Wednesday, January 18, 2023

About one month prior to my departure. #RoadtoOZ

Alhamdulillah , akhirnya lulus juga untuk beasiswa ke Australia dan kali ini benar-benar Insya Allah akan berangkat.

Bismillah. May Allah Gives His Blessing for me and my family. 

Since my wife still fighting for her ielts score, loa and the scholarahip, I will initially go to Oz by myself. 

I know that it is the best way Allah Gives us, so that I can addapt and prepare before taking the whole family there. Insya Allah. 

Many things to do and many of them give me a headache. Sometimes, its affect many people around me become headache too. 

For example, when trying to find best option for my accomodation there. Many advices, many point of view, many choices with many variables. 

But then, I take a deep breath and smile a bit. And open my heart for Calling HIS name. 
And finally I got one. Mau be its not that best according to people eyes, but I believe there is Allah's beautiful plan that I walking to. 

In this phase I experienced many characters of my friends and connections. There is people that seems to me not "want to disturb", there is people " Who give advice enjoyably", people "who also get headache because of my many variables to be considered", people " Who not respon to my chat, but directly give me a call", people "who did not answer my chat questions but suddently offer a zoom sesion", people " Who directly call his friend on that continent just to dinding a room for me", and many others that I cannot mention one by one. 

There will also orang baik everywhere. 
And dont forget, I always talk to my self that I should become one of them. 

It is deposit for me, my family and my future. 

Finally I got 
173 Highbury road, Burwood, Victoria, 3125
For AUD 780 a month. What a great deal. 
Thank you Allah for sorrounding me by orang-orang baik. 

Tak terasa akan sekitar sebulan lagi. 
Ingin rasanya hanya bermain-main saja dengan dua jagoan tersayang kebanggaanku. 

Tapi masih banyak hal yg harus diurus. 
Semoga Allah senantiasa memberkahi dan memberikan hidayahnya. Aamiin. 

Fighting for the Ielts test yg ke sekian kalinya, my dearest Angel. I support you WHOLEHEARTEDLY. 

May Allah Gives you the best score. 
Olahraga pagi di balaikota padang. 14/01/23

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