Wednesday, May 07, 2014

"Bring the acc form!"

#A new library in pasca unesa. Bigger than the previous one. Alhamdulillah.

#"lenkapi lampiran, perhatikan daftar pustaka, dan perhatikan penomoran"
" berarti bapak sudah setuju dengan formatnya?"
" iya sudah"
" berarti tinggal dilanjutkan pak"
" iya, lengkapi dan scan gambarnya tolong diperjelas. Diskusikan dengan pak agung. Tuntaskan"
" baik pak"
" bimbingan selanjutnya sekalian bawa form ttd pembimbing ya"

#duug.. subhanallah.... okkkayh pak . "I will"

What a nice day.
However, I know that the defense is not ax easy as I think. I should stand on my own shoes. And the eximenee in unesa so so so,..... chalenging

Ya Rabb, allow me to finish it on your way.


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