Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Academic off

Since the last friday, when I fulfilled the duty of the new prodi things and also submitting the final mark of the students, I got several days free. Yeah in my plan, until the next friday.

This long holiday due to the preparation of the birth of my first son :) insya allah in this month.

Till now, five days already, I did not do anything related to the academic world :D
Hmm, I fell something missing, :D :) , yeah you know lah I am an academic person, actually.

But, yup, this is good, perhaps. Giving my self some times for refreshing, spent all the time with my lovely angle and also my child.

Living around the family in a village, with a high culture. Homy situation and full of love.

The phone is ringing already, the world is coming (again). Yeah, although this holiday is enjoyable, I know that somewhere there, manything are waiting for me.

I love both of them, the free day, and the work day. Those teach me how to appreciate the times, how to give the hard work, how to manage the health so that I can give my best contribution for those which I am in charge of, how to make my beloved family feel that they are my priority, and teach me how beautiful the live that Allah Gives to me.

Yeah, now the thing left is how I show Allah that I am trying hard to reach His Love

Insya allah.

Talawi, Payakumbuh
Tuesday, 9 February 2016

(#pray for sumbar, there are some floats around this province these two days)

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