Showing posts with label mozaik penantian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mozaik penantian. Show all posts

Thursday, March 31, 2016


Hmm, the power of kepepet.

And tarra,, this is the night before friday.

Yeah, I dont know in these recent days, the night like this seem too long for me.

I just realized the reason. The reason is because tomorrow is friday which mean the day to come to meet my lovely. Miss you so much sayang.

Tapi penantian kali ini beda... Disambil nonton dan ngabstract ngejar target :)


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

To be with you all the time

Dear my love,

Sometimes, I ask you, "when will you back to padang?"

By anychance, donot think that I am tired on doing this padang-payakumbuh things. Donot ever think that I dont want to  oftenly go to your family home.

The only reason I asked that question is because I want to see you and aqsha everyday. I wanna keep my eyes on the growing of our beloved aqsa second to second, day to day.

Hopefully, the house will be ready soon so that we can welcome you on this april, insya allah

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Amazing moves

Another day of waiting.

Deg deg deg...

Its amazing to see his move in Angel bally :)

Showing he knows that we are waiting for his coming to this world.

May Allah bless you my son

Talowi, Payakumbuah
11 Februari 2016

Friday, January 09, 2015

Buat dia terhampar horizontal

Canangkan mimpi-mimpi mu dengan tinggi vertikal ke atas. Tapi kemudian, hamparkan ia secara horizontal. Sejauh apa pun ia, kau punya kesempatan Untuk menapaki jalan meraihnya setapak demi setapak. Kau bisa menujunya dengan berlari, bersepeda dan bahkan mungkin melaju kencang dg formula 1. Dan ketika kau kelelahan, kau pun bisa pelan berjalan dan bahkan berhenti terduduk diam. Toh selalu ada semangat Untuk bangkit dan meneruskan, karena kau Telah separuh jalan. Bahkan ketika tenaga mu habis impian mu masih disana, kau bisa tetap menjangkaunya dengan merangkak, Setidaknya kau masih bisa berusaha.

Berbeda jika mimpimu hanya menggantung tinggi vertikal jauh ke atas. Mungkin ia bisa kau Nikmati karena ia Laksana bintang berkerlip Indah, tapi mungkin hanya sebatas itu. Sebatas Untuk di lihat lihatvdan dikenang-kenang.


A teacher and the rainy day

Alhamdulillah. Its a rainy day. You know, its quite a big challenge when you weak up in the morning, doing subuh prayer and then you should preparethe learning materials for three different sessions. Fiuhh a very nice sensasion, no not just that, then you should take a shower in the early morning and its brrrrrr cold bro. No no not just that, with only an inappropriate mantel, riding the motorcycle through the rain. Wushhh.... Alhamdulillah. I really enjoy it. Really, Masya Allah. All of it is gone when we met in the classroom.  I do love teaching. Please alow me to be a good teacher (or lecturer)

#still waiting for the announcements. 

#I hope when the schedule is busy, I still love teaching.

#Hmmm cannot wait until march. To start a new stage of mylife :)

#hmm next class. Okayh

Monday, January 05, 2015

A wonderful year

Alhamdulillah its already 2015. I pray that may Allah gives His blessing for us and we could live in His way rightfully.

Hmm... I am quite busy, so I could not tell much on this site. But I think it is very important to keep writing in here. The focus is about using English. I am affraid that the little ability of using English I have will gone when I rarely use it. So... Here it is. My first post.on 2015

Hmmm..... Finally I did it last year, 25 December 2014. Acompanied by wawan and Pa. A nice journey. Every man should try it. Beliefe me, it was sensational. :) syukron for the accompaners :)

Then, at 4 January 2015, I thought that it will be more complicated, since its a next step. However, with Your Helps, it was happened nicely (I guess). Alhamdulillah.

And now there are still time to reach the target, yeah I believe I can.

FYI, I am teaching now. What a very nice job ever!!!!. Realy, I love teaching. May Allah show me the way for becoming a great teacher in school and in a college also. Insya allah.

Hmm. The cpns selelection,, yeah you know lah, the typical of our country, nothing fix untill its announced. And when it will be Announced? Only dikti and Allah who know it.
Just pray. And make the waiting time wonderful. :)

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

A way to contribute

Alhamdulillah, this morning I got a message said that there is a position that I could apply.

Hmm... okkeh, I am exciting to end up this jobless time. Although its for a school, never mind for me. :) as I declared long long time ago, that I like teaching, I am fond of it.

I have heard that some people said that, why dont I try to open my own course or something like that, something that not find a job, but provide a job (making a job). Okay, I have thought about it, but for now, I just want to apply my knowledge. I just want to test the thoery that I have learned. Hkw does it work in the real teaching and learning, either in school or in the university.

Dont worry, I even dream about having my own university later on. Amiin insya Allah.
But again, for now, I just want to apply my knowledge, without thinking much about how to open a course, how to manage the institution etc. Thats something that I am not focus on now.

Hopefully, there will be a good news from kemendikbud, iain and ummy.

#oh ya.. only a few days more, then I will have my own house (althought I use some money from my mom :D ) love you mom. I will return it as soon as posibble.

# a new week with a full of fighting spirit
#preparing for the cpns part 2

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Commitment construction

It always hard to start a first move. Hmm.. at this momment I a little bit confuse. Whether I can make it or not. Yeah... it will be a hard fight for me. Since I am not remember the topic of the real mathematics. And the test consist od many problems about it. Then, about what I will do after finishing the test. Hmm... I am a bit afraid ya Rabb.

Its a transition, and yeah.... I dont know.

However, bismillah. I will fight. Absolutely yes, I will give my hard work.

Hmmm what a busy week. Procesing the house, the skck, the npwp, the yellow card, the healthy letter. Hmmm

Please allow me to make it ya Rabb.
Please guide me with your light.

Quality time

Menjalani hari sebagai seorang yang dikenal dengan istilah "pengangguran" memang sedikit membuat galau. Gimana enggak, sekolah boleh dibilang cukup mumpuni, bahkan diberi anugrah untuk mencicipi pendidikan luar negeri, tapi apa daya, yang namanya dunia pasca campus tetap saja memiliki tantangan nya sendiri. Sampai saat ini, saya masih belum memiliki aktivitas tetap yang berupa sebuah pekerjaan. Tak seperti beberapa teman lainnya mungkin yang mampu mengembangkan diri pada bidang usaha, saya tak begitu memiliki skill di bidang tersebut. Sebagian lainya berkecimpung dalam bidang jasa misal menjadi trainer, sama juga, saya bukanlah seseorang yang terbiasa dengan dunia trainer. Klo disuruh ngisi materi, ya insya Allah bisa. Tapi kalo diharapkan menjadi trainer... hmmmm wait. I am not that good. So what can I do???

Hmmm.... bismillah, its time to explor my skill and ability. The ability to survive and the ability of applying the theories in the real world.
I just afraid that I could not do what I have said, since the theories is not the same with the live application.
But bismillah, we will survive insya Allah. And I believe that.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Waiting the lecturer

Hmm... actually I already got the information from my fellow students that the lecturer that I want to meet is busy. However, I still hope that I can consult about the revision with him today. And I will realy thank if he give me the acc.

#this morning is not too good, my mood is fly away. Yeah, its only about my feeling since I think that it is mine. Nothing wrong, clearly, its only came from the myside.

# I did not find even one of my collage in this lobby. Not as the day before, many of them wait for the lecturer as I did. But now, I think I am the oly one master students that wait for the lecturer. May be they already finished the revision and just busy with other stuff  like preparing the photograph :D

# :) its challenging ofcourse and I believe that there will be a good thing behind this.
#The beuaty of getting pak abadi as one of the examiner :)
#feeling alone, both conotative and denotative meaning

Friends around you.

Nothing wrong when you miss your friend which is far away from you. But the problem is, there are still them, the current friend you have around you, who need you to care of. #semangat pagi. #hopefully i can get the acc from pak abadi today. Edisi #aku&pakabadiku

Sunday, January 13, 2013


I am eager to fly as soon as possible.

And start a new era of my life.
Too much things to do here, tomorrow will be a hard week

Friday, January 11, 2013

Thursday, January 10, 2013


The schedule for today is sharing the information about our scholarship. Alizwel insya allah. There is always a way.

Monday, October 29, 2012

alhamdulillah, 6.5 with 6.5 --> the power of prays

After wait in a long waiting process, we can get the access to the results.
in the Saturday noon, me and 3 others go to IALF Surabaya and we met Mr Alex, he helped us to get our results. 

And Surprisingly, Allahu Akbar, i get the overall band 6.5 with writing band also 6.5.

Alhamdulillah it is better than before. increase 1 point.
although it just one point, but the way i get it and the process was so challenging and sometimes stressful.

Until now, i am the only one from Impome Unesa 2012 that insya Allah get the occasion to go to the Netherlands, but i still wait for the official announcement from the PMRI and Neso. Hope that the process is done well. 

I pray for the other friends that they can also pass the requirement and get the same occasion to continue our study in Holland. Please Ya Rahman, allow us to get it.

I just wanna say thank you to You God, because without You, i am nothing.
Keep me in Your Hand.

I know that it was not only my job, because i ask so many people to pray for me. And i believe that these help me so much.

Doa orang-orang sholeh yang terhimpun membuat jalan ini terasa mudah dan menyenangkan.
Aku sadar bahwa ketaatanku belumlah seberapa, bahwa aku sering lalai dan banyak dosa, aku khawatir jika hanya mengandalkan doaku saja maka ini akan terasa sulit dan jauh.

Aku bersyukur sekali punya komunitas yang berjuang untuk jalan dakwah ini. aku yakin mereka adalah orang-orang baik, orang-orang yang Mencintai Allah dalam diri dan keseharian mereka. Para ustadz, para Murabby, para ADK, dan beruntungnya aku bisa mendapatkan doa-doa dari mereka. 

Sekali lagi terhimpunya doa dari orang-orang sholeh, membuat semua ini mudah dan menyenangkan.
Syukron Jazakumullah khair ya Ustadz, Ustadzah akhy dan ukhty fillah.

Doa sahabat-sahabat dan guru serta Dosen juga keluarga, termasuk support mereka moril dan materil hehe. Terimaksih. Special to Ms Silfia and Ms Tsuroyya, you are the best Instructor that i ever have.

Bahkan aku sampai meminta doa dari orang-orang yang tak dikenal.
Saat di ruang tunggu bandara Soetta, bercerita dengan ibu-ibu, entah siapa, lalu pas berpisah minta didoakan bisa diberikan yang terbaik dari seleksi beasiswa ini. Dikesempatan lain, masih di Bandara, namun bukan di Soetta tetapi di ruang pengambilan bagasi BIM, saat membantu seorang ibu2 lagi, yang entah siapa-siapa, saat berpisah kuminta di doakan. Juga pernah di atas kereta, bercerita dengan ibu-ibu lain yang juga entah siapa-siapa aku juga minta didoakan. Pernah juga dengan supir taksi dari bandara Juanda, lalu supir taksi lainnya, yang entah siapa-siapa.

Aku mempraktekkan ini terinspirasi dari seorang sahabat blogger yang awalnya juga entah siapa-siapa, yang menceritakan tentang kekuatan doa.

Aku juga pernah dengar, kita tak tahu bukan, doa dari siapa yang diijabah Allah dengan seketika dan cepat.

Tentu saja yang paling berarti adalah doa dari Ibu dan Ayah, yang selalu ada dan paling kurindukan.
I Love you So much.

(NB: alhamdulillah pengumuman teman2 lainnya sudah keluar, dan total 6 orang dari IMPOME Unesa Surabaya: saya (UNP), Andrea (Unimed Medan), Cici (UNY Jogja), Herani (Unes Semarang), Yoga (UM Malang) and Fachry (UNM Makasar). 4 orang lainnya dari IMPOME Unsri yaitu Sri Rejeki (Jateng), Siwi (UM Malang) Wahid Y (UNY Jogja), dan Boni (Kalimantan) )

Sunday, September 23, 2012

1 #smile . H+1 The Challenging Day

Alhamdulillah akhirnya hari kemaren terlalui juga.

Hmm.. I felt confident with my Listening and reading section, as long as there were not miss spelling or missing the  -s ending.
But i'm not sure about my writing and speaking.
Especially for my speaking, the topic was quite easy (hometown and sport event) but the big problem was the way i speak and expressed my idea. hmmm
just wait and see.

Let we start the new Countdown.

apa ya hastag yang bagus.. ehmmm how about 1 #Smile

ok 1 #Smile

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Alhamdulillah.. pengumuman telah tiba

Yups.. akhirnya setelah saling menanti dalam kebenaran dan saling menanti dalam kesabaran, maka the enaunsemen datang. Secara resmi menyatakan dengan eksplisit bahwa mulainya "ditunda".

masih ada kesempatan dan bisa merasakan puasa dengan keluarga insya Allah. Sampaikanlah kami ke RamadhanMu yang penuh Berkah Ya Allah.. ^_^.

Bisa lebih memperdalam ilmu untuk the 14th and the 106th.

Bisa tetap membersamai bibit "pohon jati" kecil kami.

Bisa mengejar target-target yang belum tertunaikan.

Terima kasih ya Rahman. You Always Know The Best One for me....


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Akhirnya mereka bicara

Setelah bungkam dan menjawab pertanyaan dengan nada yang seolah sama.. akhirnya mereka buka suara...

Ehm.. Alhamdulillah masih ada waktu. Walau tetap waktu itu masih saja belum jelas hingga saat ini. :)

Mudah-mudahan ini yang terbaik.

Semoga tetap Semangat Sob.

Stand in By. ^_^

#tidak ada les

Monday, May 28, 2012

Surabaya oh surabaya...

Alhamdulillah disela rapat dan telponan sore ini, tersentak kaget karena mas irkham teriak di grup bahwa ada pengumuman di web pmri.

pengumuman dh keluar..cpt lht

Langsung saja tancap gas ke sana dan alhamdulillah ane dijatahin di Surabaya. hmmmm.. keren. (walau sangat awam dengan kota itu, yang penting semangat). 

Tapi teteup aja masih misterius tentang kapan tanggal mulai nya. Membuat kami galau, sedangkan Mba' kabid kembali meloby untuk memastikan diri hadir di acara rakernas. Sungguh  ai rili dot naw lah wat tu du??? 

Dan harga tiket pun memulai naik.. mudah-mudahan esok sebelum jam sembilan sudah ada kejelasan. sehingga bisa memastikan diri untuk ikut raker atau tidak.

Dan barusan berkoordinasi bersama dengan rekans di grup impome, kami sama-sama bingung untuk langkah registrasi ini. ckckckck... benar-benar misterius.. hehe.

Sampai-sampai kak nana bilang " kemaren ni, sabar-sabar, eh sekarang bingung-bingung".

Bit by Bit

I continue to strive against my procrastination, giving my best effort. Alhamdulillah, sometimes I make progress, but at other times, I find...