Showing posts with label road to the Glory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label road to the Glory. Show all posts

Friday, July 27, 2018

A claim

Today,  i and some of my colleague were discussed about subject which we will teach on the next semester.

One interesting point i denote was about a claim of a lecturer on some particular subject.

"Itu mato kuliah ambo tu, ambo yg megang mato kuliah itu"

Hmm... Hmm.. hmmm.

Honestly it sounds akward for me. How can he stated this claim?

It also the same (not exactly of course), when me, for example, claim that a particular research theme is belong to me, then other people are forbidden to conduct research or write article on that topic.

Yup, before, i also has such idea on my mind, but i realize that, we cant forbid or limit someone else to work on the same area with us. As long as it is not a plagiarism, thats fine. And lets compete with them.

Because that is the art of being part of researchers. Which mean, you are acknowledge based on your work. And who publish first will earn the points.

So, come on Jho... You must... You ought to... Yo have to... Start it now

Monday, January 22, 2018


Now, we can dream about what we think that we  want to achieve..

so it can accompany our journey in pursuing the dream.


Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Alhamdulillah 7,5

Finally ... its all done.

We dont know at the beginning how to deal with the condition....

But as I always believe that if Allah Has chosen such a condition for us, then He Absolutely Has a great plan for that. Our duty is only to fight hard and pray even harder.

and now, the almost three months of IELTS has been finished and the result is awesome I got 7.5 what a wonderful achievement.


Thanks for all.
especially for my dear AoM and Aqsha and also the greatest Moms in the world. Love you Full.

Friday, November 24, 2017

#1togo IELTS ia am coming

Alhamdulillah, H-1 for the first official test on this program.

Yup. Alhamdulillah, because i have done until this stage and I believe that I can give my best. Insya Allah.

Ya Rabb, hamba banyak salah dan khilaf.. :( ampuni hamba ya Rabb.

Berikan taufik dan hidayahMu kepada hamba dan teman-teman sehingga kami bisa menyelesaikan test ini dengan baik, lancar, sukses dan hasil terbaik.

perkenankanlah doa-doa kami Ya Rabb.


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

#2togo Per-Facing the first official test in this program

alhamdulillah this is the beginning of the third month.

I am happy, because not merely because the test will be in front of me immediately, but it also mean that the coming back time is nearly happen. :)

I got the announcement of the schedule this day.

I will have the written test on Saturday 25 November 2017 and the speaking test will be held on Sunday at 10.

Insya ALlah, i will do my best. Pray for me yach.

#Really miss you Honey and Aqsho..
#sometimes, some parts of my soul have already flied to Padang.
#But of course i have to finish this first.

Oya i plan to extend my study time until Isya.
And now is the first move of it. After a simulation with my study buddy, i went to the library and have a self study.


Wednesday, November 01, 2017

A word named Rindu

One of the most beautiful parts of loving someone special is the "Rindu"

No matter how much I push my self to agree on what I wrote in another blog several days ago, I still remain unsure about this feeling. Yup "Rindu".
I stated that 1 to 2 days of gathering could give me power for 2 following months. oh came on, That is just a placebo.

The point is not about the melancholic things, yes indeed in some parts, but for me it reflects one eternal truth about my life. That I couldn't stand alone. I need these people around me. Very near to me that I can hug them whenever I want, that I can be with them whatever my condition is. That I can hear their voices, that I can support them with all of mine.

Yet, in the reality, this may differ due to many reasons. Like what I have experienced now. Being apart for three months for improving my IELTS skills. Until now, this is the very long separation phase of me and the family. (it still about 2 months remaining).

I just wondering about the next journey. How it will be?
This IELTS things will relate to my PhD plan. I insists to go abroad for continuing my study, insya Allah. I have already searched some possible destination and predicted the preparation process which I need to focus on. Even, I created some thought calculation in my mind about the financial, the time, the scenario... But all of it still seems fussy for me. On the one hand, when the warrior side of me are arise, I will let those things as a trigger to increase my efforts. On the other hand, when the weak opposition of me took over my mind, it seems that the journey are too long and more likely to be impossible. Yeah.. it is normal right, the feeling of up and down.

Not only do the selection to get a scholarship is hard, but also the other linked things of it are amusing.

However, thanks that I have God and believe in HIM, as usual. And its a relief that my special one is also a person who really believes on the power of God. Therefore, my job now is making this sacrifice, the separation, valuable. Studying hard, getting  a high score, applying for the scholarships, improving the research proposal and relating stuffs, searching for the universities, finishing the tasks for both the official and the unofficial and of course praying even harder. 

I like the sentences below:

"You only need to try hard and to give your best, and Let HE Finishes in HIS Way. Everything has already written in the Lauh Mahfudz. You don't need to worry that much. As long as you fulfill the reason to win, then the result will not cheat the process."

Insya Allah, everything will be OK


Miss you Aom, Miss you Aqsha...
I love you All.

Dear Aom, let us give our best yach.. Insya Allah we will pursue our PhD abroad.. together.

Wednesday, August 09, 2017

My #Aqsha First Flight


Tuesday 8 August 2017 with sriwijaya air sj020 from BIM to Kuala Namu Medan.

In the beginning, he really enthusiast, but then, his little boy instinct come up and its rise up when the plan landing process. Yeah.. it due to his ear or his degup jantung yang meningkat.

:) :)

overall we can finish it.

And then we took grab to get the online taxi and go to airy syariah medan sunggal

#Ready for tomorrow insya Allah

#BUDI LN seleksi berkas udah keluar pengumumannya. Alhamdulillah belum lulus.
Mesti semangat lagi belajar,


Sunday, July 23, 2017

in the middle of the deadline --> BUDI LN


Nothing impossible right. Keep move!!!

Don't blame others as you don't blame your self. just do it. Do it correctly, quickly and of course happily.

I am applying BUDI LN now. Some part of the requirements are just wow things, but I believe I still have chance to manage it well. Insya Allah, Ya Rabb...  I beg You Allah... please help me and my family.

the final deadline is 28 of jully 2017,
the kopertis deadline is 26 of july 2017,
but my actual deadline is tomorrow.. :( :( :(

Allahu Akbar.

#in the middle of a very busy week.
#Wisuda7 STKIP Adzkia
#Input Nilai
#Tallent Scouting prep.
#LoA Things

Wednesday, June 07, 2017

First count #rtoz1

I decleare tonight is my first official step to apply for PhD at Deakin Uni.

Although, it has been started 2 years ago when i joined with unand deakin predeparture training.

In this holly ramadhan, i will start to write my expression of interest.


Sunday, April 17, 2016

Sea dr 4 2016

Alhamdulillah this is the d day. Actually not as horrible as I think. Yeah just prepare well do the best and pray. Allah will always with you insya allah.

I like the atmosphere, meet and discuss with academia and scientists from various institution.

There are still many gaps in my mind about the topics the model the terms :)

But thats is the challenge, I really thanks Allah for this moment.

Meet my supervisors around the world.

Keren itu kalo lihat bapak ibuk yg udah ga muda lagi present something yg really scientific itu sesuatu bingit.

Friday, April 08, 2016

Next week will be challenging :)

In these two night we prepare the house for welcoming angel and aqsha. Even until mid night.. Hehe deadliners as usual.

And tomorrow is the time. .yeah with wawan I will pick they up and bring them to padang...

Whoaa almost three months, hopefully angel will like it... Not that big and furious, but yeah.. That, what I  only  can right now, especially to provide more space in the main building of the house.

Thanks for papa and mama and roli and randa and bang hen and toms.. Love you fulll. Rezeki punya 3 pejantan tangguh sebagai saudara.. :)

I already got my sim a.

Next week:
#Officially bertiga
#welcome to padang aqsha (tomorrow insya allah)
#NgeJazz insya Allah
#sea dr 4
#baralek bg andri
#ketemu potential supervisor s3 dari oz
#ketemu supervisor s2 dari holland
#ketemu supervisor s2 dari surabaya
#ketemu suoervisor dan dosen s1 dari unp

Challenging euy

Allahu akbar

Wednesday, April 06, 2016

When time is very expensive

Available Time is limited but the  workload is overloaded.

However, we cannot just let it go as it is.

Thats why we are here, because this is only for the great man. Yeah the mankind who realize that it is not the time of denying the condition but its the time of managing it :)

*since we have to do what we are in charge to, our time is limited,even for making a call

For you dear my friends who have so many spare time... Please use it wisely.. Because you dont know what is it look like when you are in a run out of time conditions

Friday, October 16, 2015

OZ insya Allah

Alhamdulillah, last night i got the announcement.

It just a beginning, there are many things that should be done before.

Allah, please give us the best way for it.

I really thank YOU for this blessing one

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The d day of the dueli test

Finally its the day. The last day for the phd pre departure program for deakin uni that i follows.

I dont have enough preparation, but i just believe that i should finish it until the end. Insya allah.

And now is the break time after the first session : the writing test.
Alhamdulillah, i got a familiar topic :) may be becouse my wife and child pray a doa for me :) and also you, my friends, teachers, lectures, and colleagues and of course my lovely family.

The next session is the speaking test about 15 minutes. What a challenging test.


Tuesday, December 02, 2014

A way to contribute

Alhamdulillah, this morning I got a message said that there is a position that I could apply.

Hmm... okkeh, I am exciting to end up this jobless time. Although its for a school, never mind for me. :) as I declared long long time ago, that I like teaching, I am fond of it.

I have heard that some people said that, why dont I try to open my own course or something like that, something that not find a job, but provide a job (making a job). Okay, I have thought about it, but for now, I just want to apply my knowledge. I just want to test the thoery that I have learned. Hkw does it work in the real teaching and learning, either in school or in the university.

Dont worry, I even dream about having my own university later on. Amiin insya Allah.
But again, for now, I just want to apply my knowledge, without thinking much about how to open a course, how to manage the institution etc. Thats something that I am not focus on now.

Hopefully, there will be a good news from kemendikbud, iain and ummy.

#oh ya.. only a few days more, then I will have my own house (althought I use some money from my mom :D ) love you mom. I will return it as soon as posibble.

# a new week with a full of fighting spirit
#preparing for the cpns part 2

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Commitment construction

It always hard to start a first move. Hmm.. at this momment I a little bit confuse. Whether I can make it or not. Yeah... it will be a hard fight for me. Since I am not remember the topic of the real mathematics. And the test consist od many problems about it. Then, about what I will do after finishing the test. Hmm... I am a bit afraid ya Rabb.

Its a transition, and yeah.... I dont know.

However, bismillah. I will fight. Absolutely yes, I will give my hard work.

Hmmm what a busy week. Procesing the house, the skck, the npwp, the yellow card, the healthy letter. Hmmm

Please allow me to make it ya Rabb.
Please guide me with your light.

Sunday, August 24, 2014


Hmmm in my birthday. Some one told about the feelings,.... hmmm I already try my best to tell about my respon. Hopefully it will not hurt anyone.

I am not that good.

Ya Rabb, pertemukanlah kami dengan jodoh yg Engkau redhoi.

# before that day, 22 of august also a big day in my life. When I got the aprovalnfrom pak abadi, subhanalloh... it feels like I want to takbiran keliling kampus,... hehehe. What a wonderful experience to be revised by you dear pak abadi. I thank you very much for your guidance in revising my thesis.

#finally.... done

# alhamdulillah. #thanks for the suport dear everyone :)

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Waiting the lecturer

Hmm... actually I already got the information from my fellow students that the lecturer that I want to meet is busy. However, I still hope that I can consult about the revision with him today. And I will realy thank if he give me the acc.

#this morning is not too good, my mood is fly away. Yeah, its only about my feeling since I think that it is mine. Nothing wrong, clearly, its only came from the myside.

# I did not find even one of my collage in this lobby. Not as the day before, many of them wait for the lecturer as I did. But now, I think I am the oly one master students that wait for the lecturer. May be they already finished the revision and just busy with other stuff  like preparing the photograph :D

# :) its challenging ofcourse and I believe that there will be a good thing behind this.
#The beuaty of getting pak abadi as one of the examiner :)
#feeling alone, both conotative and denotative meaning

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Dear friends, you teach me about this life, thank you

Sometimes, we only need to growth the sense of belonging to our friends, then we will know that we still have many reason to keep fighting for our dream. Since, they, the friends around you give you an example of hardwork and a strong immunity to this challenging world. I do thank you God for alowing me with them. Dear friends, ajha ajha fighting. Believe me, you support me that much even most of you did it without knowing about it. Thank you. #revisithesis yg #challenging #pak abadi yg cold and to the point, i will survive insya Allah.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Mozaic lazuardi biru

I dont know, what is the best title for this post. These three words come durectly when i start to open this blog post editor. Mozaic lazuardi biru. What does it exactly mean... Hmmm i dont know :). It is a mozaic since it will consist of fragments of my life. Lazuardi, ehmmm whatever..., biru, is my favorite colour, the colour of calmness, comfortness and lifeness (my own words :D). #~ the day of busyness when we dealt with the thesis revision and defense preparation. We face it together. And again, i met with a night without a sleep and submit 10 minutes before the deadline. Subhanalloh. I do thanks you God fir this blessing. #~ the days before the defense. When the list of the date and the examiners appeared in front of the TU Office, another good news i got. The defense is one day before my leaving for Padang. Alhamdulillah, Since the flight couldnot be resecheduled. The dag dig dug time, because i was a little bit scary with the examiners. :D but i believe that everything will be ok. :) #~the defense. I collected the praying from all of my family and friends. I thought it help me much to put a strong belife in my hearth that i could passed it well. And in the D day, i was not nerveous that much. :) alhamdulillah. In front of the examiners i could perform my best and could enggaged them to involve in my presentation. Moreover, in the questions part, i could answer it properly ( i think). Subhanallohiwalhamdulillahiwallahuakbar.  #~ flight to padang. 17 july, was the flight date. Surabaya batam padang. And here i am now. In padang the beloved city. Alhamdulillah

Making progress

Yang dibutuhkan saat ini adalah making progress. terbukti memang ketika ada progress yang dihasilkan pihak-pihak terkait pun merasa senang d...