after discussing in the morning, i and Fachry joined a Ujian Terbuka Program doktoral UNESA. WOW... coool!!! this was different sensation. I will be a Doctor and then Professor and I will sit there as the Dewan Penguji... Amiiin. They are cool!! really really cool!!
What a beautifull day. Full of experience.
#sorry bg jho, i couldnot go to Unitomo yet.
Showing posts with label RTN2013. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RTN2013. Show all posts
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Saturday, November 10, 2012
In these days I and my friends were very busy with the administration for Utrecht University and Neso Office. So many forms and and file that we should filled in and sent to the appropriate address. But, as long as we did it side by side, it was enjoyable.
Unfortunately, we still in progress. Some of us waiting for their Passport. Then we must revised our application form that we have sent to Utrecht. Then we prepare everything to process our visa.
There is a problem, one of my friends (the 10th man) should wait again for further decision, because our professor in Fisme should give explanation and reason about the 10th man. I hope that it is not a big problem. Amiin
And the good news is..
I have got my Utrecht University account. So Happy. Alhamdulillah.
Unfortunately, we still in progress. Some of us waiting for their Passport. Then we must revised our application form that we have sent to Utrecht. Then we prepare everything to process our visa.
There is a problem, one of my friends (the 10th man) should wait again for further decision, because our professor in Fisme should give explanation and reason about the 10th man. I hope that it is not a big problem. Amiin
And the good news is..
I have got my Utrecht University account. So Happy. Alhamdulillah.
Monday, October 29, 2012
alhamdulillah, 6.5 with 6.5 --> the power of prays
After wait in a long waiting process, we can get the access to the results.
in the Saturday noon, me and 3 others go to IALF Surabaya and we met Mr Alex, he helped us to get our results.
And Surprisingly, Allahu Akbar, i get the overall band 6.5 with writing band also 6.5.
Alhamdulillah it is better than before. increase 1 point.
although it just one point, but the way i get it and the process was so challenging and sometimes stressful.
Until now, i am the only one from Impome Unesa 2012 that insya Allah get the occasion to go to the Netherlands, but i still wait for the official announcement from the PMRI and Neso. Hope that the process is done well.
I pray for the other friends that they can also pass the requirement and get the same occasion to continue our study in Holland. Please Ya Rahman, allow us to get it.
I just wanna say thank you to You God, because without You, i am nothing.
Keep me in Your Hand.
I know that it was not only my job, because i ask so many people to pray for me. And i believe that these help me so much.
Doa orang-orang sholeh yang terhimpun membuat jalan ini terasa mudah dan menyenangkan.
Aku sadar bahwa ketaatanku belumlah seberapa, bahwa aku sering lalai dan banyak dosa, aku khawatir jika hanya mengandalkan doaku saja maka ini akan terasa sulit dan jauh.
Aku bersyukur sekali punya komunitas yang berjuang untuk jalan dakwah ini. aku yakin mereka adalah orang-orang baik, orang-orang yang Mencintai Allah dalam diri dan keseharian mereka. Para ustadz, para Murabby, para ADK, dan beruntungnya aku bisa mendapatkan doa-doa dari mereka.
Sekali lagi terhimpunya doa dari orang-orang sholeh, membuat semua ini mudah dan menyenangkan.
Syukron Jazakumullah khair ya Ustadz, Ustadzah akhy dan ukhty fillah.
Doa sahabat-sahabat dan guru serta Dosen juga keluarga, termasuk support mereka moril dan materil hehe. Terimaksih. Special to Ms Silfia and Ms Tsuroyya, you are the best Instructor that i ever have.
Bahkan aku sampai meminta doa dari orang-orang yang tak dikenal.
Saat di ruang tunggu bandara Soetta, bercerita dengan ibu-ibu, entah siapa, lalu pas berpisah minta didoakan bisa diberikan yang terbaik dari seleksi beasiswa ini. Dikesempatan lain, masih di Bandara, namun bukan di Soetta tetapi di ruang pengambilan bagasi BIM, saat membantu seorang ibu2 lagi, yang entah siapa-siapa, saat berpisah kuminta di doakan. Juga pernah di atas kereta, bercerita dengan ibu-ibu lain yang juga entah siapa-siapa aku juga minta didoakan. Pernah juga dengan supir taksi dari bandara Juanda, lalu supir taksi lainnya, yang entah siapa-siapa.
Aku mempraktekkan ini terinspirasi dari seorang sahabat blogger yang awalnya juga entah siapa-siapa, yang menceritakan tentang kekuatan doa.
Aku juga pernah dengar, kita tak tahu bukan, doa dari siapa yang diijabah Allah dengan seketika dan cepat.
Tentu saja yang paling berarti adalah doa dari Ibu dan Ayah, yang selalu ada dan paling kurindukan.
I Love you So much.
(NB: alhamdulillah pengumuman teman2 lainnya sudah keluar, dan total 6 orang dari IMPOME Unesa Surabaya: saya (UNP), Andrea (Unimed Medan), Cici (UNY Jogja), Herani (Unes Semarang), Yoga (UM Malang) and Fachry (UNM Makasar). 4 orang lainnya dari IMPOME Unsri yaitu Sri Rejeki (Jateng), Siwi (UM Malang) Wahid Y (UNY Jogja), dan Boni (Kalimantan) )
(NB: alhamdulillah pengumuman teman2 lainnya sudah keluar, dan total 6 orang dari IMPOME Unesa Surabaya: saya (UNP), Andrea (Unimed Medan), Cici (UNY Jogja), Herani (Unes Semarang), Yoga (UM Malang) and Fachry (UNM Makasar). 4 orang lainnya dari IMPOME Unsri yaitu Sri Rejeki (Jateng), Siwi (UM Malang) Wahid Y (UNY Jogja), dan Boni (Kalimantan) )
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Finally... Math.. we meet again
Long Time No see...
Finally i found my soul again.
Abstract algebra and Discrete Mathematics.
Although it is very challenging for me, but i don't know, i feel alive when meet them.. hahaha
I am sure that it makes me more serious.
Everything about math had gone, and i should start it again.
The Reflection for today
Finally i found my soul again.
Abstract algebra and Discrete Mathematics.
Although it is very challenging for me, but i don't know, i feel alive when meet them.. hahaha
I am sure that it makes me more serious.
Everything about math had gone, and i should start it again.
The Reflection for today
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Semburat semangat dari Jakarta, Malang, Bali
Alhamdulillah akhirnya tes kesempatan kedua telah kami lalui dengan baik.
walau ternyata lebih CHALLENGING dari tes sebelumnya. Reading nya minta ampuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnn... Hanya lillahita'ala.
Tadi ada satu section yangmembahagiakan bagi ku. yakni seksi Speaking. Kami di interview oleh Bule yang menetap di Surabaya, beliau manager IALF Surabaya tempat dimana kami pernah mengikuti placement test IELTS dan beliau yang menginterview kami. Alhamdulillah orang nya kind dan friendly. Jadi speakingku enjoyable. Dan lagi, Subhanallah, aku mendapatkan topik yang EXACTLY THE SAME with the previous test that i took at 22nd of September 2012, it was about "Sport Event" and "Famous Sport Person" untuk part 2 and part 3. Cool!!! terima kasih Ya Rahmaan untuk cintaMu yang bertubi-tubi kepada hamba. Walau terasa berat, Engkau hadiahkan kenyamanan bagiku untuk menutup tes tersebut. Walau hasil speakingnya nanti tetap saja mengkhawatirkan, karena the way i speak not good enough. Tapi alhamdulillah aku bersyukur.
Aku optimis akan berhasil kali ini, walau dengan konten soal yang jauh lebih suliit. Dengan Kuasa-Mu tentu tak ada yang tak mungkin. Hamba yakin akan hal tersebut.
Dan sekali lagi, kalupun tidak mencapai target, pasti ada rencana Allah yang lebih baik untuk ku... ^_^
"Aku tuliskan mimpi2ku dengan pensil, dan kuserahkan penghapusnya kepadaMu ya Rahiiim"
#Malang kota perjuangan
#Sempat silaturrahiim dengan bg Jho... lapeh taragak. walau hanya sejenak.
Syukron ya Bg... :)
Alhamdulillah akhirnya tes kesempatan kedua telah kami lalui dengan baik.
walau ternyata lebih CHALLENGING dari tes sebelumnya. Reading nya minta ampuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnn... Hanya lillahita'ala.
Tadi ada satu section yangmembahagiakan bagi ku. yakni seksi Speaking. Kami di interview oleh Bule yang menetap di Surabaya, beliau manager IALF Surabaya tempat dimana kami pernah mengikuti placement test IELTS dan beliau yang menginterview kami. Alhamdulillah orang nya kind dan friendly. Jadi speakingku enjoyable. Dan lagi, Subhanallah, aku mendapatkan topik yang EXACTLY THE SAME with the previous test that i took at 22nd of September 2012, it was about "Sport Event" and "Famous Sport Person" untuk part 2 and part 3. Cool!!! terima kasih Ya Rahmaan untuk cintaMu yang bertubi-tubi kepada hamba. Walau terasa berat, Engkau hadiahkan kenyamanan bagiku untuk menutup tes tersebut. Walau hasil speakingnya nanti tetap saja mengkhawatirkan, karena the way i speak not good enough. Tapi alhamdulillah aku bersyukur.
Aku optimis akan berhasil kali ini, walau dengan konten soal yang jauh lebih suliit. Dengan Kuasa-Mu tentu tak ada yang tak mungkin. Hamba yakin akan hal tersebut.
Dan sekali lagi, kalupun tidak mencapai target, pasti ada rencana Allah yang lebih baik untuk ku... ^_^
"Aku tuliskan mimpi2ku dengan pensil, dan kuserahkan penghapusnya kepadaMu ya Rahiiim"
#Malang kota perjuangan
#Sempat silaturrahiim dengan bg Jho... lapeh taragak. walau hanya sejenak.
Syukron ya Bg... :)
Sunday, October 07, 2012
there is a hope
I believe that if there is a will, then there is always a way.
I can accept my result, and i thank so much for that. But, i still hope that i can go to Holland to cont my study.
And this day, my friends from unsri called me, she said that i and cici, who got overall 6,5 but the writing only 5,5, passed the requirement.
So it means we will go to Holland Insya Allah.
But... it still an unfixed information. as long as the center of PMRI didn't give the official announcement yet, i am affraid to give this information to my family and friends. Just wait until Monday, hopefully, the PMRI center give me the decission that they have made.
But for Now, Alhamdulillah aja dulu deh.
## love you guyzs :)
I can accept my result, and i thank so much for that. But, i still hope that i can go to Holland to cont my study.
And this day, my friends from unsri called me, she said that i and cici, who got overall 6,5 but the writing only 5,5, passed the requirement.
So it means we will go to Holland Insya Allah.
But... it still an unfixed information. as long as the center of PMRI didn't give the official announcement yet, i am affraid to give this information to my family and friends. Just wait until Monday, hopefully, the PMRI center give me the decission that they have made.
But for Now, Alhamdulillah aja dulu deh.
## love you guyzs :)
Thursday, October 04, 2012
the Announcement
I didn't know that the 13th day came earlier. yups, the announcement of our ielts result was in Thrusday 4th of October 2012. I and my friends was in Jogja on that time. We got an information from our friend in Unsri, then we started to open the website by using our mobile phone. We were in the museum inside the vrederburg fort.
Hmm.. alhamdulillah. My result was good, and the higest among the others in my class. I reach the limit 6,5 for overall band but my writing was 5,5. it was mean below the standard. fiuh... But i still think that i can pass the requirements. Because until now, there are only 4 person who get the save band for going to Holland.
I can Insya Allah. ^_^
Syukron jazakallah for all of you the support me.. without your pray, i am nothing.
Alhamdulillah Ya Rahman.
listening 7
reading 7
writing 5,5
speaking 6,5
overall 6,5 ^_^
Sunday, September 23, 2012
1 #smile . H+1 The Challenging Day
Alhamdulillah akhirnya hari kemaren terlalui juga.
Hmm.. I felt confident with my Listening and reading section, as long as there were not miss spelling or missing the -s ending.
But i'm not sure about my writing and speaking.
Especially for my speaking, the topic was quite easy (hometown and sport event) but the big problem was the way i speak and expressed my idea. hmmm
just wait and see.
Let we start the new Countdown.
apa ya hastag yang bagus.. ehmmm how about 1 #Smile
ok 1 #Smile
Hmm.. I felt confident with my Listening and reading section, as long as there were not miss spelling or missing the -s ending.
But i'm not sure about my writing and speaking.
Especially for my speaking, the topic was quite easy (hometown and sport event) but the big problem was the way i speak and expressed my idea. hmmm
just wait and see.
Let we start the new Countdown.
apa ya hastag yang bagus.. ehmmm how about 1 #Smile
ok 1 #Smile
Friday, September 14, 2012
"Kuntum-Kuntum hampa di tepi Pagar" Sebuah distorsi para pencari ma'rifat
Keren ya.. keren ga'....???? keren kan??
Haha, terinspirasi dari sms galau seseorang. ceritain gak ya....???? hahaha
ga usah dulu deh.. masih anget, ntar ada yang ngerasa. ups
sebentar lagi sudah akan masuk 6 hari menjelang #ChallDay.
Krena sudah minggu tenang maka program "It will be Off until the end Of October ku" di cabut, karena ujiannya dipercepat dan sekarang sudah minggu tenang (harusnya sih tenang, tapi kayaknya bakalan tambah sibuk persiapan deh... ga ada libur pun) tapi tak apalah, aku bisa gunakan fb dan twit untuk mengumpulkan semangat, bahkan hanya dengan melihat status dan koment serta foto mereka sudah mampu mengobati rasa rinduku ini. miss you so much. aseek
Haha, terinspirasi dari sms galau seseorang. ceritain gak ya....???? hahaha
ga usah dulu deh.. masih anget, ntar ada yang ngerasa. ups
sebentar lagi sudah akan masuk 6 hari menjelang #ChallDay.
Krena sudah minggu tenang maka program "It will be Off until the end Of October ku" di cabut, karena ujiannya dipercepat dan sekarang sudah minggu tenang (harusnya sih tenang, tapi kayaknya bakalan tambah sibuk persiapan deh... ga ada libur pun) tapi tak apalah, aku bisa gunakan fb dan twit untuk mengumpulkan semangat, bahkan hanya dengan melihat status dan koment serta foto mereka sudah mampu mengobati rasa rinduku ini. miss you so much. aseek
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Babak belur di IALF. 8 #ChallDay
wah hari ini 13 September 2012, kami bersilaturrahim ke IALF Surabaya. Disana sekalian ngambil prediction test. wah gamang nih... mudah2an bisa lebih focus kedepannya.
>>> sudah mendfaftar kan diri untuk tes ielts tanggal 22 september nanti. total bayar 1.9 sekian2 juta.
>>> beberapa teman terkendala untuk mendaftarkarena tak punya ktp atau paspor yang masih berlaku. mudah2an ada jalan keluar segera. ^_^
>>> sudah mendfaftar kan diri untuk tes ielts tanggal 22 september nanti. total bayar 1.9 sekian2 juta.
>>> beberapa teman terkendala untuk mendaftarkarena tak punya ktp atau paspor yang masih berlaku. mudah2an ada jalan keluar segera. ^_^
ternyata tanggal 22 september jadinya. 8 #ChallDay
Hmmm,... sebelumnya berencana untuk ngambil tes IELTS tgl 13 Oktober, itu artinya sekitar 1 bulan lagi.
tapi eh ternyata dipercepat menjadi tgl 22 september dan itu artinya 8 hari lagi.
Writingku masih galau, speking ku masih compang camping, reading dan listening ku belum stabil meningkat....
Wah hanya kepadaMu keberserah ya Rabb.
Jika ini baik maka berkahi dan mudahkanlah, dan jika tidak, aku yakin rencanaMu lebih indah. Terimakasih atas semua anugrah Mu ini, hamba sangat2 bersyukur ^_^
tapi eh ternyata dipercepat menjadi tgl 22 september dan itu artinya 8 hari lagi.
Writingku masih galau, speking ku masih compang camping, reading dan listening ku belum stabil meningkat....
Wah hanya kepadaMu keberserah ya Rabb.
Jika ini baik maka berkahi dan mudahkanlah, dan jika tidak, aku yakin rencanaMu lebih indah. Terimakasih atas semua anugrah Mu ini, hamba sangat2 bersyukur ^_^
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Ronal, Keep Up The Spirit. #Ms. Tsu
That was Ms Tsu word for me. She wrote it under the revision of my Ielts Essay. Hmm.. I should give more efforts to face with this test, especially on writing section. My Progress still remain constant, and for this occation Ms Tsu just give the 5.5 band for my task one practice and just 2.5 for the second task.. fiuh, need the more pracice. Ganbatte Kudasai.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
it's not only about "Talking", but you also need to "hear"
it's nice to hear other's view and advices about us. thats what a friend for, isn't it?? ^_^
the activity this night teached me many thing. And open my mind about my weakness.
After doing this, I can realize which one is the best way, and i hope that i will walk on that way side by side with you all guys. :)
Saturday, July 28, 2012
5th # CCU I; Bedah Film - Impome 4th Class
We met with another inspiring person in this day. She was Ms Tsuroyya, A lecturer in FIS Unesa and also work in International Affairs office of Unesa. She will joint with Ms Silfia for fasilitating us on preparing IELTS. She graduated from Ohio State University for her Master degree. Whaw.
Our Ielts tentor has made a plan that every week, we will have a special meeting to learn about the culture of the overseas country and its peoples.
Friday, July 27, 2012
4th # Writing is no longer a scary thing :D
Last night, Ms Silfia has sent us a soft file of "Focus on IELTS", but it was blur. So we can't to prepare our self with that matter. But Mba Rani had gave us a soft copy of Ielts learning material, so some of us just red or did something with that book.
Last night, Ms Silfia has sent us a soft file of "Focus on IELTS", but it was blur. So we can't to prepare our self with that matter. But Mba Rani had gave us a soft copy of Ielts learning material, so some of us just red or did something with that book.
However, we not studied about the first part of the book (focus on ielts) exactly. We discussed about our last Ielts prediction test. Especially in the speaking and writing section. First we talked about speaking, Ms Silfia invited us to explain what we had done on the speaking section before. She asked about the question and our answers. After that she explained the hints for Speaking in IELTS.
Secondly, we took a serious discussion about writing. hmmm, for most of us, writing is the most challenging section. very very challenging. Preceded a practice of writing this day, Ms Silfia encouraged us to analyse some examples of a writing answer sheet. She showed the example that got band 5 and also the example that got band 6. By analyzing these, we know our weaknesses on the last test. We got the pattern and the way how to be a good writer especially on the IELTS writing section. After that, we did our own. then showed it infront of the class using the projector. And we analyzed it together. :)
From now on, writing is no longer a scary thing :-D
Secondly, we took a serious discussion about writing. hmmm, for most of us, writing is the most challenging section. very very challenging. Preceded a practice of writing this day, Ms Silfia encouraged us to analyse some examples of a writing answer sheet. She showed the example that got band 5 and also the example that got band 6. By analyzing these, we know our weaknesses on the last test. We got the pattern and the way how to be a good writer especially on the IELTS writing section. After that, we did our own. then showed it infront of the class using the projector. And we analyzed it together. :)
From now on, writing is no longer a scary thing :-D
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
3rd # First Discussion about IELTS
We have a pre test for Toefl in the first meet ( Monday 23rd of Jully 2012), then a pre-test of IELTS on the next day. Miss Lala fasilitated us in those test. And This day was the first discussion about the IELTS. The tentor was Ms Silvia from the International affairs office of Unesa.
Because it was the first time for Ms Silvia to meet us, so we introduced each other again. ^_^.
After that, she asked about our activity on the last two days. She wanted everybody to speak and explain it. Then she gave us the schedule (*in confirming to Pak Agung), you know guyz, it is very hard to imagine, 8 hours a day, 6 days a week, whoa.. But yeah we should prepare seriously. Many people said that it is not easy to get the aproriate score to join on the Uttrecth class. But as Ahmad said, that there is always a way insya Allah. :)
Today, we got the overview of IELTS. And yes, It is realy different with the TOEFL that we already learned before join this programme. and the most challenging (Ms Silvia not allow us to say "most difficult") for me are Speaking and writing section. But it just the 3rd meet, and we haven't learned about it in depth. So I believe, i still have a change, on condition that i pray and study hard.
In the next section of this day, we did several task in listening, reading and speaking. It was very nice, because Ms Silvia create a good plan that we should do in our class. She set a good design, our class feel more alive. Every body should join the activity, even if i have difficulties in speaking, i should to speak. Based on the instruction.
Ok, it was a good starting point.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
My first class in English Preparation
Monday, 23 of Jully 2012.
The English Preparation in Unesa began. But i, pipit, rafael and ahmad could not join because we were not in unesa yet. Mba Yoga said that they just got a toefl prediction test and discuss about the listening section on this day.
Today, 24th of Jully 2012.
We had an IELTS prediction test. whoaaa... its different from the Toefl Test, especially for the Writing and speaking section. For me the last two section of IELTS is the most difficult to do. I had many idea to write or to say, but i can't directly say it in English. So, its bad. But, yeah, this was the first time for me and most of my friends to get an Ielts prediction test, so it doesn't matter. We will learn about it. Like what Ahmad Sais," Awas kamu ya IELTS!!! lihat aja nanti!!!"
wuokeh, Miss nya nyuruh kami to push ourself to practice english everyday and every moment. She talked that 70-80% of our activity per day must be in english.
Try to write in english regularly. At least 1 paragraph per day. ^_^
Akhirnya MERANTAU juga ^_^
Alhamdulillah telah sampai dengan selamat di surabaya hari senin 23 Juli 2012. Dan Insya Allah akan memulai hidup baru yang penuh perjuangan. Finally, Saya MERANTAU juga. Purna sudah rasanya sebagai bujang Minang, hehe. Walau saya yakin ini semua tidak akan semudah yang dibayangkan. But i believe that i can survive because you pray for me there... ^_^
Buka puasa pertama di surabaya ini berjalan lancar dengan bekalan nasi padang dengan dendeng balado langsung buatan Bundo. Makan bareng si Ahmad anak tabalong. Bukan ga mau ngajak yg lain, tapi yaaaa.... emang prepare untuk yg di kos an saja, karena tas udah kepenuhan, overloaded.
Oya, ngomongin kost an, alhamdulillah, walau sedikit mahhal, (350rb/bulan ,Sedikiiiiiitttt?????) tapi nyaman sekali, kecil sih tapi plus balkon yang terbuka keluar. Jarang-jarang lho kost an yg ada fasiliytas balkon nya, hehe. bisa jadi basecamp impome4's boy kayaknya ini.
Bismillah. Nice to meet you surabaya oh surabaya
Monday, July 23, 2012
Padang aem pamit, Love you so much
"padang aem pamit, love you so much"
begitulah status facebook ku mengawali hari ini. Yups, insya Allah aku akan "merantau". Menuntut ilmu ke negeri seberang, cie ille hehe. Memang saat ini ane sedang transit di bandara suta. untuk terbang ke surabaya siang nanti. Lumayan lama kami menanti kayaknya, ulah kak puput ni.. hehe. Mudah-mudahan aman dan lancar.
Sebenarnya hari ini adalah hari pertama les english untuk impome 4th unesa, tapi alhamdulillah saat pengumuman di hari jum'at yang lalu, kami yang dari padang sudah minta izin untuk tidak masuk di hari pertama ini.
Tadi pagi (subuh) sempat sedikit diujung tanduk, kami memilih untuk sholat dulu sebelum check in, walau itu berarti harus bergegas2 untuk masuk, karena sudah boarding time. Farewel sama keluarga jadi di persingkat. Dan saat mau masuk waiting room ane baru inget kalao kami hanya diberi tiket padang -jakarta, padahal kami kan transit. Terpaksa deh tergopoh-gopoh lagi ke loket check in, alhamdulillah bisa diurus. Dan kemudian sampai di Jakarta dengan selamat.
Semoga kehidupan baru di surabaya nanti asyik dan menyenangkan. Semoga tetap penuh spirit dan istiqomah. Benar-benar ingin segera ada yang menyapaku dengan sapaan "akhy" disana.... semoga. ^_^
Sunday, July 22, 2012
The Interview #part 2
hari terakhir dalam workshop dan seleksi Impome angkatan 4 bertepatan dengan 18 juli 2012. Hari ini adalah interview dengan Mr Martin, Konsultan RME dari Holland. Nah konten yang akan diwawancarainya adalah mengenai apa yang telah kita bahas selama dua hari terakhir. Bahkan di penutup hari kedua kemaren, beliau sudah membocorkan soal interviewnya.
Interview ini bukan seperti wawancara kebanyakan. Sebelumnya kami telah disuruh menentukan pilihan topik apa yang akan kami jelaskan dari tiga aktivitas sebelumnya. Pilihan itu harus mampu menunjukkan kemampuan kita, sehingga bisa layak untuk mendapat beasiswa ini. Nanti di saat interview Mr Martin meletakkan tiga kertas tugas yang telah kita buat, yaitu tugas tentang bangun datar, tugas tentang artikel serta tugas menelaah hasil kerja siswa. Kita pilih salah satu dan jelaskan. Kemudian untuk tugas yang dua lagi Mr Martin akan menanyakan mana yang sulit dari tugas itu dan mengapa hal itu dirasakan sulit?
Saat menanti giliran kami habis kan dengan saling mendekatkan diri. terpolar pada dua kutub, yakni lingkaran putra dan kumpulan cewek yang sudah seperti ibu-ibu arisan. Berinteraksi dalam sebuah keharmonisan. Saling mengenal satu sama lain. Tak hanya tentang diri, tetapi terlebih tentang budaya dan hal-hal yang mungkin sederhana dari daerah kami masing-masing. Ada yg naik pete'-pete' (angkot makasar) kalau ke kampus atau ke pasar, padahal kalau di jawa pete'(ayam) itu untuk dimakan. Ada yang katanya belajar bahasa dari salah satu daerah di sumatera, tapi semua dikasih o, sohinggo loco jadonyo. Terlebih lagi ketika "sumber air su dekat" atau "makan dulu sanna, ada mie ayam special tuh" wkwkwk, lucu. Hingga hebboh lah kelas itu. Gak ingat barangkali kali kami satu persatu akan dipanggil ke ruang khusus untuk diinterview oleh Mr Martin yang ditemani oleh Pak Agung.
Sembari itu kami juga bertemu dengan mba Martha juru kunci keungan PMRI, habis dah beliau kita tanyai dengan segala hal yang menghantui pikiran kami selama ini. ternyata begitu toh. Semoga saja ada jalan terbaik dan membahagiakan. Ehm.
Saat tiba giliranku alhamdulillah interviewnya berjalan lancar. aku memilih untuk menjelaskan dua artikel. Kemudian menambahkannya dengan gagasan pribadi ketika ditanya Mr Martin tentang hal yang ada di Artikel tersebut. Walau nerveous diawal, namun alhamdulillah diapresiasi baik oleh Mr Martin. hmm Alhamdulillah.
setelah itu foto2 n penutupan.
esoknya jum'at keluar pengumuman dan 3 diantara kami tidak lulus. mereka dimasukkan kelas reguler. Sedangkan yang sebelas lagi harus mengikuti les English persiapan IELTS mulai senin ini. hmm
alhamdulillah aku lulus. tinggal berjuang untuk IELTS. Semoga bisa ke Holland. Untuk menuntut ilmu dan kembali guna menjayakan negeri ini. Untuk memuji hanya kepadaMu ya Rabb. Amiin
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