Thursday, January 04, 2018

too much talking

I define my self as a person who do not really like to interact with a too much talking person.

And I also keen on working in a silent environment.


I just realized that, unconsciously, I am likely to have talked more than I need this previous days.

Hokke.. it is not good since it contrast with what I believe in. As a "silent person"

So, maybe to fulfill the demand of the boss, i need to cut down my talking frequencies and pay more attention for the upcoming deadline things.

#sending documents
#preparing the research


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Dan finally it is a D-1 day. Fieldwork phase about to finish

Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar Terimakasih atas segala Rahmat dan PetunjukMu ya Allah. Hanya kepadaMU tempat hamba memohon dan meminta pertolong...