Thursday, April 14, 2016

Life is unpredictable

Yups, I think everybody will agree with me that life is unpredictable.

For example, when you planed your schedule for a day perfectly then as soon as the day is coming, you can see the planed you have made are changing. Sometimes slightly but in another time it changes dramatically.

Learning from the experience, now I am a bit curious to wait and see what will happen to the plan that I made for a particular day.

Its amazing bro. And it could surprise you and make your day more colorful.

Just enjoy it. On the one hand you organize the plan and ready for doing it as your plan and on the other hand you are waiting for the surprise moment and how to deal with it.

Alhamdulillah.. I really enjoy it insya allah. Eventough, sometimes it seems to be rough, but everything happen with a reason right. And thats Allah's scenario insya Allah.

As today, one of my surprise moment is when suddenly I spent more than an hour just to hear one of my mentee talk. He talk about manything. And subhanalloh it reminds me about this phrase "donot judge a book by its cover"
And yeah the more you hear the more you learn and in the same time it makes you to do more reflections in your ownlife. About what Allah already Gives you.


The next surprise moment in this day, I met my old schoolmate unconsciously when I go to sph for greeting the didi's baby boy.

Yups again, listening their story and get the ibrah. Insya allah

I should prepare for seadr 4 in unp in 17 and 18 april...

Can you imagine that all keynote speakers and all keynote parallels presenter have relation with me .. My Dutch supervisor, my surabaya supervisors, my palembang supervisors and my Australia (potential) supervisor... Wow otokeee what should I do??????????
Hmm but first, let finish what this machine do...

#14 april 2016
#waiting for the laundry
23.50 wib

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