Friday, September 29, 2023

Finally, we are on our 3rd week in Melbourne

After a long and exhausted journey, I can manage to bring my lovely family to Melbourne. 

It is not easy though. 
But Allah always helps us for everything. 
HE always gives what we need on the right time. 

Yes, not only about what we want. 

I realised that the timing is always the best. 
For example, We need a family visa, but there was still an enrolment document from aqsho's prospective school that was not issued yet that made the delay for the visa submission. However, this circumstance allowed us to managed khitan for both aqsho and rasyid and spare us enough time for their recovery. 

Second example, 
When ummy's department conducted a farewel meeting for her leaving to australia, we still dag dig dug waiting for the visa is it granted or not, which mean it was still uncertain that ummy would go to Melbourne or not. Considering this made us a little bit overwhelmed with the farewel. What will people say if the visa not granted. But Allah is very best planner as always be. On the same day with the farewell, the visa was issued. Fiuh alhamdulillah. 

The third example. 
I was very nervous for my supervisory meeting. On the last meeting my supervisor had asked me about when will I back to Melbourne. I gave them an estimation. But prior to the next meeting, we are still waiting for the family visa and I didn't know what to answer when the same question came up again on the meeting. But, finally a day before the meeting, the visa was granted and I could buy a ticket, so I could confidently mention my flight schedule to the supervisor. 

And many other situations. 

So nikmat Tuhanmu yang mana lagi yang kau dustakan. 
And know we are on our 3rd week in Melbourne now. 

We enjoy all feelings we have here. 
Its nano nano. 
But alhamdulillah, as long as we are together, my lovely family, everything much more better. 

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