Friday, February 23, 2018

two years old... My Boy Shalahuddin Alaqsha Rifandi


Puji Syukur tiada terkira pada Mu Ya Rabb..

Yang segala permohonan hanya kepadMu kami tumpukan.

Two years already, the baby is growing up, and now, he become a little son.
he already now what he want, what he dont want and he can communicate it with people around.

Each moment we have together are very valuable, and not all of them can be written on this blog. But absolutely, it will remain in my memory clearly insya Allah.

Dear AoM, thank you very much for your strength, for your belief that you can give the ASI for two years.

Alhamdulillah, we can stop the ASI immediately on 17 of february 2018. Its funny, to see how Aqsha responded on this separation :D :D :D
"Atchoo.. mimik.. mimi aak"


When I flash back to the moment two years ago, the waiting time for aqsho's birth day were also the time when I give my Total Commitment to the way I walked in now. YUPS.. Aqsho's Age also mean the age of my commitment for this WAY. :)

Insya Allah.

Happy milad my dear. I love you.

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