Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My first class in English Preparation

Monday, 23 of Jully 2012.
The English Preparation in Unesa began. But i, pipit, rafael and ahmad could not join because we were not in unesa yet. Mba Yoga said that they just got a toefl prediction test and discuss about the listening section on this day.

Today, 24th of Jully 2012.
We had an IELTS prediction test. whoaaa... its different from the Toefl Test, especially for the Writing and speaking section. For me the last two section of IELTS is the most difficult to do. I had many idea to write or to say, but i can't directly say it in English. So, its bad. But, yeah, this was the first time for me and most of my friends to get an Ielts prediction test, so it doesn't matter. We will learn about it. Like what Ahmad Sais," Awas kamu ya IELTS!!! lihat aja nanti!!!"

wuokeh, Miss nya nyuruh kami to push ourself to practice english everyday and every moment. She talked that 70-80% of our activity per day must be in english.

Try to write in english regularly. At least 1 paragraph per day. ^_^


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