Friday, September 27, 2013

nice gift :) and the farewell of Betty.

Thursday, 26 of December 2013

We have an amazing geometry class with prof Martin kindt. Actually he supposed to be in his retirement period but, he still teach us about geometry. He always full of spirit and attention. Although he is a senior (we sometimes call him Eyang :) ) he is very well prepared. And he teach us geometry with his passion on it. He likes Euclid very much, and when he talk about Euclid, we can see that he really enjoy it, like talk about something very important and with a nice expression. Through his lecture, we can enjoy the geometry, something that (for me) not easy to understand before. However, from the previous batch, we need to prepare much because to get the best mark in his course is not easy -_- Bismillah.

He saw us a book of Euclid elements by Oliver Bryne. And some of us want to have it as our collection, we plan to buy it online. Very nice book with the geometric proof using so many pictures instead of text of algebraic notation.

I just feel free to talk in the Dolly class, She is very kind lecture. ANd sometimes she act more or less like our mom. :)

What a beautiful birthday gift from my dearest friends. Although it's very late. Ha-ha, it's just like a habit for us to celebrate the birthday lately and "bundely", hehe. Thank you so much. Love you.

Farewell party Betty Heijmans. This is the first time for me to go in to the Botanische tuinen. A very nice garden of a university. We are enjoying the party, since we are the part of the story of Betty. She already arranges everything for Impome students since the first Bacth. We thank her so much.

Birthday Dinner
And we continue the joy of this day to Paradijs. hehe an memorial place to have a dinner. Recommended.
This is mine and Bony's turn. We thought that the waiter in that place already familiar with us. :D
What a nice day.

Subahanallah, thanks for giving me such a good people around me Ya Rabb. I love them so much, please keep us in Your Light.

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