Showing posts with label from holland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label from holland. Show all posts

Monday, December 16, 2013


Don't think about having much time to do your interesting activity. NO, it is a really NO.

After the thesis defense on the 9 and 10 of december 2013, we need to revise the design, connect it to the chapter 1, 2 and 3 and then make the HLT (ch4) and also the materials that support our design. Not only that, we still have a final report of IP course and Geometry class. Fiuh... Ganbatte kudasai JHO!!!

# again, berpacu dengan waktu.
# I plan not to go for any vacation again. Meanwhile my friends already planned to go to Roma, Berlin, etc. Hmm i will be outcase if they will talk about it. and I don't like it. However it is my choice Hehe :D

#enjoy the vacancy guys ^_^

# Don't have much money for the oleh-oleh. I am sorry guys, I still don't have a job, so don't expect that I will buy you oleh-oleh :)

Friday, December 06, 2013

Calon poster

Hmmm h -2. Should be prepared well. Tomorow there will be a general meeting with our main supervisor. #pray for my presentation ya guys. :) #semoga dimudahkan olh Allah swt. Amiin yra

Thursday, December 05, 2013

Gladi kotor presentasi

Today, we have chance to present the presentation for proposal defense in from of our supervisor and fellow group. Alhamdulillah. I got many feedback, and it seems i still need to do many things. Insya Allah i can.  #hmm i still dont know. Why somebody keep me on quite. However, it is nice i think, since i can maintain myself first. And keep move on. #semangaaat

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

22 Muharram 1410 H, now 25 my age

Segala puji syukur kepadaMu ya Rahman atas nikmat yang telah dicurahkan.

Jiwa ini malu menghadapMu. Masih banyak kekurangan yang mesti hamba perbaiki.

Jangan lah Engkau berpaling dan membiarkan hamba. kuatkan hamba untuk tetap berjalan lurus dan dengan penerangan cahayaMu yang tak pernah padam.

Ya Rabb, yang Maha Pemilik Kasih Sayang, betapa rindu hati ini dengan tanah air. Rindu dengan nuansa yang tenang dan menentramkan. Semoga bisa kembali dan berkontribusi lebih banyak. Hanya untuk kemuliaan Islam dan kaum muslimin.

Friday, November 22, 2013

#17 realizing

Fiuh, its 17 days left before the conference.
What about my preparations?
How about the confidentiality?

Hmm, should plan everything well.
Focus and don't get lost.
You can do it, and absolutely you Can
Insya Allah

Ya Rabb Hamba memohon kekuatan dan perlindungan serta petunjukMu.Ampuni salah dan khilaf hamba dalam menjalani hidup dan kehidupan ini.
Banyak kelalaian yang telah dilakukan.
Insya Allah akan hamba perbaiki.

Allahu Akbar

Monday, November 18, 2013

You Can You Can You Can !!!

A warm greet of the real world.

Welcome back Ronal!!!

*assingment, design, thesis


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Boys day out, paris edition

3 hari yang menyenangkan. Membuat fresh dan punya semangat baru.

Perjalanan eksplorasi kota paris untuk keduakalinya ini memangterasa berbeda. Biasanya kami pergi dalam jumlah rombongan besar, namun untuk kali ini hanya 3 orang dan itu cowok semua.
Biasanya segala sesuatu itu dipersiapkan oleh para cewek. Mereka mengatur ini dan itu dan membuat schedule2, mengurus tiket dan me list penginapan. Kami yang cowok biasanya tinggal melakukan kerja2 praktis.

Bukan nya tidak mau membantu, tapi yah cewek2 angkatan kami adlah cewek yg mandiri, gesit dan cekatan (dan terkadang menurutku sedikit superior) hahaha. Whatever.

Dan perjalanan sesi ini yang aku bisa menikmatinya dengan sangat enjoy, tanpa harus terjebak dalam polemik dan intrik yg licu dan menggelitik.

Beda memang dan masing-masing kisah perjalanan punya tempat nya khusus di memoriku ini. Pengalaman2 yang tak kan terlupakan bersama kawan2 semua. Insya allah kita ambil hikmah dan pembelajaran dari setiap perjalanan yang kita lakukan. Dan nanti bisa kita ulang bersama anak cucu kita :D

Alhamdulillah ya Rabb atas nikmat dan rahmat yang Rngkau anugrahkan, jadikanlah kami hamba2 yang bersyukur.

Friday, November 08, 2013

weekend i am coming

finally week end/


Although it still many things to do. But take a deep breath first. and enjoy the weekend.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The winter time

i got an email from Karel which stated that today we need to put the clock one hour backward. because it is the "Winter Time"

I don't know what the reason is. Why the Ducth need to reset their clock twice a year. HMMM complicated.

I should finish the assignments earlier especially for the pure mathematics subject, since usually I a bit slow to understand it, and it seems that I am not in the list to discuss about it. hehe..
Yeah, no problem guys.  I will try to do my best. And always start to do it earlier so i have more time to think and prepare. So then i can put something on the table to be discussed and then bring it up into the whole class discussion.

I make a good move in the previous meeting of Geometry. And I hope i can keep it on and improve it.

One of our housemates goes to Lange for three respective days. May be it is important, not because of the uncomfortableness.



Thursday, October 24, 2013

nice improvement

wednesday 23rd, 2013

I have an appointment with my supervisor.
First, we have a problem about the "printer" (again and again). But it is not very complicated, and our lovely Mark helps us to solve it, Alhamdulillah.

For the next batch of IMPOME. BE CAREFUL WITH THE PRINTER, and be careful also with the "madam van printer van ketus"

The supervising today is very nice (for me and the lady of fractions). Mieke gave us many suggestion and she appreciate what have we done.

And for me, alhamdulillah, it looks that she very happy to see my improvement.

Alhamdulillah, I will not disappoint you our lovely Baroness van Fractions. ^_^

Bismillah, Many things to do.


Saturday, October 19, 2013

Postpone the outing

Actually, we plan to have an outing today. But one of the three masketerz get sick. So we postpone the plan until tomorrow. Meanwhile, we also need to do  any assignment. So just calm down and have a sweety sit to deal with these all.

Aja aja fighting kawans.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Family gathering idul adha (part 2)

In the afternoon we go to bg ancik van tebas house. We meet again with the indonesian family around utrecht.

What a nice comunity. I thanks fot the moment.

Generally there are three main circle in the gathering. A circle of the men, a circle of the women, and a circle of the kinderen.

I and fachry also mbak je and rani joint the kinderen circle. They are very nice and cute. Haha.

Thank you ancik, teh eha, nazifah and salsabila.

#finaly there is something I did that make a border. I do apologize of it guys. I will not make you affraid of me. I am sure of it insya Allah.
Eventhough I should sacrify my feel of comfort when I am around you.

#move on.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Eid Mubarak (idul adha kedua di rantau orang)

Allahu Akbar.

Lebaran haji kali ini kuhabiskan (kembali) di rantau orang. Kali ini jaraknya sangat jauh dari kampung halaman ku. ya, saat ini aku sedang berada di sebuah kerajaan kecil di pinggir barat eropa. Belanda.

Euforia malam takbiran yang tak begitu terasa. Maklum kami berada bukanlah di tanah mayoritas muslim. Namun kesempatan untuk merasakan detik-detik lebaran sempat jua aku rasakanbersama teman-teman.

Sepulang dari kampus, kami mampir ke Rumah Bunda Hafidzah untuk membantu beliau mempersiapkan makanan untuk acara besok. Kami kebagian lahan pembakaran sate. :D

Tapi kawan, malam nya, kami harus basitungkin untuk menyelesaikan deadline yang batasnya adalah pukul satu siang.

Kami memilih untuk tidur dulu ba'da maghrib dan bangun jam 12 malam. Mulai dari sana aku tak sempat lagi memejamkan mata sampai saat nya berangkat ke sgb.

Alhamdulillah ramaidan makanan yang ada WOW Lekker. :D

Walau jauh dari keluarga, namun tetap indah dengan penuh ukhuwah.

Selamat Lebaran Haji 1434 H. mohon maaf lahir batin

Wednesday, October 09, 2013


Make a mistake. But I just want to remind him and myself. Althouh it is in a not good way.


Tuesday, October 08, 2013

a laptop, a tab, and a glass of mango juice

A laptop, a tab, a galss of mango juice and so mnny articles.

It is my typical night in these days.

I must get use of it.

It will be nice in the end.

Just enjoy the process JHO.

Sunday, October 06, 2013

titik hitam

terkadang untuk mengetahui putihnya sesuatu kita perlu melihat pada sebuah titik hitam.
karena dengan begitu kita jadi tahu seberapa indahnya sebuah kecerahan.

namun yang terpenting adalah bagaimana merefleksi diri untuk menutupi titik hitam itu dengan usaha-usaha kebaikan.


Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Life turbulence

Hmm have a life turbulence.
hopefully i can survive.

Hold me on Your Hand ya Rabb


Bit by Bit

I continue to strive against my procrastination, giving my best effort. Alhamdulillah, sometimes I make progress, but at other times, I find...