Sunday, October 27, 2013

The winter time

i got an email from Karel which stated that today we need to put the clock one hour backward. because it is the "Winter Time"

I don't know what the reason is. Why the Ducth need to reset their clock twice a year. HMMM complicated.

I should finish the assignments earlier especially for the pure mathematics subject, since usually I a bit slow to understand it, and it seems that I am not in the list to discuss about it. hehe..
Yeah, no problem guys.  I will try to do my best. And always start to do it earlier so i have more time to think and prepare. So then i can put something on the table to be discussed and then bring it up into the whole class discussion.

I make a good move in the previous meeting of Geometry. And I hope i can keep it on and improve it.

One of our housemates goes to Lange for three respective days. May be it is important, not because of the uncomfortableness.



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