Monday, February 10, 2014

Bimbingan 2: Yes.. you can continue

As I said before, this morning, I started to wait for Pak Agung at 7.

ANd Pak Agung came at around 9. Although i was in the first place on the line, Pak Agung called one name, and a lady go inside the room to get the supervising. Then, ...
It should be me. But, a group of other students want to cut the line, but, sorry ya sist, I already learned on how to be polite in ur queque, and also how to protect and get your right. SOrry,, very very sory.

pandangan matanya dan gumamannya seolah bilang "mau masuk duluan?"

I answered by "Ya iya lah Ronal duluan, masak kamu yang duluan???" (with a low level voice, but i am sure they ccan heared it well) -_- They just came lately, many people already wait for Pak Agung, and they just want to cut the line??????????????

But the cases can be different if Pak Agung called the name, its mean that Pak Agung alreaady have special appoinment with the person, and she or he get the priority on Pak Agung's point of view.

Fiuhhhh.... I should be more patient and have a well adaptation with the mentality in this country (my country).

Do you have a big change from the previous conference in utrecht?
No, Not really, i just combine the first and the second activity and add a card game at the end of the lesson sequence.
Okkay, then I will not revise much about your design.

Then He corrected some part of my worksheet, only about the indonesian that i used.
He also said, that if pak Mega (another supervisor) agree, I can start to collect the data.

Fiuh Alhamdulillah.

At school, hmmm nice experience, nano-nano.

Pak Agung, if  bla bla bla
Yeah, you can continue


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