Friday, July 27, 2018

A claim

Today,  i and some of my colleague were discussed about subject which we will teach on the next semester.

One interesting point i denote was about a claim of a lecturer on some particular subject.

"Itu mato kuliah ambo tu, ambo yg megang mato kuliah itu"

Hmm... Hmm.. hmmm.

Honestly it sounds akward for me. How can he stated this claim?

It also the same (not exactly of course), when me, for example, claim that a particular research theme is belong to me, then other people are forbidden to conduct research or write article on that topic.

Yup, before, i also has such idea on my mind, but i realize that, we cant forbid or limit someone else to work on the same area with us. As long as it is not a plagiarism, thats fine. And lets compete with them.

Because that is the art of being part of researchers. Which mean, you are acknowledge based on your work. And who publish first will earn the points.

So, come on Jho... You must... You ought to... Yo have to... Start it now

1 comment:

Making progress

Yang dibutuhkan saat ini adalah making progress. terbukti memang ketika ada progress yang dihasilkan pihak-pihak terkait pun merasa senang d...