Monday, July 24, 2017

When he, my little brother, said about Dien

Ahad, 24 July 2017

As you know, I have 2 little brothers. I Love them so much, and I pray to Allah that both of them become an ikhwan.

It was a very nice moment I had today, hmm... actually it was started couple days ago... this little brother become more close to Islam.

at least the following points, i declare as the turning point of my bro.
1. My mom said that he starts shalat at the time.
2. One day, when I asked him to take care of Aqsha while neither I and Angel nor Nenek Padang and Nenek Payakumbuh could do that, We found He and Aqsha slept accompanied by the murathal... (So sweet...)
3. I open his phone and suppraisingly, the walpaper is kalimat Tauhid "Laillahaillallah"
4. when we discussed while riding the motorcycle, i talk about shalat, and his respond was that he now are trying to understand the meaning of prayer we recite during the shalat (^_^), he said that "awalnyo, tapikia dek *** bg, untuak a shalat kalau ndak ngarati.. Tu *** cari di Internet arti bacaan Shalat... Kini lah mulai *** hapal."

5. when i said that "you have to recite qur'an, you can take my mushaf, you will need it for mentoring PAI". He said that, yup... he already read the qur'an at home, but now just the translation first...

Ya Allah yang Maha Membolak Balikkan hati, Kuatkan lah hati kami dalam beribadah kepadamu ya Allah.

Jadikan lah kami hamba-hamba yang taat dan bertaqwa. AMiin.

#Ya Rabb.. aku ingin punya ikhwan diantara saudara2 kandungku ya Allah..
#Hamba ingin saudara seperjuangan ya Allah

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