Showing posts with label mendidik anak bangsa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mendidik anak bangsa. Show all posts

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Happy Teachers Day- Dosen Terfavorit Departemen Matematika 2022

 Selamat Hari Guru.

Alhamdulillah dapat kabar bahagia. Dalam perjalanan Padang-Alahan Panjang saya mendapatkan sebuah pesan whatsaap.

Pesan WA tersebut menginformasikan bahwa saya terpilih sebagai dosen terfavorit untuk Departemen Matematika versi polling yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa dalam rangka memperingati hari Guru 2022.

Alhamdulillah, segala puji hanya bagi Allah. 

Semoga amanah ini dapat saya lakukan dengan lebih baik dan lebih baik lagi kedepannya.

Terimakasih pada para guru-guru yang telah membina kita selama ini. Semoga mendapat pahala dan keberkahan dari Allah SWT.
Aamiin YRA.

Link: FORSIA FMIPA UNP on Instagram: "🔊 *_SPESIAL MEMPERINGATI HARI GURU_*🔊 ◎◉ _Assalaamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh_◉◎ *[ FORSIA X HMD VOTING]* Yuhuuu ada yang penasaran gak sih sama hasil voting kemaren? pasti pada penasaran nih, yaudah nih di spill semuanyaa🥳🥳🥳🥳 #Forsia2022 #ForsiaxHMDvoting #Syi'ar2022 #GenerasiQur'ani #GenerasiDakwahKreatif #BersamaMuDalamKebaikan #DakwahUntilTheOfTime"

Monday, August 22, 2022

22 August 2022: First day of July Dec Semester 2022

Tiday is the first day for July December semester..

I am starting this day with a beautiful Wa that suddenly pop up on my smartphone.

Thank you AoM your chat gave me a good vibe for the whole day. Alhamdulillah.

Starting the lecturer duty by examining an undergraduate thesis of my students.
Sitting together with positive people. The way they comment and ask questions are calmly and not giving judment for the students. Alhamdulillah. Thanks mam ita and da frid. I learn many things from both of you.

Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Lapor Bos... I am back

Yup.. and now... I am here, ready to rock the world again.. Hehe.

Many things to do, and lets do it one by one..


#first day ngoffice in 2018

Thursday, September 14, 2017

almost give up....

almost give up, since the activity and the work came hugely one by one... :D

But finally based on this condition, we can realize that we really need a help to organize everything. And our lovely mom appear beautifully for solving the condition. Thanks Mom.

Its a kind of an arrogant side of me. :)

And a beautiful week come after,

But of course there are still a lot of work to do, as Now.

The extended deadline of submitting ICOMSET article.. fiuh.


#however, i should attend a student's proposal defense, and supervise one student who already made an appointment with me, and this noon there will be a meeting with the chairmen.

#so,,,, when i have time to write this article.....

Just enjoy it. Jho.

Wednesday, August 02, 2017


Memorandum of Understanding.

Today in my institution, we held an event to give our warm great for our guest from Pakuan University Bogor.

Really interesting.

And at one point it also produce a negative feeling a little bit for some of us.. Hehe..

But yeah...

We only need to proof that we also can contribute as one of the elements in this lovely institution :).


Sunday, January 01, 2017

2017 time for #PhD_Journey

Tidak terasa sudah masuk tahun 2017.

Alhamdulillah atas segala nikmat dan keberkahan serta lika liku indah perjalanan hidup selama ini ya Rabb. Terlebih tahun 2016 adalah tahun penuh dengan kenangan manis dan indah. perjuangan seorang dosen muda, suami muda, abi muda... :)

Tak sempurna memang.... tapi insya Allah Ane sudah berusaha.. walau kadang sabar itu hilang dan timbul.. walau kadang lebay dan lunglay... tapi toh karena Mu ya Rahman... ya karena izin dan ridho Mu.. hamba masih akan terus dan terus... terus berubah untuk lebih baik... terus berbenah untuk lebih sabar dan penuh semangat.

semakin cinta dengan dakwah ini... semakin butuh untuk selalu berada dalam dekapannya.

and dear Angel of Mine, thanks for being part of mylife dan tetaplah begitu selamanya hingga ke syurga... Amiin... 2016, bersamamu takkan pernah kulupa... :) kan menjadi sejarah manis perjuangan bahtera keluarga kita.

Ingat selalu visi misi cita cinta keluarga kita ya Sayang. :)
ingat kan Uda selalu.

Dear Aqsha... yg dalam namamu tertuang mimpi dan harapan kami... mimpi dan harapan bahwa Aqsha akan menjadi pejuang islam yang gagah berani... dan menjadi tentara pembebas palestina. Inysa Allah. Abi loves you, Aqsha sayang.

Mama, papa, Ibu, Atuk, om, tante, abang, adek2.. semoga semua dalam lindungan dan keberkahan dari Allah..

I am proud of you all.. semoga shaleh dan semakin shaleh..

#2017.... time for focus on my PhD Journey. Bismillah..
#go Abroad
#Japan,Ausie, Holland  ayo aja

Saturday, September 24, 2016

NIDN ...

finally, i got it. Bismillah. Officially as a lecturer in pdpt dikti :)

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Life is unpredictable

Yups, I think everybody will agree with me that life is unpredictable.

For example, when you planed your schedule for a day perfectly then as soon as the day is coming, you can see the planed you have made are changing. Sometimes slightly but in another time it changes dramatically.

Learning from the experience, now I am a bit curious to wait and see what will happen to the plan that I made for a particular day.

Its amazing bro. And it could surprise you and make your day more colorful.

Just enjoy it. On the one hand you organize the plan and ready for doing it as your plan and on the other hand you are waiting for the surprise moment and how to deal with it.

Alhamdulillah.. I really enjoy it insya allah. Eventough, sometimes it seems to be rough, but everything happen with a reason right. And thats Allah's scenario insya Allah.

As today, one of my surprise moment is when suddenly I spent more than an hour just to hear one of my mentee talk. He talk about manything. And subhanalloh it reminds me about this phrase "donot judge a book by its cover"
And yeah the more you hear the more you learn and in the same time it makes you to do more reflections in your ownlife. About what Allah already Gives you.


The next surprise moment in this day, I met my old schoolmate unconsciously when I go to sph for greeting the didi's baby boy.

Yups again, listening their story and get the ibrah. Insya allah

I should prepare for seadr 4 in unp in 17 and 18 april...

Can you imagine that all keynote speakers and all keynote parallels presenter have relation with me .. My Dutch supervisor, my surabaya supervisors, my palembang supervisors and my Australia (potential) supervisor... Wow otokeee what should I do??????????
Hmm but first, let finish what this machine do...

#14 april 2016
#waiting for the laundry
23.50 wib

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Teaching the prospective teachers of early age child education

As you know, now I am in the second semester in adzkia college of education. Alhamdulillah,  I enjoy it so much. The busyness I had here help me to understand many things.  One of them is about working with passion.  Yeah,  I thanks Allah who Gives me such an opportunity to have a job which is in line with my passion and also in line with my future plan.

In this semester, I teach statistics on education in PGSD and PG PAUD. And amazingly,  teaching in PG PAUD is the first for me. The challenge is that I dont have any idea of how PAUD is look like, what is the characteristic of it. Since, I never interact closely with this kind of education before. You know, even  I didnt go to any kindergarden in my childhood. Because if that, its hard for me to come up with a context or example that make sense with the students (in this case the prospective teacher of early age child education).

However, rather then seeingbit as an obstacle, I choose the word challenge to define it. Yup, the challenge which give me an opportunity to learn more and read more and explore more.

So, dear my friends, just believe in Allah's scenarios,  there are always hikmah of everything. As the hikmah for me to know much about PAUD as and effect of teaching its prospective teacher.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Just come inside and see

We dont know what it will be or what will we face in a new particular room.

Just come in and feel the sensation. Just open its door and say hi with your beautiful smile to whatever inside.

You can do that as long as you have enough preparation.

Yeah, lets shake the world

#time to vector analysis
#kom kom to papa

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Raker STKIP Adzkia

Hmm these two days, started from yesterday, i am following the raker of stkip adzkia. Hmm its a new college institution for me, and the journey begin.

Alhamdulillah, but i feel sorry for angel since today we will have buka bersama in stkip but i leave her at home :( ganbatte angel

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Bismillah back to adzkia

Alhamdulillah today is my first day as a new lecture in stkip adzkia

As you know, in 2011 i ever worked in adzkia foundation as one of the teacher in smk adzkia, and now i am back, not as a teacher but as a lecturer in stkip adzkia.

My first impression is good. Adzkia keren dah. Recomended

Monday, June 01, 2015

Ups.. Its too early

Hmm its monday and thats mean it is an ummy day, universitas mahaputra muhammad yamin. Yeah the day when i should travel around 2.5 hour from padang to solok. I teach statistics and english for math in there.

Hmm quite a challenging experience, since it is different with what i used to, right. Different with another job i have (in the school and in the privat learning institution).
Hmm, i like it, not only because of the challenfing material that i should prepare before entering the class, but also because it is far away from my house, far away from my lovelyangle, which makes me feel the feeling of miss and wanna go back to padang soon. :)

However, i should waig until 5.30 in the afternoon when the campus bus take of from solok.

Wait me there, Angle. Miss you

#actually the third section today ended at 15.00, but i really miss it up, when i ask the students 'time is over yeah?' hmm let we finished it. None of them complain. :) (14.30)

When they are out of the class, i think about it again, oh God, its too early.
Fiuh, apadaya, mereka sdh pergi.

Lets wait for the next session, the last one for today

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Bertabur deadline

Hmm when every task were coming almost at the same time, that is the time for me to keep strong and believe that every thing will be ok.

Sometime, the underpressure condition help me to push my self to manage it well

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Friday, January 09, 2015

Buat dia terhampar horizontal

Canangkan mimpi-mimpi mu dengan tinggi vertikal ke atas. Tapi kemudian, hamparkan ia secara horizontal. Sejauh apa pun ia, kau punya kesempatan Untuk menapaki jalan meraihnya setapak demi setapak. Kau bisa menujunya dengan berlari, bersepeda dan bahkan mungkin melaju kencang dg formula 1. Dan ketika kau kelelahan, kau pun bisa pelan berjalan dan bahkan berhenti terduduk diam. Toh selalu ada semangat Untuk bangkit dan meneruskan, karena kau Telah separuh jalan. Bahkan ketika tenaga mu habis impian mu masih disana, kau bisa tetap menjangkaunya dengan merangkak, Setidaknya kau masih bisa berusaha.

Berbeda jika mimpimu hanya menggantung tinggi vertikal jauh ke atas. Mungkin ia bisa kau Nikmati karena ia Laksana bintang berkerlip Indah, tapi mungkin hanya sebatas itu. Sebatas Untuk di lihat lihatvdan dikenang-kenang.


A teacher and the rainy day

Alhamdulillah. Its a rainy day. You know, its quite a big challenge when you weak up in the morning, doing subuh prayer and then you should preparethe learning materials for three different sessions. Fiuhh a very nice sensasion, no not just that, then you should take a shower in the early morning and its brrrrrr cold bro. No no not just that, with only an inappropriate mantel, riding the motorcycle through the rain. Wushhh.... Alhamdulillah. I really enjoy it. Really, Masya Allah. All of it is gone when we met in the classroom.  I do love teaching. Please alow me to be a good teacher (or lecturer)

#still waiting for the announcements. 

#I hope when the schedule is busy, I still love teaching.

#Hmmm cannot wait until march. To start a new stage of mylife :)

#hmm next class. Okayh

Monday, January 05, 2015

A wonderful year

Alhamdulillah its already 2015. I pray that may Allah gives His blessing for us and we could live in His way rightfully.

Hmm... I am quite busy, so I could not tell much on this site. But I think it is very important to keep writing in here. The focus is about using English. I am affraid that the little ability of using English I have will gone when I rarely use it. So... Here it is. My first post.on 2015

Hmmm..... Finally I did it last year, 25 December 2014. Acompanied by wawan and Pa. A nice journey. Every man should try it. Beliefe me, it was sensational. :) syukron for the accompaners :)

Then, at 4 January 2015, I thought that it will be more complicated, since its a next step. However, with Your Helps, it was happened nicely (I guess). Alhamdulillah.

And now there are still time to reach the target, yeah I believe I can.

FYI, I am teaching now. What a very nice job ever!!!!. Realy, I love teaching. May Allah show me the way for becoming a great teacher in school and in a college also. Insya allah.

Hmm. The cpns selelection,, yeah you know lah, the typical of our country, nothing fix untill its announced. And when it will be Announced? Only dikti and Allah who know it.
Just pray. And make the waiting time wonderful. :)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

How hard to lead you to discuss

Ambil data pertemuan 1 siklus 1. Fiuh, i tend to explain everythings. Hehe. Not much time i give fir the students to explain since i want them get the idea immediately. Ok. Calm down. Today must be better. Analyze the result and revise the content. Prepare for the rpp. Whoaaaa.... Many things to do. Ganbatte

Thursday, March 29, 2012

membagi2kan ghonimah hehehe

Rabaa 28 maret 2012

setelah paginya menyerahkan tongklat estafet guru matematika kelas x di RPK ke saudara youngsu.. sore dan malamnya menyherahkan tongkat estavet perfrivatan kepada adrian...

hqarti2 indah dan penuh perjuangan...
semoga mereka dapat ganti yg lebih baikkk ^_^

Making progress

Yang dibutuhkan saat ini adalah making progress. terbukti memang ketika ada progress yang dihasilkan pihak-pihak terkait pun merasa senang d...