Showing posts with label 1436. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1436. Show all posts

Friday, June 19, 2015

Marhaban ya ramadhan 2015 1436

Marhaban ya ramadhan

Alhamdulillah finally we met with ramadhan again. And it is different now, there is an angel acompanying me in this ramadhan. Thank you honey. Alhamdulillah I am very grateful to you dear Allah..

Although got a dizzy in the begining. Flu and meriang, both of us. I guess, it caused by the two full day free we used to gather with two different institution. First, on saturday 13 june, we joined the milad celebration of biology unp, it is their 50 aniversary. We went to angso duo island to conservate tukiak, going by train from padang to gondoriah beach pariaman, and then using a boat to angso duo island. A nice experience, when I am a outsider join in into a fixed comunity, fiuh, deg deg an sih, but alhamdulillah its done. Biologist are nice :)

And then on monday 14 june, its the ruhul fatas day. We have a rihlah. We went to sawahlunto, especially to taman wisata kandis. There is a zoo in there. Actualy its a long time ago since the last time I go to a zoo. Hmmm... its good for zizi. Zizi is didis daughter. Oh ya, the rihlah is different, becouse it included the dharmawanita of rf plus zizi, our first child in the group :)

Okay, what a nice adventure. Altough there was an accident in the way we went home, the car was mogok, we have to mamdorong it several time, fiuh. Kuwalat maybe becouse something something :D :D

Refresh alhamdulillah, and also tire -_-

its time to manjalang mintuo for my wife, she should prepare serantang makanan, hmm two rantangs actually, for my mom and for teta. It was her first experience, and oh God, my angel is very beautiful, especially when she busy with her work about food. ;)

Finally after that a have a fullhouse day, not for taking a rest, but to deal with the consequences of the days we used for the last vacation. Yups, correcting the students exam. The deadline is almost come.

Its not finish yet, we bring the job went home to payakumbuah.

And here I am,  in payakumbuh to start my first ramadhan as a husband in the new familly.
Quite nice :)

#as a child of course, I miss you mom, but dont worry, I will be back :) allow me to take time with my angel ya mom. Because her smile is more beautiful when she meet our payakumbuh mom :D

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