Showing posts with label WFH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WFH. Show all posts

Saturday, June 13, 2020

working from home to a new normal

I am grateful to Allah who guide me in all of my way.

I still remember when I decided to calling back my family to Padang before the semi Lockdown was applied in west sumatera province due to the spread out of covid 19.

I am not regret it, it is worthy enough to make my WFH life wonderful.

Yes indeed, my emotional expressions are vary, sometimes up and down during the wfh coz I could not focus on doing my job. You know, two little active and cute boys around.

Many times I should go to Lubuk buaya to do the office work.

After all, its worthy enough. I enjoyed it very much and still for the next days...

I have more time with the family, I learn many things around them.
I realised that I am not that good as a husband and as a father and as a son in law. However, you know me so well right? I am kinda person who always give my best effort in pursuing my goal when I have decide to do something. 
And I decided to be a husband, a father and a son in law in a good way, then let the universe see that I will fight till my last breath to pursue it.
Although, there may be many troubles around the journey :).

Hokkeh, a new normal era is implemented now. Started from 5 june 2020, I back to campus and start working from office with the health protocol. Bismillah.

Making progress

Yang dibutuhkan saat ini adalah making progress. terbukti memang ketika ada progress yang dihasilkan pihak-pihak terkait pun merasa senang d...