Monday, December 16, 2013


Don't think about having much time to do your interesting activity. NO, it is a really NO.

After the thesis defense on the 9 and 10 of december 2013, we need to revise the design, connect it to the chapter 1, 2 and 3 and then make the HLT (ch4) and also the materials that support our design. Not only that, we still have a final report of IP course and Geometry class. Fiuh... Ganbatte kudasai JHO!!!

# again, berpacu dengan waktu.
# I plan not to go for any vacation again. Meanwhile my friends already planned to go to Roma, Berlin, etc. Hmm i will be outcase if they will talk about it. and I don't like it. However it is my choice Hehe :D

#enjoy the vacancy guys ^_^

# Don't have much money for the oleh-oleh. I am sorry guys, I still don't have a job, so don't expect that I will buy you oleh-oleh :)

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