Friday, March 27, 2020

a working wife

Dear my love.

I don't prepare something special on your birthday and also in our 5th anniversary.

Unfortunately, we are also separated (for a while insya Allah) by the covid 19 antisipation protocol. Mui padang has already give a fatwa about praying at home, not to conduct jamaah prayer at masjid. Either for jumuah or the 5 daily times. So sad actually. 

But don't worry, although i am not as romantic as a poetrician (i don't know the right term for penyair puisi), i will make something special for you. (Remember the callendar??? :D :D )

For today, the special thing i made is.....

I decision.

Yup, a decision for giving a commitment that I will support you totally in your career ***. I will pray so that you can be a PNS nan penuh berkah. I will pray so that you can be a professional lecturer nan penuh berkah. I will pray that you can be a profesor nan penuh berkah (together with me of course :) ) And I will not including "unworking" as one of criteria for our future minantu ;)

Is it clear honey?

Love you.

(*** You do all of it with SMILE. ALL OF IT. career as a wife, a mother, a mintuo (later on), a grandma (later on), a grandma uyut (very later on), a lecturer, a profesor, etc)


Saturday, March 07, 2020

missing you for the whole weekend

I define my self as a person who try to focus and professional in my job.

I also define my self as a person who concern on dividing personal life stuff with job or office working life.

I also define my self as a person who concern on equality and proportionality in the working life.

I am feel a bit jealous, when in an out of the office working, a member bring his/her family.

* It will make him or her not focus on doing the job.
*It will make other member also feel or miss him or her family also.
*It is unfair, 


Just enjoy it
Miss you all, my best heroes.

Love you

Friday, February 14, 2020

titah tak bertuah

Singgasana megah dalam istana tua
Dengan permadani perca beragam warna
Lengang, sepi tanpa cahaya

Sayup-sayup, hewan malam bersuara
Merapal mantra kehidupan
Dengan semangat alakadarnya.

Menemani si pemilik tahta 
Yang bertitah tak bertuah
Menanti gelap membawanya pergi.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

pendar silau di ufuk fajar

Menari mentari dibalut kabut pagi
Mengusir temaram malam yang telah ringkih
Lelah datang pergi, berulang setiap hari

Menari sinar pagi disela tetes embun
Menghalau cahaya bulan nan kian pudar
Penat melawan awan gelap, berebut hadir kuasai langit

Tarian bangau putih, mengiring langkah burung-burung kecil
berlari-lari di atas angin
mengepak-ngepak sayap,
menghalau silau nan berpendar di ufuk fajar.

Friday, January 03, 2020

lika liku "jalan mencari Tuhan"

More than a month for me in my way on learning to tazkiyatun nafs. Learning about dzikir qalbu.

I am not that good yet ofcourse but i am feeling better.

Today, I don't know why, myself just push me to yake a jumuah prayer on Baiturrahmah.
And masya Allah, the khatib is ust Hidayat.
May be, my soul is really miss to meet the asatidz. 

Barakallah ya ustadz, hopefully Allah Will always guide you. Amiin.

Thursday, January 02, 2020

like and dislike

Being a human means that you should Interac with people around.

However, when you think that you are charming enough to be with them, the fact says something else. It seems that the people think you have many sides which they are dislike.

So, yeahh...
Just be your self, keep upgrade and stay focus.

Everything is just for Allah.

Friday, December 20, 2019

here we go again


Semua hiruk pikuk dunia pekerjaan, Allah jadikan jalan bagiku untuk bertemu dengan jalan mulia, jalan para pembelajar, jalan para pencari Tuhan.

Tidak ada yang terjadi melainkan ada hikmah dibalik nya.

Dan insya Allah saya pun yakin demikian.

Walau ielts sdh expire,
Walau Loa sdh expire,
Walau beasiswa lpdp entah gimana kelanjutannya...

Tapi satu yang pasti,
Nal, you have to stay focus and keep the spirit up.

Akan ada jalannya insya Allah.

Bit by Bit

I continue to strive against my procrastination, giving my best effort. Alhamdulillah, sometimes I make progress, but at other times, I find...