Saturday, March 08, 2014

Hm...collecting data done. Thanks al hikmah

Tak terasa ya, I already finished collecting data. Hmmm its a wonderfull experience to be a partof sdial hikmah surabaya. Interaction with many visioner teacher who teach with passion not only as a job, but from the bottom of they hearth.

When the children growth with love and character building, then we can see a bright future ofournation on their eyes.

The integration of the islamic value in the learning process, make the teachingand learning become more dynamic.

Again, its not only about a job, but its a passion.

Thanks God, You Gives me such a great opportunity. (^_^) alhamdulillah

#time to analyse the data.
#how to start
#its about writing
#not writing for a blog cuy
#its writing a thesis
#aigo.... otoke....

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