Thursday, October 04, 2012

the Announcement

I didn't know that the 13th day came earlier. yups, the announcement of our ielts result was in Thrusday 4th of October 2012. I and my friends was in Jogja on that time. We got an information from our friend in Unsri, then we started to open the website by using our mobile phone. We were in the museum inside the vrederburg fort.

Hmm.. alhamdulillah. My result was good, and the higest among the others in my class. I reach the limit 6,5 for overall band but my writing was 5,5. it was mean below the standard. fiuh... But i still think that i can pass the requirements. Because until now, there are only 4 person who get the save band for going to Holland.

I can Insya Allah. ^_^

Syukron jazakallah for all of you the support me.. without your pray, i am nothing.

Alhamdulillah Ya Rahman.

listening 7
reading 7
writing 5,5
speaking 6,5

overall 6,5 ^_^

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