Thursday, March 10, 2016

Teaching the prospective teachers of early age child education

As you know, now I am in the second semester in adzkia college of education. Alhamdulillah,  I enjoy it so much. The busyness I had here help me to understand many things.  One of them is about working with passion.  Yeah,  I thanks Allah who Gives me such an opportunity to have a job which is in line with my passion and also in line with my future plan.

In this semester, I teach statistics on education in PGSD and PG PAUD. And amazingly,  teaching in PG PAUD is the first for me. The challenge is that I dont have any idea of how PAUD is look like, what is the characteristic of it. Since, I never interact closely with this kind of education before. You know, even  I didnt go to any kindergarden in my childhood. Because if that, its hard for me to come up with a context or example that make sense with the students (in this case the prospective teacher of early age child education).

However, rather then seeingbit as an obstacle, I choose the word challenge to define it. Yup, the challenge which give me an opportunity to learn more and read more and explore more.

So, dear my friends, just believe in Allah's scenarios,  there are always hikmah of everything. As the hikmah for me to know much about PAUD as and effect of teaching its prospective teacher.

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