Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Balada of SKP 2022 #RoadtoOz

I have a story of "punishment of being late".

I called it like that since the story would be different if I submitted the application early. 

Yeah it is about processing my "Surat tugas belajar".

One of the requirements is SKP for the last two years. My friend, Fitra, had proceed it in December 2022, so he only needed to attach SKP of 2021 and 2020.
Meanwhile, because of my lateness, I started processing it in January 2023 which means that I should attach SKP 2021 and 2022.

This is the problem. Usually people on my office start making the SKP on the late January or even in February. But I need it now. 

The regulation of the way making the SKP is changing. None of my friend ever made the new version yet. No exact information about it. 

So, I am struggling on preparing it. 
Another problem is the person who should sign my SKP is not in the office these days (she is sick). 

Finally, I can manage to make one and Go send it to the head of department house to get her signature. Fiuhhh. Alhamdulillah. 

But suddenly on this afternoon, the person in charge in HRD bureau in my faculty inform me that I should revise the SKP, there is a new fixed (hopefully) format. 

I should revise it again. And deg deg an again about the signature process. 

Ya Allah please help me to manage it. 
I do believe in you. And without you, I am nothing.. 

Menanti ayank pulang kajian. 

Mengumpulkan semangat untuk terus melaju jalan. 

Allahu akbar. 
Habis dari transmart nyari2 koper. Harganya mahal-mahal ternyata. 


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