Wednesday, July 25, 2012

3rd # First Discussion about IELTS

We have a pre test for Toefl in the first meet ( Monday 23rd of Jully 2012), then a pre-test of IELTS on the next day. Miss Lala fasilitated us in those test. And  This day was the first discussion about the IELTS. The tentor was Ms Silvia from the International affairs office of Unesa.

Because it was the first time for Ms Silvia to meet us, so we introduced each other again. ^_^.
After that, she asked about our activity on the last two days. She wanted everybody to speak and explain it. Then she gave us the schedule (*in confirming to Pak Agung), you know guyz, it is very hard to imagine, 8 hours a day, 6 days a week, whoa.. But yeah we should prepare seriously. Many people said that it is not easy to get the aproriate score to join on the Uttrecth class. But as Ahmad said, that there is always a way insya Allah. :)

Today, we got the overview of IELTS. And yes, It is realy different with the TOEFL that  we already learned before join this programme. and the most challenging (Ms Silvia not allow us to say "most difficult") for me are Speaking and writing section. But it just the 3rd meet, and we haven't learned about it in depth. So I believe, i still have a change, on condition that i pray and study hard.

In the next section of this day, we did several task in listening, reading and speaking. It was very nice, because Ms Silvia create a good plan that we should do in our class. She set a good design, our class feel more alive. Every body should join the activity, even if i  have difficulties in speaking, i should to speak. Based on the instruction.

Ok, it was a good starting point.

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