Thursday, October 05, 2023

A sad face

We have tried our best to adjust with the budget we have for a living in this new continent. 

It is a hard time for me (my soul) to stop my sons on picking items he likes when we are shopping in grocery mart. It is not like what they used to in Budiman. Also considering the halalness. 

Even, in an occasion at Coles, a stranger buy my sons a chip snack, probably he recognised abiut the situation. :) 

As well as my wife, usually the only things she consider are about the usefulness, healtiness and the unmubazirness of the items. But now "the price" Become the most top selection criteria. 

But after all, we do enjoy our living here together. We believe that there is always way for everything, as long as we give our effort, doing good things and maximise the prayer. 

A sad face this morning. When my wife trying new recipi and its not done well enough. The utility was not supporting her. 

But you know, a new cheerful sentence from our little sholeh boy
" Ummy, tidak berhasil kok enak ayam cickennya my? "

Hehe. Syukurnya ummy dikelilingi oleh tiga mesin pemakan... 

Yang selalu excited sama apa yang ummy masakin. 

Thank you my love

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