Monday, November 20, 2023



Hanya berpisah jarak antara rumah, sekolah dan kampus.

tapi rindunya kagak nahan.

Mungkin karena banyak waktu yang 2 bulan ini dihabiskan bersama dengan mereka.

love them so much. Alhamdulillah.

Semoga jadi anak-anak yang sehat dan sholeh

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Notable Moments, Syukur Alhamdulillah

Alhamdulillah, it's been nearly two months since my family joined me here in Melbourne, specifically on November 14, 2023. Uda Aqsho has been attending NPPS and TPA Madania for about a month now. Alhamdulillah, we've achieved a lot, and all credit goes to Allah. I'm truly grateful for everything. We've faced various challenges together, and remarkably, we've managed to navigate them with joy

Some notable moments that I want to capture in this post are:

1. Adek Rasyid has started his preparatory school session at NPPS.

Actually, the school was supposed to begin for him next year, and we initially planned to enroll him closer to the commencement date. However, Allah guided us to expedite the process. His ways are always unpredictable. During a family gathering event, some friends discussed children and their schooling with Ummi. They suggested that we should start enrolling Rasyid early because schools sometimes have limited seats. At that time, I had intended to postpone it until I finished my revision (which seems to be an endless revision cycle :D), but Ummi was eager to do it as soon as possible. So, we went to the school with the required documents (which I had prepared following Uda Aqsho's documents).

Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar! The day we went to the school happened to be the last week before the "once a week" session started. Allahu Akbar. It turns out there are four sessions that parents and children who will join the preparatory school next year should attend. Alhamdulillah, we were able to be a part of it. Fortunately, Allah provided guidance through Ummi's friends. Thank you, Allah, and thank you to those kind-hearted people.

The enrollment process has been very easy and straightforward, Alhamdulillah.

2. Ummi has finally managed to secure a Letter of Acceptance (LOA) from Monash University and a scholarship from LPDP. 

This is a truly joyful moment after a long and challenging journey. Securing the LOA and scholarship is crucial for our family, as without these two things, we wouldn't know what to do. Honestly, up until now, we still don't have any other options. We literally don't know how Ummi would stay here in Melbourne without the scholarship and LOA.

Syukur Alhamdulillah. Thank you to everybody who has contributed to this achievement. May Allah reward you abundantly. Ameen YRA

3. Uda Aqsha was recognized as the best student for year 2 in this period.

One day this week, I picked up Uda Aqsha as usual. He approached me with his prestigious smile and showed me a card in his hand. The home-teacher had written appreciative words about Aqsha, highlighting his responsibility and hard work in completing all of his school assignments. I commended him for it and created an Instagram reel to document his reaction. Then, unexpectedly, Ummi connected with another Indonesian parent at NPPS who conveyed congratulations through WhatsApp. She mentioned that Aqsha was chosen as the best student for this period. Typically, there is an evaluation for each period, and the best students from each class are announced and recognized during the joint student meeting in the school hall.

Masha Allah, thank you, my diligent boy. I am reminded of the time when discussing school was a forbidden topic, even back in Indonesia because he didn't want to attend school in Melbourne. The period before starting school was a challenging and worrisome time for our family. On one hand, I felt compassion for Aqsha, who was about to face an unfamiliar school environment with limited English proficiency. However, Allah paved the way for His blessings. Since the first day, Aqsho has consistently gone to and from school with enthusiasm. Alhamdulillah.

Oh, there's a secret of Allah's love behind this achievement. Before this, Uda Aqsha participated in a class meeting activity at his school. He had put in effort but hadn't won yet. At home, Ummi said he was very sad, even to the point of tears, wondering why he never won any competitions. This was the case back when he was at Adzkia too, despite his sincere efforts. We comforted him, and it turns out Allah comforted him with this achievement. Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar.

And there's more to share; I will update you in future posts, insha Allah.


Now, please keep me in your prayers as I strive to excel in my revision. The deadline is approaching."

Friday, October 27, 2023

Roda Padati

"It is always challenging."

"Yes, life is often like that. Perhaps not for everyone."

"Joys and happiness,"

"Sadness and overwhelming emotions,"

"Enthusiasm and strength,"

"Uninspired and laziness,"

"All of these will come and go in countless cycles." Like a roda padati yang sedang berputar

"What makes it different for one person from another is how they deal with it."

"As for me, I have failed many times in managing it well."

"I don't know the exact or better way to deal with it."

"I always try to keep going and to accept myself. I feel very sad after making a mistake in handling these emotions because it also affects the people around me."

Thursday, October 05, 2023

A sad face

We have tried our best to adjust with the budget we have for a living in this new continent. 

It is a hard time for me (my soul) to stop my sons on picking items he likes when we are shopping in grocery mart. It is not like what they used to in Budiman. Also considering the halalness. 

Even, in an occasion at Coles, a stranger buy my sons a chip snack, probably he recognised abiut the situation. :) 

As well as my wife, usually the only things she consider are about the usefulness, healtiness and the unmubazirness of the items. But now "the price" Become the most top selection criteria. 

But after all, we do enjoy our living here together. We believe that there is always way for everything, as long as we give our effort, doing good things and maximise the prayer. 

A sad face this morning. When my wife trying new recipi and its not done well enough. The utility was not supporting her. 

But you know, a new cheerful sentence from our little sholeh boy
" Ummy, tidak berhasil kok enak ayam cickennya my? "

Hehe. Syukurnya ummy dikelilingi oleh tiga mesin pemakan... 

Yang selalu excited sama apa yang ummy masakin. 

Thank you my love

Wednesday, October 04, 2023

pull your self together, Jho

Yes the tittle is a phrase used by people to express that one have to concentrate himself to refocus and keep calm on doing the progress. (For the exact meaning just googling it or ask chatGPT).

The first week of october about to end, and I still make a very slow progress. I need to uplift my motivation and push myself to start and consistently doing the writing. 

Alhamdulillah it is chapter 3 now, but the previous two chapters are not final yet. Many parts of it need to be revised, adjusted or even replaced with a more proper writing.

I have to fight my feeling of laziness. And the best way to do it is by start typing the first sentence. And Bismillah. I will do it now.


Friday, September 29, 2023

Finally, we are on our 3rd week in Melbourne

After a long and exhausted journey, I can manage to bring my lovely family to Melbourne. 

It is not easy though. 
But Allah always helps us for everything. 
HE always gives what we need on the right time. 

Yes, not only about what we want. 

I realised that the timing is always the best. 
For example, We need a family visa, but there was still an enrolment document from aqsho's prospective school that was not issued yet that made the delay for the visa submission. However, this circumstance allowed us to managed khitan for both aqsho and rasyid and spare us enough time for their recovery. 

Second example, 
When ummy's department conducted a farewel meeting for her leaving to australia, we still dag dig dug waiting for the visa is it granted or not, which mean it was still uncertain that ummy would go to Melbourne or not. Considering this made us a little bit overwhelmed with the farewel. What will people say if the visa not granted. But Allah is very best planner as always be. On the same day with the farewell, the visa was issued. Fiuh alhamdulillah. 

The third example. 
I was very nervous for my supervisory meeting. On the last meeting my supervisor had asked me about when will I back to Melbourne. I gave them an estimation. But prior to the next meeting, we are still waiting for the family visa and I didn't know what to answer when the same question came up again on the meeting. But, finally a day before the meeting, the visa was granted and I could buy a ticket, so I could confidently mention my flight schedule to the supervisor. 

And many other situations. 

So nikmat Tuhanmu yang mana lagi yang kau dustakan. 
And know we are on our 3rd week in Melbourne now. 

We enjoy all feelings we have here. 
Its nano nano. 
But alhamdulillah, as long as we are together, my lovely family, everything much more better. 

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Enjoying the July 2023

 It's been a very long time indeed. According to my plan, I will return to Indonesia in August 2023 to meet my family and bring them back to Melbourne. However, it's not as easy as it sounds. To make this happen, I need to prepare many things. Money, of course, is a crucial factor, but there are other aspects that are even more challenging for me.

Fortunately, my supervisor has given their permission, but it depends on the progress I make in writing the proposal, which is currently in a less than satisfactory condition. In addition to bringing my family, I also need to arrange accommodation. Despite inspecting more than 10 units and applying for 5 of them, I haven't received any information yet. If there are no positive results by next week, I will have to inform my current landlord that I will be paying rent for August, which means there is a possibility of overlapping rent fees between the current house and the prospective leased unit. Hopefully, that won't be the case.

Furthermore, I also need to arrange school enrollment for my son as it's a requirement for the visa. After our agent lodges the visa application, my wife and children will need to go to Jakarta for a medical check-up. Phew...

And then there's the issue of purchasing tickets. I hope we can find the cheapest tickets with a good itinerary. Amen.

Despite everything, I believe I will manage. As someone who tends to overthink, this situation is extremely challenging for me. However, I humbly request Allah's help to keep me alive and cheerful. I firmly believe that Allah will assist us because He always does.

Fighting the procrastionation.

 Yesterday, while waiting to perform the Zuhr prayer at the Springvale Library prayer room, I stood in front of the health and wellbeing ais...