Saturday, August 16, 2014

Move the status to blogger post

Okay, after a screaming time, i decided to move the main sociality in to the blogspot. so that only the people who really want to see my post will try to visit this blog.

I will survive. Dear best friend, i do apologize, let the words i said as a wind in this hard day. Do not keep it in your mind. Hopefully it will not bother you.

I am quite down because of this revision time, it makes me a bit alay and lebay in reacting to something happens. But maybe the words i said was what i really feel. But, dont worry.

I will try to keep the feeling just in my hearth. Because not everything should be told. The sadness, the fear and the nerveous and even the happiness, i will not expose it that much later on. I will try to keep it in my heart since in some cases it could hurt somebody else as I did before.

However, i used to talk to my close friend, but I think that is not important because i realize that for you maybe it just nothing. Therefore, i will only write it here, since the blog will not judge and it will not complain. hmm... The risk is, that many others will now about it, haha.. But never mind. I will not tell everything.

#iwillfocus on this revision
#Pak Abadi, i will not disappoint you. Insya Allah.
#Dear Allah help me please. #Don't leave me alone
# :D

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