Showing posts with label katahati. Show all posts
Showing posts with label katahati. Show all posts

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Enjoying the waiting time.

Alhamdulillah.. so far so good.
Lets follow the flow.

Although I am not really like in the position of following others command. I more like in the point of making the rule. :).

Three days of doing nothing.... I can survive, perhaps.

But if it is more than that......
Usually, something trouble will come to my mood.

Just enjoy it.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Coming back home : part 2

Before i posted about giving a talk to the students of mathematics department in UNP. I use the same title for the current post. But now, the real coming back home.

Alhamdulillah i am appointed as one of the cpns in mathematics department of UNP.

I am really grateful for this position. I pray to Allah to guide me in doing this job.

Of course its hard to leave my beautiful STKIP Adzkia (thanks for everything, i will never forget it), but i believe i will survive and enjoy the new place where i belong to now.

#happy to cross out one line in my dreamlist.
#happy to be closer to aom

#thanks for all people who support me.

#UNP here I come.

Wednesday, August 01, 2018

When it was done

Hmm... Big event.

And being part of it is amazing.

In the middle of the problem,
And trying to be part of solutions.

A new role for me as a treasurer.


Almost done.

It will be finished after the event's report submitted to the Boss

Friday, July 27, 2018

A claim

Today,  i and some of my colleague were discussed about subject which we will teach on the next semester.

One interesting point i denote was about a claim of a lecturer on some particular subject.

"Itu mato kuliah ambo tu, ambo yg megang mato kuliah itu"

Hmm... Hmm.. hmmm.

Honestly it sounds akward for me. How can he stated this claim?

It also the same (not exactly of course), when me, for example, claim that a particular research theme is belong to me, then other people are forbidden to conduct research or write article on that topic.

Yup, before, i also has such idea on my mind, but i realize that, we cant forbid or limit someone else to work on the same area with us. As long as it is not a plagiarism, thats fine. And lets compete with them.

Because that is the art of being part of researchers. Which mean, you are acknowledge based on your work. And who publish first will earn the points.

So, come on Jho... You must... You ought to... Yo have to... Start it now

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Again... A matter of communication


When we communicate with somebody else, we have to assure that the message we delivered is received correctly by the person. If it is not, it may lead to (in a serious case) conflict between us and the person.

In condition if the conflict occur, we should take at least one of these treatments. First,keep calm and take a deep breath, put and drive  your mind to take a positive thinking side. Then, you restate and deliver again your message to ask confirmation. Second, keep calm and take a deep breath, put and drive your mind to take a positive thingking side. Then try to stop talking and just listening to your speaking partner. Hopefully by doing this you will get the point that ahaaaa... Actually both of you are not exactly conflict each other but it only about misscommunication.


Friday, July 20, 2018

Submitting students mark

Alhamdulillah finally its done already. This semester is officially finished :)

Although i should stay a bit longer in the office. Until 21.04 wib.

Oh ya.. started from this thursday... I have been joined with AMT of stkip adzkia

Its nice to see and reflect our self based on expert guidance. The phsycholog was conducted an attractive training, so far.

But you know, i am not really a 100% in on this event, because some part of my mind still think about the time that i should spend with my little fam.


Hokkeh. Just enjoy it ... Jho.

And Alhamdulillah my AoM are also preparing ielts in deakin unp program. Do the best honey.

And i will focua on Budi LN scholarship aplication... (Soon)

Monday, July 02, 2018

Really need a space


The application for Budi LN is already opened. Bismillah.

But yeahhh.... I really need a space.

Yup a space for me. My space to do my "office" things.

Saturday, May 12, 2018


Dear Allah.

I thank you so much for the happiness.
Allah always know what is the best for us. He knows the right time to inform us about something. So just do your best Nal. Allah already has the scenario for you.

Kabar2 bahagia.
#LoA .kamis 10 mei 2018
#akad alfi fadhila. Jumat 11 mei 2018
#perpanjangan  serdos. Sabtu 12 mei 2018 jam 2.00 am. (Padahal tgl 12 mei ini adalah deadline akhirnya).

So... Doa berikutnya adalah... Semoga ada plti padang yg buka test. Dan semoga hamba lulus.

Amiin YRA.

Juga persiapan beasiswa dan misteri masa depan lainnya.

#Marhaban ya Ramadhan.

Friday, February 23, 2018

two years old... My Boy Shalahuddin Alaqsha Rifandi


Puji Syukur tiada terkira pada Mu Ya Rabb..

Yang segala permohonan hanya kepadMu kami tumpukan.

Two years already, the baby is growing up, and now, he become a little son.
he already now what he want, what he dont want and he can communicate it with people around.

Each moment we have together are very valuable, and not all of them can be written on this blog. But absolutely, it will remain in my memory clearly insya Allah.

Dear AoM, thank you very much for your strength, for your belief that you can give the ASI for two years.

Alhamdulillah, we can stop the ASI immediately on 17 of february 2018. Its funny, to see how Aqsha responded on this separation :D :D :D
"Atchoo.. mimik.. mimi aak"


When I flash back to the moment two years ago, the waiting time for aqsho's birth day were also the time when I give my Total Commitment to the way I walked in now. YUPS.. Aqsho's Age also mean the age of my commitment for this WAY. :)

Insya Allah.

Happy milad my dear. I love you.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

dear Aqsha

Shalahuddin Alaqsha Rifandi,

Hari hari yang penuh kebahagian bersamamu Nak..

dan tak terasa, engkau membesar dan membesar, makin lincah dan cerdas.

Tak terbayang nanti jika kamu sudah benar- benar besar...

Ah.. mari nak kita nikmati saja dulu masa-masa kecil mu ini.

kadang sempat ku berpikir, kala bersamamu.... "jangan lah terlalu cepat waktu mengantarmu besar..."

Abi masih mau bermanja-manja bersamamu...

:) :)

semoga jadi anak yang saleh

Thursday, January 04, 2018

too much talking

I define my self as a person who do not really like to interact with a too much talking person.

And I also keen on working in a silent environment.


I just realized that, unconsciously, I am likely to have talked more than I need this previous days.

Hokke.. it is not good since it contrast with what I believe in. As a "silent person"

So, maybe to fulfill the demand of the boss, i need to cut down my talking frequencies and pay more attention for the upcoming deadline things.

#sending documents
#preparing the research


Old Room, new Taste


today is a little bit nano2 for me.

I should prepare myself to comeback into the reality.

And yeah.. of course, the real world is a hard place to struggle. We need to fight to be the winner.

Fight with our lazyness,....

Ibroh dari sebuah pertemuan yang kuhadiri beberapa waktu lalu.

Andai nanti aku jadi seorang pimpinan, aku harus mampu menjadi perekat dan penyemangat untuk semua tim ku. Aku harus mampu menempatkan mereka semua sebagai orang-orang yang hebat dan dapat diandalkan. Walau mungkin beberapa ada yang spesial bagiku, namun tak kan ku ungkapkan di depan yang lainnya....

Karena memang, dibanding-bandingkan itu tidaklah enak....

:) :) :)

Semangattt semangattt semangattt


#luruskan niat
#rapatkan shaf
#kuatkan semangat
#kerja kerja kerja
#bisa dan mau

Wednesday, January 03, 2018

A lovely smile in the first of January 2018

January, the first

Pagi-pagi buru-buru siap2 untuk mengantar mentariku pergi kegiatan Latansa di Tiger camp.  Doi sempat kurang semangat karena minim tidur sebab anak bujang nempel terus semalaman.

Suasana pun sedikit mendung dan bahkan gerimis.

But... karena sudah diniatkan pergi, maka doi tetap ke lokasi.
Kutinggalkan ia dengan pesan, "Sayang, nanti kalo pusing, bilang kurang sehat saja ke panitia, yang penting kita hadir memenuhi taklimat"....

teng tengg.... dan daku pun pergi.


Lama sekali rasanya hari ini berlalu dan sms minta segera dijemputpun masuk.



Belum sempat matikan mesin motor, ane sudah disambut dengan senyuman dan lambaian tangan bersemangat, sambil "mengaum" lucu...

dan mengalirlah cerita penuh semangat sepanjang jalan pulang dan setelahnya dan setelahnya...


Semangat yang berkobar juga menular...

Senang sekali melihatmu tersenyum dan penuh semangat Dinda....
hmmm... serasa dunia ini semua bisa ku genggam :) karena ada kamu yang bersemangat bersamaku


Terimakasih dakwah...
Terimakasih Ya Allah

Friday, November 24, 2017

#1togo IELTS ia am coming

Alhamdulillah, H-1 for the first official test on this program.

Yup. Alhamdulillah, because i have done until this stage and I believe that I can give my best. Insya Allah.

Ya Rabb, hamba banyak salah dan khilaf.. :( ampuni hamba ya Rabb.

Berikan taufik dan hidayahMu kepada hamba dan teman-teman sehingga kami bisa menyelesaikan test ini dengan baik, lancar, sukses dan hasil terbaik.

perkenankanlah doa-doa kami Ya Rabb.


Sunday, July 30, 2017

Jatuh cinta lagi


Pagi kemaren Angel Bilang, kalau ia jatuh cinta lagi padaku..


Aku, seseorang yang biasa-biasa saja ini... yang tak pandai untuk beromantis ria, dan kadang juga tak mengerti cara memahami wanita. maklum wanita satu-satunya yang sangat berpengaruh disepanjang masa mudaku sebelum menikah adalah ibuku.

benar mungkin.. :)
Angel jatuh cinta lagi padaku. tepatnya sabtu kemaren.
Mungkin karena sepekan ini adalah pekan yang sanghat sangat sibuk dan penuh debar-debar.

Biasanya jika suasana begini, tensi jadi tinggi.. :D

pas lewat hari jumat.. fiuhhh

we have a holiday.. walaupun itu hanya di rumah.

bermain bertiga tanpa memikirkan apa-apa

"rehat sejenak"

#Love you dinda Sayang.
#Uda minta maaf ye...

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Ahh... Shalahuddinku...

These recent days, as i said in the previous post, are very busy.

And often i should extend my work time until mid night or even more.

And you know, my boy, Aqsha have a new habbit. Yup, playing around until midnight and even more sometime... -__-

But, yeah.. knowing that this little boy become taller and taller and more clever and  rrr r rr  :D makes me thank You ya Rabb.

Rabby Habli Minasholihin

Sunday, July 23, 2017

in the middle of the deadline --> BUDI LN


Nothing impossible right. Keep move!!!

Don't blame others as you don't blame your self. just do it. Do it correctly, quickly and of course happily.

I am applying BUDI LN now. Some part of the requirements are just wow things, but I believe I still have chance to manage it well. Insya Allah, Ya Rabb...  I beg You Allah... please help me and my family.

the final deadline is 28 of jully 2017,
the kopertis deadline is 26 of july 2017,
but my actual deadline is tomorrow.. :( :( :(

Allahu Akbar.

#in the middle of a very busy week.
#Wisuda7 STKIP Adzkia
#Input Nilai
#Tallent Scouting prep.
#LoA Things

Monday, January 30, 2017

One day, we will thank Allah for what happen now


yeah... Everything happened for a reason.
Maybe we don't know what is the reason at the moment, but I always believe that Allah Might keep the reason secret until the right time.

It makes me learn to strengthen my vision and niat. Maybe I still need more time to prepare myself before returning to where I  belong. Yup. Niat and preparation.

So now... lets optimize the chance  we have.
Apapun yang terjadi kami tetap mengabdi.


Sunday, January 01, 2017

2017 time for #PhD_Journey

Tidak terasa sudah masuk tahun 2017.

Alhamdulillah atas segala nikmat dan keberkahan serta lika liku indah perjalanan hidup selama ini ya Rabb. Terlebih tahun 2016 adalah tahun penuh dengan kenangan manis dan indah. perjuangan seorang dosen muda, suami muda, abi muda... :)

Tak sempurna memang.... tapi insya Allah Ane sudah berusaha.. walau kadang sabar itu hilang dan timbul.. walau kadang lebay dan lunglay... tapi toh karena Mu ya Rahman... ya karena izin dan ridho Mu.. hamba masih akan terus dan terus... terus berubah untuk lebih baik... terus berbenah untuk lebih sabar dan penuh semangat.

semakin cinta dengan dakwah ini... semakin butuh untuk selalu berada dalam dekapannya.

and dear Angel of Mine, thanks for being part of mylife dan tetaplah begitu selamanya hingga ke syurga... Amiin... 2016, bersamamu takkan pernah kulupa... :) kan menjadi sejarah manis perjuangan bahtera keluarga kita.

Ingat selalu visi misi cita cinta keluarga kita ya Sayang. :)
ingat kan Uda selalu.

Dear Aqsha... yg dalam namamu tertuang mimpi dan harapan kami... mimpi dan harapan bahwa Aqsha akan menjadi pejuang islam yang gagah berani... dan menjadi tentara pembebas palestina. Inysa Allah. Abi loves you, Aqsha sayang.

Mama, papa, Ibu, Atuk, om, tante, abang, adek2.. semoga semua dalam lindungan dan keberkahan dari Allah..

I am proud of you all.. semoga shaleh dan semakin shaleh..

#2017.... time for focus on my PhD Journey. Bismillah..
#go Abroad
#Japan,Ausie, Holland  ayo aja

Friday, September 02, 2016

Yup, no matter how....

Yup no  matter how, no matter what. Only you know how hard your life is.

Dijalani saja. Karena orang sering lupa untuk melihat situasi dengan kaca mata orang lain.

Mereka kadang hanya tahu tentang sesuatu yang menurut mereka tepat dan seharusnya seperti apa. Tanpa ia tahu bahwa semua itu tidaklah sama.

Misal, apa yang harus dikerjakan orang sebelum ke kantor, rute mana saja yang harus dilaluinya, berapa jarak yang mesti diarungi.

Kadang orang merasa bebannya sama.. kan sama-sama supir, kan sama-sama ma najer, kan sama-sama dosen, saya begini berarti kamu juga mesti seperti ini dong.
Hmm... medan kita kadang berbeda boy, Peran kita juga mungkin berbeda.

Ini menjadi pelajaran berharga bagi saya.
1. Only ourselves know how hard ourlifes is
2. Dont ever judge people only based on what we see. Really, we really dont know the great story behind it.
3. appreciate. ... yup appreciation.   Appreciate everything in your life. Because insya allah everything happens with a reason. Allah knows the best for us.

Bit by Bit

I continue to strive against my procrastination, giving my best effort. Alhamdulillah, sometimes I make progress, but at other times, I find...