Friday, March 27, 2020

a working wife

Dear my love.

I don't prepare something special on your birthday and also in our 5th anniversary.

Unfortunately, we are also separated (for a while insya Allah) by the covid 19 antisipation protocol. Mui padang has already give a fatwa about praying at home, not to conduct jamaah prayer at masjid. Either for jumuah or the 5 daily times. So sad actually. 

But don't worry, although i am not as romantic as a poetrician (i don't know the right term for penyair puisi), i will make something special for you. (Remember the callendar??? :D :D )

For today, the special thing i made is.....

I decision.

Yup, a decision for giving a commitment that I will support you totally in your career ***. I will pray so that you can be a PNS nan penuh berkah. I will pray so that you can be a professional lecturer nan penuh berkah. I will pray that you can be a profesor nan penuh berkah (together with me of course :) ) And I will not including "unworking" as one of criteria for our future minantu ;)

Is it clear honey?

Love you.

(*** You do all of it with SMILE. ALL OF IT. career as a wife, a mother, a mintuo (later on), a grandma (later on), a grandma uyut (very later on), a lecturer, a profesor, etc)


1 comment:

  1. Alhamdulillah.. Jazakumullah Khair sayang..
    It is clear. I hope, I can always SMILE everytime.. Mmmmmuach..😘


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