Showing posts with label my family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my family. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 09, 2017

My #Aqsha First Flight


Tuesday 8 August 2017 with sriwijaya air sj020 from BIM to Kuala Namu Medan.

In the beginning, he really enthusiast, but then, his little boy instinct come up and its rise up when the plan landing process. Yeah.. it due to his ear or his degup jantung yang meningkat.

:) :)

overall we can finish it.

And then we took grab to get the online taxi and go to airy syariah medan sunggal

#Ready for tomorrow insya Allah

#BUDI LN seleksi berkas udah keluar pengumumannya. Alhamdulillah belum lulus.
Mesti semangat lagi belajar,


Sunday, July 30, 2017

Jatuh cinta lagi


Pagi kemaren Angel Bilang, kalau ia jatuh cinta lagi padaku..


Aku, seseorang yang biasa-biasa saja ini... yang tak pandai untuk beromantis ria, dan kadang juga tak mengerti cara memahami wanita. maklum wanita satu-satunya yang sangat berpengaruh disepanjang masa mudaku sebelum menikah adalah ibuku.

benar mungkin.. :)
Angel jatuh cinta lagi padaku. tepatnya sabtu kemaren.
Mungkin karena sepekan ini adalah pekan yang sanghat sangat sibuk dan penuh debar-debar.

Biasanya jika suasana begini, tensi jadi tinggi.. :D

pas lewat hari jumat.. fiuhhh

we have a holiday.. walaupun itu hanya di rumah.

bermain bertiga tanpa memikirkan apa-apa

"rehat sejenak"

#Love you dinda Sayang.
#Uda minta maaf ye...

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Ahh... Shalahuddinku...

These recent days, as i said in the previous post, are very busy.

And often i should extend my work time until mid night or even more.

And you know, my boy, Aqsha have a new habbit. Yup, playing around until midnight and even more sometime... -__-

But, yeah.. knowing that this little boy become taller and taller and more clever and  rrr r rr  :D makes me thank You ya Rabb.

Rabby Habli Minasholihin

Monday, July 24, 2017

When he, my little brother, said about Dien

Ahad, 24 July 2017

As you know, I have 2 little brothers. I Love them so much, and I pray to Allah that both of them become an ikhwan.

It was a very nice moment I had today, hmm... actually it was started couple days ago... this little brother become more close to Islam.

at least the following points, i declare as the turning point of my bro.
1. My mom said that he starts shalat at the time.
2. One day, when I asked him to take care of Aqsha while neither I and Angel nor Nenek Padang and Nenek Payakumbuh could do that, We found He and Aqsha slept accompanied by the murathal... (So sweet...)
3. I open his phone and suppraisingly, the walpaper is kalimat Tauhid "Laillahaillallah"
4. when we discussed while riding the motorcycle, i talk about shalat, and his respond was that he now are trying to understand the meaning of prayer we recite during the shalat (^_^), he said that "awalnyo, tapikia dek *** bg, untuak a shalat kalau ndak ngarati.. Tu *** cari di Internet arti bacaan Shalat... Kini lah mulai *** hapal."

5. when i said that "you have to recite qur'an, you can take my mushaf, you will need it for mentoring PAI". He said that, yup... he already read the qur'an at home, but now just the translation first...

Ya Allah yang Maha Membolak Balikkan hati, Kuatkan lah hati kami dalam beribadah kepadamu ya Allah.

Jadikan lah kami hamba-hamba yang taat dan bertaqwa. AMiin.

#Ya Rabb.. aku ingin punya ikhwan diantara saudara2 kandungku ya Allah..
#Hamba ingin saudara seperjuangan ya Allah

Sunday, January 01, 2017

2017 time for #PhD_Journey

Tidak terasa sudah masuk tahun 2017.

Alhamdulillah atas segala nikmat dan keberkahan serta lika liku indah perjalanan hidup selama ini ya Rabb. Terlebih tahun 2016 adalah tahun penuh dengan kenangan manis dan indah. perjuangan seorang dosen muda, suami muda, abi muda... :)

Tak sempurna memang.... tapi insya Allah Ane sudah berusaha.. walau kadang sabar itu hilang dan timbul.. walau kadang lebay dan lunglay... tapi toh karena Mu ya Rahman... ya karena izin dan ridho Mu.. hamba masih akan terus dan terus... terus berubah untuk lebih baik... terus berbenah untuk lebih sabar dan penuh semangat.

semakin cinta dengan dakwah ini... semakin butuh untuk selalu berada dalam dekapannya.

and dear Angel of Mine, thanks for being part of mylife dan tetaplah begitu selamanya hingga ke syurga... Amiin... 2016, bersamamu takkan pernah kulupa... :) kan menjadi sejarah manis perjuangan bahtera keluarga kita.

Ingat selalu visi misi cita cinta keluarga kita ya Sayang. :)
ingat kan Uda selalu.

Dear Aqsha... yg dalam namamu tertuang mimpi dan harapan kami... mimpi dan harapan bahwa Aqsha akan menjadi pejuang islam yang gagah berani... dan menjadi tentara pembebas palestina. Inysa Allah. Abi loves you, Aqsha sayang.

Mama, papa, Ibu, Atuk, om, tante, abang, adek2.. semoga semua dalam lindungan dan keberkahan dari Allah..

I am proud of you all.. semoga shaleh dan semakin shaleh..

#2017.... time for focus on my PhD Journey. Bismillah..
#go Abroad
#Japan,Ausie, Holland  ayo aja

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Alhmdulillah, Allah masih menegur.

Ya... sudah terlalu lama mungkin hanya sibuk dengan rutinitas, maklum, rimba raya kehidupan ini kami arungi bertiga... dengan tugas dan deadline yg tiada henti.

Insya allah, semua ada hikmahnya.

Dear jazz and dear vario and dear xperia, I do apologize for not serving you well. Insya allah, I will remember that you also deserve to get your right.

Semoga ga ada problem lagi dengan kalian ya, dear.

And my boy are growing up. Udah pintar ini itu, semoga jadi anak yg sholeh dan hafidz quran ya nak. :)

Hari ini kita ngedate, mumpung aqsha sama nenek. What a nice day, although,  although. ?. : D
Love you angel.


Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Pernak pernik raya

Kadang teringat bagaimana menjelang raya di padang. Dan bagaimana merayakannya. Cukup simple Dan sederhana Cukup di rumah saja Dengan keluarga kecilkusaja.. Damai Dan khidmat dg sendirinya.

Dan ketika sekarang-sekarang beragam warna Dan acara... Hehe, kesana Dan kesana...

Akh namanya juga lain lubuk lain ikannya. :) dinikmati saja. Besok2 mesti coba raya di padang juga. Raya yg simple sederhana tanpa Banyak acara acara :)

Selamat idul fitri 1437 H.

Semoga kita bersua kembali dg Ramadhan thn depan. Semoga Allah menerima amal ibadah kita.

Ramadhan yg penuh berkah. Bersama kekasih Hati Dan belahan jiwa....

#padang, I miss u

Monday, June 06, 2016

Ramadhan 1437 H

Alhamdulillah,  this is ramadhan Kareem.

Ramadhan kedua bersama istri trrcinta dan ramadhan pertama untuk Aqsha sejak ia lahir.
Sudah masuk bulan ke empat.

Hari pertama puasa, semoga penuh berkah.

Selalu Ada yg spesial disetiap ramadhanku.

Tahun ini insya Allah mencoba beberapa Hal Baru juga.

Mulai dengan jadwal pertama ngisi ceramah tarweh besok malam.. Semoga lancar. Amiin

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Sabar dan optimis

Membesarkan anak itu butuh kesabaran. Apalagi jika kita menumpangkan mimpi dan Cita-Cita Besar kepadanya.

Membesarkan anak itu butuh rasa optimis. Optimis bahwa kita bisa mendiamkannya yang sedang menangis keras. Optimis bahwa kita akan tetap sanggup menggendongnya walau hari demi hari bobotnya bertambah dan gerak motoriknya juga bertambah. Optimis bahwa kita bisa tetap Profesional bekerja walau hampir sepanjang hari kita habiskan bersama nya.

Ya... Sabar dan optimis. Karena anak kita adalah aset berharga perjuangan kita. Karena anak kita adalah anak-anak mata rantai perjuangan dakwah, insya Allah

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Life is unpredictable

Yups, I think everybody will agree with me that life is unpredictable.

For example, when you planed your schedule for a day perfectly then as soon as the day is coming, you can see the planed you have made are changing. Sometimes slightly but in another time it changes dramatically.

Learning from the experience, now I am a bit curious to wait and see what will happen to the plan that I made for a particular day.

Its amazing bro. And it could surprise you and make your day more colorful.

Just enjoy it. On the one hand you organize the plan and ready for doing it as your plan and on the other hand you are waiting for the surprise moment and how to deal with it.

Alhamdulillah.. I really enjoy it insya allah. Eventough, sometimes it seems to be rough, but everything happen with a reason right. And thats Allah's scenario insya Allah.

As today, one of my surprise moment is when suddenly I spent more than an hour just to hear one of my mentee talk. He talk about manything. And subhanalloh it reminds me about this phrase "donot judge a book by its cover"
And yeah the more you hear the more you learn and in the same time it makes you to do more reflections in your ownlife. About what Allah already Gives you.


The next surprise moment in this day, I met my old schoolmate unconsciously when I go to sph for greeting the didi's baby boy.

Yups again, listening their story and get the ibrah. Insya allah

I should prepare for seadr 4 in unp in 17 and 18 april...

Can you imagine that all keynote speakers and all keynote parallels presenter have relation with me .. My Dutch supervisor, my surabaya supervisors, my palembang supervisors and my Australia (potential) supervisor... Wow otokeee what should I do??????????
Hmm but first, let finish what this machine do...

#14 april 2016
#waiting for the laundry
23.50 wib


Bahagia itu sederhana, sering orang kata begitu.

Seperti, dapat bertemu si buah hati setiap hari.. Love you aqsha

Sunday, April 10, 2016

1st time self driving

8 x mati di jalan..

Tapi ober all alhamdulillah aman.

Rute pertama lumin lubay.. Fiuh sampai...

Thanks for the phone advise wawan.

Now the callenge is going back from lubay to lumin.


Friday, April 08, 2016

Next week will be challenging :)

In these two night we prepare the house for welcoming angel and aqsha. Even until mid night.. Hehe deadliners as usual.

And tomorrow is the time. .yeah with wawan I will pick they up and bring them to padang...

Whoaa almost three months, hopefully angel will like it... Not that big and furious, but yeah.. That, what I  only  can right now, especially to provide more space in the main building of the house.

Thanks for papa and mama and roli and randa and bang hen and toms.. Love you fulll. Rezeki punya 3 pejantan tangguh sebagai saudara.. :)

I already got my sim a.

Next week:
#Officially bertiga
#welcome to padang aqsha (tomorrow insya allah)
#NgeJazz insya Allah
#sea dr 4
#baralek bg andri
#ketemu potential supervisor s3 dari oz
#ketemu supervisor s2 dari holland
#ketemu supervisor s2 dari surabaya
#ketemu suoervisor dan dosen s1 dari unp

Challenging euy

Allahu akbar

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

To be with you all the time

Dear my love,

Sometimes, I ask you, "when will you back to padang?"

By anychance, donot think that I am tired on doing this padang-payakumbuh things. Donot ever think that I dont want to  oftenly go to your family home.

The only reason I asked that question is because I want to see you and aqsha everyday. I wanna keep my eyes on the growing of our beloved aqsa second to second, day to day.

Hopefully, the house will be ready soon so that we can welcome you on this april, insya allah

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Amazing moves

Another day of waiting.

Deg deg deg...

Its amazing to see his move in Angel bally :)

Showing he knows that we are waiting for his coming to this world.

May Allah bless you my son

Talowi, Payakumbuah
11 Februari 2016

Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Academic off

Since the last friday, when I fulfilled the duty of the new prodi things and also submitting the final mark of the students, I got several days free. Yeah in my plan, until the next friday.

This long holiday due to the preparation of the birth of my first son :) insya allah in this month.

Till now, five days already, I did not do anything related to the academic world :D
Hmm, I fell something missing, :D :) , yeah you know lah I am an academic person, actually.

But, yup, this is good, perhaps. Giving my self some times for refreshing, spent all the time with my lovely angle and also my child.

Living around the family in a village, with a high culture. Homy situation and full of love.

The phone is ringing already, the world is coming (again). Yeah, although this holiday is enjoyable, I know that somewhere there, manything are waiting for me.

I love both of them, the free day, and the work day. Those teach me how to appreciate the times, how to give the hard work, how to manage the health so that I can give my best contribution for those which I am in charge of, how to make my beloved family feel that they are my priority, and teach me how beautiful the live that Allah Gives to me.

Yeah, now the thing left is how I show Allah that I am trying hard to reach His Love

Insya allah.

Talawi, Payakumbuh
Tuesday, 9 February 2016

(#pray for sumbar, there are some floats around this province these two days)

Sunday, October 18, 2015

I like the way you *:"+*/;"

Hmm, dear honey. I love you. I know that sometime you take a look into this small blog i have. I really like the way you love me. A love that I never got before.

#one of those is the expression when you ask me to stop going out even it just to buy food for you and dedek.  You said that, dedek dont want abi leave him/her again. :)
Padahal sebelumnya ditinggal karena pergi ngajar sayang :)

What a cute face. Love you

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

4,5 months

Alhamdulillah, renewing the spirit.
All is well, and we can do it insya allah.

The deadline is coming.

#Hmmm, yeah its their right to judge but our task is only to show that we are in the right path. Ganbatte.

#My life my adventure. Its more challenging now, and it awesome.

#hmmm.. 4,5 months,then he or she will be here insya allah. YaRabb, keep them healthy and istiqomah in your way.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

H-1ke 2

Hmm, today is the first day for me since i resign of becoming the academic manager of JF. No no, dont think negative, the reason of my resigning is to focus on my academic career on campus and to prepare for a phd aplication.

The effect is, tarra ... Here i am, without a job on this tuesday. Okkay, i nelieve that there will be a way, insya Allah.

#Ehm, tomorrow, my third months as a husband will be started. It means we already together for 2 months, alhamdulillah, subhanallah, allahh akbar. I pray to Allah that we always become a samarada family insya allah.

#angle, i love you :)

Bit by Bit

I continue to strive against my procrastination, giving my best effort. Alhamdulillah, sometimes I make progress, but at other times, I find...