Friday, July 27, 2012

4th # Writing is no longer a scary thing :D


Last night, Ms Silfia has sent us a soft file of "Focus on IELTS", but it was blur. So we can't to prepare our self with that matter. But Mba Rani had gave us a soft copy of Ielts learning material, so some of us just red or did something with that book.

However, we not studied about the first part of the book (focus on ielts) exactly. We discussed about our last Ielts prediction test. Especially in the speaking and writing section. First we talked about speaking, Ms Silfia invited us to explain what we had done on the speaking section before. She asked about the question and our answers. After that she explained the hints for Speaking in IELTS.

Secondly, we took a serious discussion about writing. hmmm, for most of us, writing is the most challenging section. very very challenging. Preceded a practice of writing this day, Ms Silfia encouraged us to analyse some examples of a writing answer sheet. She showed the example that got band 5 and also the example that got band 6. By analyzing these, we know our weaknesses on the last test. We got the pattern and the way how to be a good writer especially on the IELTS writing section. After that, we did our own. then showed it infront of the class using the projector. And we analyzed it together. :)

From now on, writing is no longer a scary thing :-D

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