Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Right topic for right person

 Ah, Nal. You always fail to keep something just for yourself. I know that your intentions are good. You want to explain everything so that others fully comprehend and understand. You strive to provide them with integral knowledge on the issue, ensuring they don't misinterpret anything.

However, my friend, you make mistakes in some areas. Not everything needs to be known by other people, and they may not even need to understand it. Trust me, Nal, they have their own significant problems to deal with. Sometimes, they don't even have the time to think about it.

So, practice, my friend.

Share only the important points with others. Avoid sharing excessive information, especially those that only concern you. Practice communicating the right things to the right person. Not everyone is receptive to every topic, including your family, wife, and friends. They deserve not to be burdened with your problems. Try finding the appropriate person to confide in, and remember that what's right for one topic may not be suitable for another. For example, discussing topic A with your wife is appropriate, but not for topic B. Topic B is better suited for friend 1. And the topic you discussed with friend 1 is not the concern of friend 2, 3, or your wife, and so on.

Does it seem complicated, my friend?

Well, that's the reality.

But in truth, just practice and don't push yourself, right?

Enjoy the process. You will make mistakes here and there, so what?

After all, humans are not perfect, though. :)

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