Friday, January 09, 2015

A teacher and the rainy day

Alhamdulillah. Its a rainy day. You know, its quite a big challenge when you weak up in the morning, doing subuh prayer and then you should preparethe learning materials for three different sessions. Fiuhh a very nice sensasion, no not just that, then you should take a shower in the early morning and its brrrrrr cold bro. No no not just that, with only an inappropriate mantel, riding the motorcycle through the rain. Wushhh.... Alhamdulillah. I really enjoy it. Really, Masya Allah. All of it is gone when we met in the classroom.  I do love teaching. Please alow me to be a good teacher (or lecturer)

#still waiting for the announcements. 

#I hope when the schedule is busy, I still love teaching.

#Hmmm cannot wait until march. To start a new stage of mylife :)

#hmm next class. Okayh

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