Monday, September 10, 2012

33 #ChallDay Just do the best, Nal !!

This day, i weak up earlier because my plan was go earlier to the class to take an extra time. But, my friend from  Mojokerto sent me a text that he want to come to my boarding house. Hmm, good!!! I realized that this is Monday 10th of September, so that it would be so many new students in Pascaunesa, i wish i can find a new relation.

When i arrived to the campus, it almost 8 o'clock, we entered the class and started to discuss the homework. And then as the day before with Ms Tsu, we did writing exercises, an hour.

You know guyz, Ms. Tsu gave the honest statement that according to the revision that she had, we must work hard to gain 6 in writing. And in her view just 4 person fulfill the requirement. She said, everything can be happened, we still have time and everybody have the chance to make an improvement.

What Ms. Tsu shared to us, made us so afraid, but the spirit should be still on the hearth. And as long as it still in the process, we just try hard to do our best. Allah See the Process, right, not just the result. 

I will give my best effort, and I will follow Your Way Ya Rahman, if You Say Yes, so give me the light in that way, but If You Say No, it means that "No" is the best one for me. ^_^


Although this was a hard day, i still  had a good news to share. I got a call from ikhwah Unesa, he welcome me, and will linked me to the community.

Another, this night , my brother and his friend came to my room, we shared about everything. He looked at my writing exercise, give comment and suggestions. Then discuss about the course and its lecturer hehe.. we must prepare hard. :D


i need money, but first, just say Alhamdulillah. ^_^

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