Tuesday, November 18, 2014


#hmmm, officially today the BBM in my lovely country is 8500. The government put it up. What a liar, in the previous era, they against the president for this issue, but now, they do it in the beginning of their era. #haddeh. aku lelah.

#hmm... It's almost a week I live in my new house. Alhamdulillah. Hopefully it will be berkah.

#I am a bit disappointed by the commitment in my group, I think they are too busy with their life. Yeah, it's different now, some of us already have their own little family. I don't know. I just want to set everything well, again.

#I still have not got a fixed job yet (neither the unfixed one) but I believe that I can make it. Please pray for me. I need a bunch of power to start "menebar jala again"
Yups tomorrow, I think I will confirm to Unes, that I cannot join them from its requirement that not fit with my criteria. They said that I should proceed the NIDN in that university, hmm, wait, it's too early to decide the Homebase.

#okay, tomorrow maybe its nice when I tried to join one of the bimbel center in my city, to find a nice students to be taught. #Bismillah.

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