Friday, July 25, 2014

Mozaic lazuardi biru

I dont know, what is the best title for this post. These three words come durectly when i start to open this blog post editor. Mozaic lazuardi biru. What does it exactly mean... Hmmm i dont know :). It is a mozaic since it will consist of fragments of my life. Lazuardi, ehmmm whatever..., biru, is my favorite colour, the colour of calmness, comfortness and lifeness (my own words :D). #~ the day of busyness when we dealt with the thesis revision and defense preparation. We face it together. And again, i met with a night without a sleep and submit 10 minutes before the deadline. Subhanalloh. I do thanks you God fir this blessing. #~ the days before the defense. When the list of the date and the examiners appeared in front of the TU Office, another good news i got. The defense is one day before my leaving for Padang. Alhamdulillah, Since the flight couldnot be resecheduled. The dag dig dug time, because i was a little bit scary with the examiners. :D but i believe that everything will be ok. :) #~the defense. I collected the praying from all of my family and friends. I thought it help me much to put a strong belife in my hearth that i could passed it well. And in the D day, i was not nerveous that much. :) alhamdulillah. In front of the examiners i could perform my best and could enggaged them to involve in my presentation. Moreover, in the questions part, i could answer it properly ( i think). Subhanallohiwalhamdulillahiwallahuakbar.  #~ flight to padang. 17 july, was the flight date. Surabaya batam padang. And here i am now. In padang the beloved city. Alhamdulillah

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